Ryan/Jonathan #11: 'Togoliciously Bringing Sexy Back'

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Hey I just found this in the lil interview thingy off to the side...Emily Procter gave and interview and said this...

(Proctor’s talents extend beyond acting. She is the lead singer of a band called White Lightning. “We have two singers, a pianist, two guitarists and a part-time sax player,” she says.)

I wonder WHO the part time SAX player is????? Anybody thinking what I'm thinking?????

Thanks for the info Thumpy...oooo great pics.

Thanks for the info Inge...I'm not liking the sounds of it. I thought he learned that him and tv don't go good together.
Yeah, that happens to me too. Now that they give the repeats on A&E I usually let out my breath when they give S1&2 episodes... I don't but Ryan brings tension in the plot. With the whole Delko not liking him thing ....

And funny thing is, Togo is so different from Ryan in real life. Ryan is serious, aggressive, complicated, even shady! (I mean, playing a death pool? that's kinda dark. Who are his friends who take him to these things?) Togo on the other hand is just so funny from what I've seen on interviews... :lol:
^And gorgeous. He's gorgeous. You can NEVER say that too many times. Gorgeous. Filthy/Gorgeous.

I wish he'd make an appearance in the UK. He's totally hot. I'm reduced to watching The Ellen DeGeneres Show on FiveLife in case he pops on for an interview. Anyone know if he's due on soon? We get the episodes a few days they air in America.
MikeW said:
He is so totally being introduced to it and he will worship The Gorgeous One *winks to Suzanna*!!

:lol: ROFL! :lol: Oh, yes... The Gorgeous One. I, a Togoholic, proudly bow down and worship THE Gorgeous One! :lol:

I'm thinking what you're thinking, Twiz! :D I think I've read in an interview before that Emily said she was going to see if she could get JT to play in her band since he used to be in a band and played Alto sax. Awww, that's so sweet! :D
I was starting to get annoyed at the fact that there is never any Togo interviews on Brittish TV unless they show them on a sky channel somewhere what I don't have.
I have never seen a togo interview so I haven't had the chance to see what he is like compared to Ryan.

*Worships the gorgeous one* :p

anyone got any screen caps of 'Curse of the coffin'? :)
OMG I'm thinking what Shadowfax is thinking that Sue is thinking, and if that's true, then forgive me for a minute, I'm gonna pass out now. :eek:


Ahum. Sorry. That was...well you all know what that was. *glares at icon and banner* Right. Yeah. :lol:

The gorgeous one? What did I miss?!?! *bows down* :p
ryan_lover, you should try CBS.com and look under Miami for any of JT's interviews. They're great and totally hillarious at times. The guy has a magnificent sense of humor. :D

Check page 8 for caps of COTC. I think athlov put some up that are really cute.
The shirt in Shootout has little squares, I mean is white with blue lines that form those squares. I love that shirt, I had a teacher who had the same and I was all the time drooling :D

Actually I'll ask for a Jon like the Shootout one *faints*

And the pics from Dark Room are very good, there's one (I don't know if anyone else noticed this, I haven't read all the posts :p) where he's with H and his pants have a little hole (well almost a hole, not yet :D) on his left leg but I love it 'cause it looks a little more rebel (or something like that).

Well here's the pic (again I think :rolleyes:). Got it from CSI So Phobic

Edited: Hey, new avvie :D Serious Blue Togo my favorite :D
It was me who started off the 'The Gorgeous One' thing as it was what I started calling Ryan/Jon after I decided that Togoholicism should be a proper religion cuz there is loads of togoholics to worship him! mikeW knows what I'm on about!! :lol:

mikeW remember the email you sent me saying as part of the togoholicm religion we should have religious holidays such as National Sweater-vest Day? hehehe :lol:
I can't remember what other Togoholism holidays mikeW or I mentioned though! :lol:

OMG! I have just watched 'Money plane' and I never noticed before but they do a close-up of Ryan when he is looking at the signature machine thingy so I paused the DVD so I could gaze in to his Gorgeous green eyes *Drool* I am soo happy cuz now I have that on DVD I can see that close-up whenever I want. *drool* :p
lol I love the whole "Temple of Togo" thing on Mike's location.

As an Art History major, I'll try my hand on trying to construct Jon's temple

*The Greek Temple of Togo will be located on the Miami acropolis! (Though, it would be impossible because Miami is below sea level, but lets use our imagination) :lol:

*He shall have an Ionic , Peristyle (columns on all four sides of thetemple), Peripteral temple (that is, a single row of columns all around the stybolate. Double rows would be to crowded for us togoholics)

*Inside the temple we shall have a 40ft. statue of Togo with high reliefs carvings on the beautiful vest he will be wearing.

*And the statue shall be placed in the back center of the Cella (central room inside the temple). :lol: :D ;)

What do you guys think? :cool:
I say lets ask Jon himself to open it. :eek: GOsh will the world survive that enormous blast of fangirl squees and gasp coming from the temple?

*goes to practice squee* :lol:
^^ No the world won't survive as it will get deafened by all the squealing!...*Squeals*^^ hehehe :p

I am so not happy cuz my stupid PC won't let me download Realplayer so I can't watch the Togo interviews on CBS.com
*CRYS* :(

If we are gonna build a temple to worship the gorgeous one then can we decorate the inside with colours what would look good on him? not gold ok I know gold is worth a lot of money and we would want the best for our gorgeous one but I really hate the colour. :) I love silver, infact my fave colours are blue,silver, purple ( amythest and lavender) black and green as in Jon's green eyes green.
I'm sorry it took me so long to get on here- my ISP cut off my internet service at home and so I'm logged on at my aunt's house!! *starts officially hating Comcast*

I totally missed my online Togo sedatives all day yesterday. I saw either some S3 or S4 Togo/Wolfe on A&E last night, I got all excited because his hair was long. :lol: :p I absolutely loved it. (I think it was third season. Because wasn't his hair short all last season?) That held me over until now. I saw a preview for a rerun of next week's epi, and I got all excited because he was in it. (See how much I missed him?)

Adios! Neelie
Those colors would be perfect! In fact, Greek temples would have been decorated in the Greek Classical period, but because they're so old the colors have faded away..But we still have traces of them...

Now, What color shall his vest be? I say silver!

After deciding on a specific color for the vest, we now have to decide specific events to carve on his vest! Kinda like the breast plate on Augustus
so where is the temple gonna be built? now remember that there has to be enough space to put a building that will be big enough to fit a 40ft Togo statue.
I thought we should build it in his home town since it is where the Gorgeous one was created...bye the bye where is his home town?

oh! and can we have life sized statues aswell? one for each outfit he wears and the we could dress them up!! hehehe :lol: although people might try to steal the life sized Togo statues and take them home. I know I would! but stealing from the temple would be disrespectfull to the Gorgeous one. :lol:
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