Ryan/Jonathan #11: 'Togoliciously Bringing Sexy Back'

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Woot, those promo pics look HOTT! :eek: November sweeps huh, well we in Holland are lucky if we get them in Januari or something. :rolleyes: HEY why didn't anyone reply to me previous post? That's not nice of you Togoholics, but I'm giving you another chance. :p

Okay so last Tuesday was Shock in Holland, and as you all might know, the woman who dies is called Nikki. (just like me :D) So when the episode started I grabbed a pen and paper and kept score of how often the CSIs said Nikki. (yes, I am THAT pathetic) Here's the end score:

split 4th place: Frank and Alexx with 1 time.
3rd place: Eric with 2 times.
2nd place: Calleigh with a nice 10 times.
And 1st: Ryan with not 14, not 15, but 16 times!

And I squeed every time he said it. :lol: My mom was watching it with me and every five minutes I was like: 'squee! he said it again!' 16 times hearing my name out of the mouth of the hottest man alive...*drool* I'm happy now. :)

^^ I posted that and you just started talking about ripping a shirt :rolleyes: :lol: I'm in though. *sneaks into dressing room with scissor* :devil:
^ You is soo lucky^ he said your name!! *is jealous* :lol:

so did 'Curse of the coffin' have a good amount of the gorgeous one in it?? :p OMG! :eek: he looks soo HOTT in the blue shirt *Drool* but there isn't enough buttons undone!
Hey, guys! *waves* Feels like it's been long time no see, eh? :D

Ali and athlov, those pics are amazing! *drools* Guh! He looks so hot in that sweater, and the pants are just tight. I found myself staring at his bu- eurm... I mean checking out the shape and countour of his fabulous tush in that pic where he's squatting down. :devil:

At any rate, this isn't strictly just Ryan but I did bring a goodie for those of you who ship and are interested in reading a Carwash fic. Ryan's not there yet, but he will be soon, I promise. :D It's called 'The End Of Innocence' and it's Dark-themed and Futurific Film Noir-inspired but is PG-13. It also has lots of angst for those of you who need to satisfy your angst-whore cravings. :devil: So, check it out and tell me what you think of it.

Just a reminder - any fanfics and discussion/comments relating to ships should be posted in the relevant thread in Shipper Central. Thanks. :)
Aaaargh! I just typed a long post and it vanished! :mad: Again! So. I'll just precis what I can remember.

Twiz , I thought about the tightness of the pants, but I didn't say anything because I thought it was just my dirty mind at work. :devil: I'm glad to know it's not just me. :D

SparkyGirl , your cat sounds like my two. They're constantly looking at me going "what's she doing now"? That's when they're not sleeping on my clothes.

I've never heard anyone say my name on any of the shows I watch. It would be so cooooooool if Jon would say my name. :cool: I would be happpppppy forever.

And I'm excited! :eek: I found CSI DVDs 2 for the price of 1 on the internet, so I've ordered the whole of S3! (It's OK for me to say that, isn't it? I'm buying them legally). *paces up and down by the letter-box* The cats are staring at me again. :eek:
Eeek! I knew that... Sorry, Lucy. :D

Oooh, DVD's. You know, I still haven't seen S1 or S2. But I might get them for Christmas or something, hopefully along with S3 and S4. Hubby said that maybe if he bought me the DVD's, maybe I'd stop obsessing about recording each of the episodes on tape and hence, having to buy more tapes to record with (yeah, I know... my equipment's obsolete). :p I told him I'd get rid of the tapes only when I finally have those DVDs in my hands. Until then, I'm keeping them to satisfy my Togo fix. Mwahahahaha!!! :devil:
Hey Shadowfax glad to see you stop by, been missing you.

If you get a dvd recorder but a good one, not some cheapass one from Wal Mart, trust me or you'll be cussing at it like I did and miss important things.

AliGtr thanks for letting me know i'm not the only one with a dirty dirty mind...it's in the gutter, deep in the gutter.

Nikki 16 times, that's awesome. If he said my name once i'd faint.

Katie thanks for feeling my pain and Neelie I love you too.
Tiff, thanks :lol:
Twiz, your welcome :p
Nikki, your so luckky!! *envious* 16 times!! :eek: If he said my name i'd melt. In the upcoming episode there is going to be a Katie!! (hope thats not really a spoiler :confused:) So I really hope Ryan says my name :D But 16 times!! Lucky girl. :p.. Thats FANTASTIC... :rolleyes: hehe
wow, I'm happy for you Nikki! :D
I hope in one episode they have a Nikki and she's not the victim. ;)

Luke said my full name in Gilmore Girls once. that was funny. :lol: I have the same name as an (dead) actress, only the spelling is different.
so, maybe one day, the team investigate the murder of a film freak.... :lol:

Ali, one character in 'Melrose Place' had the same name.
I noticed that Ryan is wearing a lot of sweaters in this season and all have an odd color.
how would you describe the color of the promo pic?
it's between blue and grey. :p
I've missed you too, Twiz, thanks! *hugs* Maybe I could convince hubby to buy as DVD recorder. He might think the idea would be cheaper in the long run than buying DVD sets (unless it's the sets for the last 4 seasons). :lol:

OMG! Kiara, another case of mistaken identity! :lol: I love Eric Szmanda, but personally, I don't think he and JT look that much alike. JT's hotter! :devil: *hides from ES fans* What? I didn't say he's not hot. :rolleyes: JT's just my favorite, but ES comes in a close second. :devil:
O my God great pics and i missed being away even for two days hihi.. Im going the watch the epi when Ryan starts into Miami and then i will let you all know what i see like differents from the beginning and now..

I love the epi of this week here so much Ryan and he looked hot.. in this blue shirt..

And Nikki i heard your name many times but like you more then her.. ;)
Before I got into Miami, I could've sworn that Greg was making appearances on CSI:miami to help the show out! I was into Greg at the time and I remember my sis flipping the channel and they were showing a promo. I was like, "Omg Jess turn the channel back!!"
I watched CSI:Miami that same night to see if it was greg, then I was like "Who the hell is that kid?! Wait a minute, they're trying to rip off las vegas!"
But again, I'm a JT convert now, so I don't think that! :lol:
:lol: Tiff thats hilarious! It's not the first time thats happened. I've seen pictures like that too :p

Nathalie, have fun watching UTI. Ryan's so cute in that episode. He's a "newbie" :p

The first time I remember seeing Ryan on CSI: Miami I thought he was Greg. I was like "Ohh is this the crossover?" Because Ryan was in a lab. But then I remembered Greg wasn't in the crossover :lol: When I saw Ryan's face up close I realized it was someone else. I thought Ryan's name was Eric at the time, and I was mad that they had a Greg look alike. I was very mad that they made his name Eric, because Eric Szmanda plays Greg. :lol: Now i'm sooo happy he's in the show... He's my favourite character. :D I get excited for CSI: Miami just to see him.. (and *cough* CaRWash *cough*) So now I feel guilty about hating him. :lol:
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