Ryan/Jonathan #10: RAWR

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Shadowfax said:
I agree with everything you said here Tink (is it okay if I call you that? :D)
*huggles* Of course you can call me tink. ;) It’s a lot easier to type. :lol:

Silhouette said:
Hmm... maybe they should give him a pet. You know, sometimes writers give a character a pet to make a bad character more likeable (to show the nicer/softer side).
Come to think about it, I don't mind being the pet once they open a casting for it :lol: :devil:
:lol: Auditions for Ryan's pet *queue here* Whoa! Stampede. :lol:

Twiztid4Togo said:
I'm with you Tinker, even if they make him really bad I will still love him, cause he's too hott to hate.
So true! The writers can picture him however they want, but in my opinion - as long as he has good screen time, it's fine by me (it's all about good viewing pleasure - aka the hotness!). :lol:

I really thought that since they were making Boa a csi it would be her turn to look really bad and stupid.
I'm still reeling that she didn't get fired from being the mole - hey, become a mole and get promoted to CSI! :eek: Man, I'm in the wrong job. :lol: I agree, let her make the mistakes, lets face it in 'Shattered' when she attempted to help Ryan with the crime scene, she made a Muppet of herself. :lol: Sorry to sound harsh, but I’m really not a fan. :(
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Yes, she stepped on the evidence, didn't she? I thought that Ryan was quite liking having her observing there. It gave him a chance to show someone else what to do, rather than always having someone else be more experienced. It seems wrong that she didn't get at least disciplined from being the mole. :mad:

Twiz , you're so right. He's too cute, hot, complicated, pretty, interesting, etc, etc, etc, to hate, whatever he does. He's a man of many layers. :p
I meant that personality-wise, but reading that it could apply to his clothing too. :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Your right AliGtr, he is a man of many layers and I hope this season he sheds a lot of those layers cough * all of them* cough. Well i'd be happy with just the top layers.
Tinkerbell said So true! The writers can picture him however they want, but in my opinion - as long as he has good screen time, it's fine by me (it's all about good viewing pleasure - aka the hotness!).

I agree with you there too. I don't care if he F's up or he's mean or even hurt, as long as there's lots of screen time for Ryan I'll be happy. I love bitchy Ryan, so bring it on.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Twiztid4Togo said:
I agree with you there too. I don't care if he F's up or he's mean or even hurt, as long as there's lots of screen time for Ryan I'll be happy. I love bitchy Ryan, so bring it on.
Exactly. :) It's also a great story's for an actor to get his/her teeth into rather than just blending into the background. It must be exciting from JT's point of view - I'd love to play a bitchy character. :lol: :eek: As long as it gives you screen time and people can see your acting ability, it's all good. I try to look at the plus sides to the writer’s ideas. :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I also agree that so long as he's got loads of screen time I'll be a happy bunny.

ok since we have been doing way too much moaning bout boa and the writers ect, why don't we fill our brains with happy thoughts and talk about how gorgeous he is or reasons for showing a shower scene? :p *drools* :lol:

bye the bye what eppy are they showing in the US this monday cuz I think they are showing 'payback' over here in the UK on tuesday.
Im just curious to know how many weeks we are behind in the UK.
thanks. :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

From what I can work out, I think the next episode to air in the US is 'If Looks Could Kill'. :)

ryan_lover said:
why don't we fill our brains with happy thoughts and talk about how gorgeous he is or reasons for showing a shower scene? :p *drools* :lol:
I'm hoping for a HAZMAT hose down after walking into a radioactive crime scene. :lol: Alternatively I would like to see a scene similar to Nicks scene in 'Let The Seller Beware', where Ryan has to dive into a swimming pool, he would whip off his T-shirt and dive straight into the water. Mmmm. :devil: Whatever way, I would like to it involve water. I think with his shirt off it's going to be very hot, but it would be so much better with water. :eek: :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

ooohh that gives me an idea: POOL PARTY!! :lol: *pushes ryan in the pool and jumps in after him* :lol: :p :lol:
y'all can jump in the pool with me if you like! :lol: hehehe

woah!! I've beeing sitting at this computer looking at different csi: miami websites and pictures and chatting to all you lovely people since about 10.30am this morning and its now 19:00! :lol: the day has just dissapeared! spending that amount of time on the computer isn't going to damage my eyesight or something is it :confused: but once I get in to looking a ryan pics or screen caps and chatting with y'all I find it difficult to leave the computer and I can be like this at college somtimes cuz I'll put the csi miami website up or go on talk csi when my tutors not looking!!
I can't help it Ryan is just soo adictive! does anyone else have the same problem? hehehe :p
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

those future episode-pics are indeed interesting. Don't really know what to make of it. Interesting indeed :p
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

life_style said:
those future episode-pics are indeed interesting. Don't really know what to make of it. Interesting indeed :p

I agree i don't know what to make of those pictures we'll just have to wait and watch the episode.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

ryan_lover said:
ooohh that gives me an idea: POOL PARTY!! :lol: *pushes ryan in the pool and jumps in after him* :lol: :p :lol:
y'all can jump in the pool with me if you like! :lol: hehehe

*jumps in pool* Hey, it's raining cats and dogs and frogs and a whole bunch of other animals here, so I'm not fighting. And when I saw "pool party", the first thing that popped into my head was "splish splash, I was taking a bath". And of course, I whispered-yelled, "POOL PARTTYY!!" :lol:

I'd like to see Jon swim. In the one-piece unitard and swimming cap. :D :lol: :p
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

aww, you all posted a lot of encouraging and true things.
whatever happens, we will always stand by him. :D
Let's see it in another way, it would be boring if the characters would be perfect.
The promo pic is confusing, but it looked so good, IMO
(something to lighten up the moods)

ryan thinking on a lonely beach. Hmmm. maybe it has nothing to do with the episode? we can hope that there's someone swimming in the ocean, the person needs help and ryan has to save her. he rips off his jacket and shirt and saves the person. :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

:lol: inge, you could be right! ;)

He could just be there, burning money ( :lol: ), and then someone in the ocean could be like "Oh, save me! Save me!" Then Ryan, being the hot, sexy hero he is drops the money in persuit to help the swimmer. Then while running towards the beach he pulls off his shirt..no wait, rips off his shirt and dives into the ocean. :devil:

And just to make it clear, thats NOT an actual spoiler. I dont want people to get confused and think hes gonna do that :lol: Though I wish he would. *sighs*
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

ryan_lover said:
bye the bye what eppy are they showing in the US this monday cuz I think they are showing 'payback' over here in the UK on tuesday.
Im just curious to know how many weeks we are behind in the UK.
thanks. :)

We're almost half way through S4 (I think it's Epi 11 scheduled for Tues) and I think there are 25 in the series. Then we have to have a break so Sky Living can catch up. So it could be as much as a year before we see Series 5 (officially)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I was looking at some promo pics and Ryan is burning 100 dollar bills. In another picture the number "100" was drawn in the sand. The name also has 100 in it. (Death Pool 100). So him burning the money probably has something to do with the case. Lets hope it doesnt get him in trouble though
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

sandersidle said:
:lol: inge, you could be right! ;)

He could just be there, burning money ( :lol: ), and then someone in the ocean could be like "Oh, save me! Save me!" Then Ryan, being the hot, sexy hero he is drops the money in persuit to help the swimmer. Then while running towards the beach he pulls off his shirt..no wait, rips off his shirt and dives into the ocean. :devil:
Now that's my kind spoiler. :lol: Too bad it's not an actual spoiler. :(

Oh well, you never know, the writers might just surprise us. :eek:
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