Ryan/Jon #23: 'A Different Kind of Hero'

Name of new Ryan/Jon thread

  • Togo Where No Thread Has Gone Before

    Votes: 5 8.3%
  • Just Take the Shirt Off Already!

    Votes: 12 20.0%
  • Wolfe's Den

    Votes: 5 8.3%
  • Wolfe Gang

    Votes: 3 5.0%
  • Fellowship of the Fishy

    Votes: 9 15.0%
  • A Different Kind of Hero

    Votes: 21 35.0%
  • Takes a Lickin' and Keeps on Tickin'

    Votes: 5 8.3%

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Re: Ryan/Jon #23

^Ha...I have a friend named Winston!

Anyway, I kinda guessed it would be something like Michael. But that always sounds good as a dude's middle name.
Re: Ryan/Jon #23

I like 'Ryan Jon Wolfe' :]

Maybe we'll get some Ryan development next season that doesn't involve him getting in trouble or disearning team trust. I wanna meet his uncle already.
Re: Ryan/Jon #23

I like 'Ryan Jon Wolfe' :]

Maybe we'll get some Ryan development next season that doesn't involve him getting in trouble or disearning team trust. I wanna meet his uncle already.
Nice name.
You think the writers could come up with a story that doesn't involve Ryan getting in trouble or losing the trust of the team? They seem to have a really hard time with that.
Re: Ryan/Jon #23

I like 'Ryan Jon Wolfe' :]

Maybe we'll get some Ryan development next season that doesn't involve him getting in trouble or disearning team trust. I wanna meet his uncle already.
Nice name.
You think the writers could come up with a story that doesn't involve Ryan getting in trouble or losing the trust of the team? They seem to have a really hard time with that.

I'll give them the keys to a Volkswagen Sirroco if they could just give Ryan a good storyline that doesn't jeopardize his job or team trust. Maybe they could give him a storyline in which the team pulls together because of him. I feel like they should, because up to this point the fabrics that hold the team together are frayed, and Ryan feels detached in particular.

If they could have the team rally behind Ryan in a future storyline, then it would be a great way to show us Ryan is a solid member of the team and all this crazy crap with testing team trust is over!!!

Oh crap. There I go being idealistic again.
Re: Ryan/Jon #23

I like 'Ryan Jon Wolfe' :]

Maybe we'll get some Ryan development next season that doesn't involve him getting in trouble or disearning team trust. I wanna meet his uncle already.
Nice name.
You think the writers could come up with a story that doesn't involve Ryan getting in trouble or losing the trust of the team? They seem to have a really hard time with that.

I'll give them the keys to a Volkswagen Sirroco if they could just give Ryan a good storyline that doesn't jeopardize his job or team trust. Maybe they could give him a storyline in which the team pulls together because of him. I feel like they should, because up to this point the fabrics that hold the team together are frayed, and Ryan feels detached in particular.

If they could have the team rally behind Ryan in a future storyline, then it would be a great way to show us Ryan is a solid member of the team and all this crazy crap with testing team trust is over!!!

Oh crap. There I go being idealistic again.

It always seems like when Ryan has a storyline, he is on one side of the fence and the rest of the team is on the other side. Ryan wants one thing, the rest of them want something else. I'd love for him to have a story where the team is actually on his side of the argument for once, or at least better understands where he is coming from.
Re: Ryan/Jon #23

I know what Ryan's middle name SHOULD be. Adonis. :D

Um yeah, I wish too that he'd have the team rally around him on some issue.
Re: Ryan/Jon #23

Call me crazy, but i dream about Ryan being in hospital, near to death and whole team around him finally show that they care about him. We had this with Eric, i wanna this with Ryan. The only one time they show him in hospital only Alexx was there with him :(, it's sad, she was the one who always worry about him.

Or whole team start regret that they didn't know him much and when he come back to work they feel guilty and start interesting what happen in his life :)

Yeah, sweet dreams :rolleyes:
Re: Ryan/Jon #23

hi I remember reading somewhere while back that Jon's middle name is Frederick . I think a good middle name for Ryan should be Sam :)
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Re: Ryan/Jon #23

I'll give them the keys to a Volkswagen Sirroco if they could just give Ryan a good storyline that doesn't jeopardize his job or team trust.
I'm soooooo with you on that. I tend to love characters with flaws, so I see nothing wrong with imperfections - personally it makes for a much more interesting character, imo - if done correctly that is.
But... I can't stand it when tptb overdo it & constantly revolve it around the same issues. They've all been a team now for 5 years (minus a year for Nat), so Ryan shouldn't be the outsider anymore. Hopefully when it's time for a new Ryan arc, tptb will turn the tables some. I have hope they're leading in that direction. :p
Re: Ryan/Jon #23

I'll give them the keys to a Volkswagen Sirroco if they could just give Ryan a good storyline that doesn't jeopardize his job or team trust. Maybe they could give him a storyline in which the team pulls together because of him. I feel like they should, because up to this point the fabrics that hold the team together are frayed, and Ryan feels detached in particular.

If they could have the team rally behind Ryan in a future storyline, then it would be a great way to show us Ryan is a solid member of the team and all this crazy crap with testing team trust is over!!!

Oh crap. There I go being idealistic again.

Disclaimer: The following is IMHO:

Ryan has always been made to feel like the outsider - especially by Eric. I've always felt that is why he's tried so hard to get attention using methods that he hoped would give him positive attention (i.e. taking credit for Eric's find; talking to Erica Sikes) and then eventually doing things that garnered him not so positive attention (i.e. gambling; taking the job on the tv show). He was so young and eager when Horatio hired him. How could you not root for him. :)

Horatio was always welcoming to Ryan. Yelina too, now that I think about it. She "put in a good word" for Ryan with Horatio to get him the job.

Horatio has always stood by him through everything - even when Ryan wouldn't give Horatio the information that would allow Horatio to fight for him. Horatio still worked with what he had to improve the situation. Even throwing jobs Ryan's way until he could get him back on the team.

Calleigh wasn't initally welcoming, but Ryan won her over with the first case. Then her attitude changed and she started to become judgmental and overbearing and I don't think she made him feel like he was part of the team. I'd actually have to go back and watch earlier episodes to try and identify when that started, because I know it was before Death Pool 100 or the episode where Calliegh realized he had given her a bogus $100 bill (sorry, I don't recall the name of that episode off the to of my head. :rolleyes:)

It took Alexx some time to get past Speed's death and Ryan coming on board, but when she did she was all in and totally supported Ryan. There good-bye hug was the second most touching of her departure (Calleigh and Alexx's good-bye can't be topped. :( )

Ryan, like Eric, is a flawed character. I'm not sure why it's true, but I find Ryan so much more interesting and sympathic than Eric. Maybe it's because Eric has always had the support of the team and Ryan has never really been included. Ryan reacts emotionally, and it's come back to bite him in that beautiful tush, but with Ryan the struggle is so obvious. Togo is amazing that way. Eric just doesn't appear to me to be as sensitive to who he steps on - unless, of course, it's Calleigh.

I think Ryan struggles desperately to do the right thing and he's really looking good lately. He did the right thing with Tara - hands down. By the book, without a missed step. I think Ryan is hitting his stride and I want to see a whole lot more of him. He has been my second favorite male character for a long time (Horatio will always be my first love!).

Jeez, re-reading this I'm not really saying this very well. Oh well...

A storyline where he takes centerstage would be a refreshing start to season 8 (as long as Horatio remains close by ;)). And since Natalia has always been very supportive of Ryan, she'd need to be front and center as well. And Ryan and Frank are always too funny, so Frank would HAVE to be around a lot. Hmmm, now if the writers could just think of a Ryan centric story... ;)
Re: Ryan/Jon #23

^^^I agree with ALL of that.

Wouldn't it be interesting to have a Ryan-centric story line with Natalia backing him up? It always seems like he's completely alone whenever something is happening to him.

I wish there could just be this massive argument between all of them where all their feelings about each other would be thrown out in the open.

I like Orla's idea about him being in the hospital and then they might care. Like if they all thought he was dead or something and realized they (mostly Eric) would realize how crappy they treated him.
Re: Ryan/Jon #23

^ We can always dream.What kind of story are you thinking about?
I was thinking like Orla was- something like being injured in the line of duty. Maybe he's accompanying a criminal to a police car and some guys who want the criminal dead open fire, perhaps an attempt is made on the CSI's at a crime scene, perhaps he springs a boobey trap at a crime scene (you can use your imagination for that one) or hell, let's go with a classic CSI: Miami explosion.
There, that's 4 right there.

Or it doesn't have to do with him being injured, he could be abducted again (under different circumstances), held hostage (perhaps at a crime scene), he could encounter a crime having to do with a family member (though it would be best we get to know said family member before this actual event occurs, perhaps in a previous episode), Ahhh. Lemme see, what else do I have? Well let's touch back on WISC in an attempt to be consistent here- he could be in charge of protecting/accompanying a child who is an eye witness to a crime and wanted by grubby criminals, something could go wrong, we could get some angst...Or he could be attacked at a crime scene and reminded of the events of WISC, well with him being manhandled by some grubby big guy and all.

I could keep going.

OMG HOLLYYO read my mind again! :D I totally wrote part of a fic where Ryan and Natalia have each other's backs.
Re: Ryan/Jon #23

OMG HOLLYYO read my mind again! :D I totally wrote part of a fic where Ryan and Natalia have each other's backs.

HAHA weirdness..... That would be a nice fanfic. SOMEONE needs to be on Ryan's side whenever he's in trouble. Seems like everyone just LOVES to abandon him.

Granted, Calleigh did ask him what was wrong in 7.20, but it was a lil crazy to think he was gambling again.
Re: Ryan/Jon #23

HAHA weirdness..... That would be a nice fanfic. SOMEONE needs to be on Ryan's side whenever he's in trouble. Seems like everyone just LOVES to abandon him.

Granted, Calleigh did ask him what was wrong in 7.20, but it was a lil crazy to think he was gambling again.

Yeah. Even whenever someone does ask Ryan what's going on or seems to care, they still act suspicious towards him.
I think that they should realize that they've worked with him long enough that they can trust him, even if he's done a few questionable things. (As if the rest of them haven't done anything the crossed the lines a bit :rolleyes: )
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