Ryan/Jon #23: 'A Different Kind of Hero'

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  • A Different Kind of Hero

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Re: Ryan/Jon #23

(As if the rest of them haven't done anything the crossed the lines a bit :rolleyes: )
That is one thing I hate. The rest of the team has done tons of things that have crossed the line, just Horatio and Eric put together outnumber the things Ryan has done. But no one questions them. If it's Ryan though, oh no, he's in trouble. :rolleyes:

Sometimes though you can sort of tell (at least I can) that Horatio wants to do what Ryan wants to do. I think out of all the characters, it's Horatio who's behind Ryan the most, not Natalia (no clue where people get that from, maybe they just want that to be since she's another character that's left out). The only thing with Horatio being on Ryan's side is that he never actually acts on it... if people know what I mean. He may be on Ryan's side and want to do it the way Ryan would, but doesn't. If it was Eric though he'd probably be all for it.

But I don't want to complain too much because I do think that Ryan had a good season, even if his co-workers didn't seem to care all that much after what happened to him in WISC. At least he had WISC happen at all.
Re: Ryan/Jon #23

luf100 said:
I think out of all the characters, it's Horatio who's behind Ryan the most, not Natalia (no clue where people get that from, maybe they just want that to be since she's another character that's left out).
I think Natalia on his side for two reasons:
1) She helped him with paper work when he was fired, she was the only one who was care about him.
2) When Eric suspected Ryan in Horatio death she was on Ryan's side - "he one of us".

Yep, we don't see Natalia much, but they showed us that she care about him :)
luf100 said:
At least he had WISC happen at all.
Amen for that! :)

Another wild idea: Ryan in danger and should be creative to save his life, something what was with Sara in desert. Or, you remember ep in NY when Danny was locked in safe-room with dead body and he use things there (was creative) to process evidence. I wanna something like that happen with Ryan and he can show how smart he is :)
Re: Ryan/Jon #23

Horatio has been more than caring toward Ryan. He treats him basically like a son, except he doesn't fuss at him. When Horatio is disappointed, you can tell, but you can also tell that even when that happens, he never stops caring about the person who made a mistake. I often get the impression that Ryan either reminds H of a younger version of himself or he reminds him of a younger version of Ray (Sr). And that's why their bond has formed the way it has.

Delynn, I agree with a lot of what you said. Horatio has always been there for Ryan and supported him, even when he made mistakes. When Ryan said he wouldn't abandon the team or something like that, H said "and we won't abandon you". Well, that's been consistent for H anyways and I think somewhat for Nat too, though they haven't shown her support of Ryan as much as they have shown Horatio's support of him.

I love Ryan and Frank scenes. Those two are funny together. I would like to see more bonding between the two of them. I like their funny teasing banter, but I want the writers to show that Frank does care about Ryan the way they show him caring about Cal and even Eric.

By the way, the promo vid (on you tube posted by cbs) for the season finale, I took

I'm not crazy about his yellow tie. :lol:
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Re: Ryan/Jon #23

luf100 said:
I think out of all the characters, it's Horatio who's behind Ryan the most, not Natalia (no clue where people get that from, maybe they just want that to be since she's another character that's left out).
I think Natalia on his side for two reasons:
1) She helped him with paper work when he was fired, she was the only one who was care about him.
2) When Eric suspected Ryan in Horatio death she was on Ryan's side - "he one of us".

Exactly, Orla_Dark. I would also add that when Ryan was fired and working at the gun range, Natalia agreed to keep his secret (in fact they agreed to keep each other's secrets...Natalia's being that she accidently put a shot into the ceiling of the department gun range - hence the reason she was at a private range to practice - a VERY cute scene!)

Also, the scene on the beach when Natalia and Calleigh were processing the crime scene and Ryan was working for the tv station. He and his camera man were there for the "story" and Ryan's camera man was seriously injured. While both Natalia and Calleigh responded when Ryan called out for help, Calleigh was very dismissive of Ryan after the camera man was taken away. Natalia spoke very compassionately to Ryan and gave him advice about his situation when Ryan asked her for it. She truly felt bad for Ryan.

Yep, we don't see Natalia much, but they showed us that she care about him :)

I think that with the exception of Horatio, Natalia is the most gentle, compassionate person on the team. With Alexx gone and Calleigh's focus elsewhere for sometime now, her caring stands out more each time her character interacts with other team members and with victims and their families.

I love how she interacts with Ryan and I hope they team them up - a lot! :)
Re: Ryan/Jon #23

I'll give them the keys to a Volkswagen Sirroco if they could just give Ryan a good storyline that doesn't jeopardize his job or team trust. Maybe they could give him a storyline in which the team pulls together because of him. I feel like they should, because up to this point the fabrics that hold the team together are frayed, and Ryan feels detached in particular.

If they could have the team rally behind Ryan in a future storyline, then it would be a great way to show us Ryan is a solid member of the team and all this crazy crap with testing team trust is over!!!

Oh crap. There I go being idealistic again.

Disclaimer: The following is IMHO:

Ryan has always been made to feel like the outsider - especially by Eric. I've always felt that is why he's tried so hard to get attention using methods that he hoped would give him positive attention (i.e. taking credit for Eric's find; talking to Erica Sikes) and then eventually doing things that garnered him not so positive attention (i.e. gambling; taking the job on the tv show). He was so young and eager when Horatio hired him. How could you not root for him. :)

Horatio was always welcoming to Ryan. Yelina too, now that I think about it. She "put in a good word" for Ryan with Horatio to get him the job.

Horatio has always stood by him through everything - even when Ryan wouldn't give Horatio the information that would allow Horatio to fight for him. Horatio still worked with what he had to improve the situation. Even throwing jobs Ryan's way until he could get him back on the team.

Calleigh wasn't initally welcoming, but Ryan won her over with the first case. Then her attitude changed and she started to become judgmental and overbearing and I don't think she made him feel like he was part of the team. I'd actually have to go back and watch earlier episodes to try and identify when that started, because I know it was before Death Pool 100 or the episode where Calliegh realized he had given her a bogus $100 bill (sorry, I don't recall the name of that episode off the to of my head. :rolleyes:)

It took Alexx some time to get past Speed's death and Ryan coming on board, but when she did she was all in and totally supported Ryan. There good-bye hug was the second most touching of her departure (Calleigh and Alexx's good-bye can't be topped. :( )

Ryan, like Eric, is a flawed character. I'm not sure why it's true, but I find Ryan so much more interesting and sympathic than Eric. Maybe it's because Eric has always had the support of the team and Ryan has never really been included. Ryan reacts emotionally, and it's come back to bite him in that beautiful tush, but with Ryan the struggle is so obvious. Togo is amazing that way. Eric just doesn't appear to me to be as sensitive to who he steps on - unless, of course, it's Calleigh.

I think Ryan struggles desperately to do the right thing and he's really looking good lately. He did the right thing with Tara - hands down. By the book, without a missed step. I think Ryan is hitting his stride and I want to see a whole lot more of him. He has been my second favorite male character for a long time (Horatio will always be my first love!).

Jeez, re-reading this I'm not really saying this very well. Oh well...

A storyline where he takes centerstage would be a refreshing start to season 8 (as long as Horatio remains close by ;)). And since Natalia has always been very supportive of Ryan, she'd need to be front and center as well. And Ryan and Frank are always too funny, so Frank would HAVE to be around a lot. Hmmm, now if the writers could just think of a Ryan centric story... ;)

Well stated Delynn!!

One thing that bothers me about the team's interaction with Ryan is how seemingly little they care about his well being. WISC is a prime example. When Calleigh failed to answer her cell phone ONCE in the whole "solve a crime with Calleigh" episodes, everyone freaked out and automatically assumed something happened to her. The tried several times to contact Ryan and was apparently unconcerned when none of their attempts managed to get through to him. The Russians were targeting them, they couldn't get ahold of Ryan, he comes in the next day, looking a little rough and acting unlike himself (even Calleigh admitted this to him) and they can't put two and two together?! And what about his abandoned Hummer? That is my wish for season 8, continue the postive character development, more positive story lines and increased support and concern for Ryan (and maybe introduce a family member or two?!)
Re: Ryan/Jon #23

I'm excited about this upcoming event
Behind the scenes of the finale:

According to this clip,Ryan not only shoots someone,but he kills them.A first for Ryan!
Ahaha, I remember the season 6 interview thingy. "Once he got scared, and another time he missed." Yay Jonathan finally gets to kill someone! :lol: I can't wait for the finale. Though like GNRF said on the other page, not liking the yellow tie. White shirt though! :D
Re: Ryan/Jon #23

i have to agree not a fan of what he is wearing...and anyone else notice when he "stumbles" out of the hummer he looks like he's got a pillow under his shirt...layoff the protein boy! woowee

cute hair though i sort of like how his hair is just o natural and not jelled up. Sometimes I like jell but they've been over doing a little I think in some of the eps making it look like he just slicks it back with grease.
Re: Ryan/Jon #23

i have to agree not a fan of what he is wearing...and anyone else notice when he "stumbles" out of the hummer he looks like he's got a pillow under his shirt...layoff the protein boy! woowee.
In the wise words of my mom :)rolleyes:) he's not little anymore!
Re: Ryan/Jon #23

That's what it always looks like to me when someone tucks in their shirt. :lol: But the button ups always look like they are a couple sizes too large for him anyway. :lol: Maybe he had to borrow one from Frank. :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jon #23

YAY for a new thread! :) Sorry I'm a bit late...was on vacation and there was little time for the internet or time for thinking about Ryan/Jon.

Side note: Does the poll really go until June 10th? Or is that a typo?
Re: Ryan/Jon #23

Welcome back starzgirl!

I think we can safely say which title won for this new thread, lol! June 10th is way too long I think. I think usually it's only up for a week or so but it gets changed before that on the thread title cause it's usually obvious which won. :)
Re: Ryan/Jon #23

i have to agree not a fan of what he is wearing...and anyone else notice when he "stumbles" out of the hummer he looks like he's got a pillow under his shirt...layoff the protein boy! woowee.
In the wise words of my mom :)rolleyes:) he's not little anymore!

You're mom is so right... I mean, I'm really impressed how he grows up since season 3 until now. But since season 7 I'm a little bit afraid that he is going to overtrain.
I hope Jon will not look like those guys who lift too many weights. That pillow-under-his-shirt-looking-thing can be the first indication of my fear. :(
My former fitness coach was such a guy: hot looking from behind but a paunch like a pumkin :rolleyes:
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