Ryan/Jon #23: 'A Different Kind of Hero'

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It's very true that the friendship that was starting had flattened, and IMHO it's because their personalities are similar. Both can be stubborn and hard headed when they feel they are right, which is typical in males in general. And since they both are not afraid to speak up, Eric and Ryan butt heads a lot. Though I think that having someone who can keep pace is a great attribute to look for in a friend; oh well Eric's loss because Ryan is one heck of a great friend.

I agree starzgirl that them being this way had caused the progressing friendship to come to a stand still, but I also think it's because they are still in some way trying to see who will be the alpha male between them. What they fail to see is that compared to Horatio thay are both little boys fighting over a spot in the sandbox. They just need to go for beers and make-up.

They are both alike and males and I believe that is most of the problem. I am not trying to pin this all on Eric, but he really never has given Ryan a break from day one. Maybe more for the fact that he wasn't Speedle and he was grieving for someone he had a great relationship with. Eric, who is an emotional person, seems to accept Ryan at one moment, but is quick to think the worst of him (for example, in WISC) when things aren't peachy. Ryan isn't exactly blameless, but IMHO most of Ryan's behavior is a knee jerk reaction to Eric's reactions to him.

This brings up an interesting question: Let's say Eric had died and Speedle had lived, what do you think Speedle's reactions to Ryan's hiring would have been and do you think Speedle's overall interaction with him would it have be different and how?
This brings up an interesting question: Let's say Eric had died and Speedle had lived, what do you think Speedle's reactions to Ryan's hiring would have been and do you think Speedle's overall interaction with him would it have be different and how?

So I wasn't going to jump in but now I have to, lol! I think Speed would've taken to Ryan differently. Eric takes things really personally and Speed doesn't. I think it would have been a more mentoring relationship though, not much friendship other than just colleagues.
Cath.S said:
Eric did not only suspect Ryan from the start he was also pissed because Horatio hadn't asked him for help to stage H's Death.
Yes, it's so childish and he act like child not only in Ryan's situation, but it for other thread.

MiamiWolfe said:
Ryan isn't exactly blameless, but IMHO most of Ryan's behavior is a knee jerk reaction to Eric's reactions to him.
No one saying that Ryan is angel (it's the one of reason i love his character that much), i blame Eric not giving him try. Hell become ice if Eric try understand what and why Ryan did.

FallenForFlack said:
I think Speed would've taken to Ryan differently.
I don't know Speed much, but logically, different character - different reaction. :lol:
Thought you would like to know:
Both Jon and Adam names have been submitted for Best Supporting Actors in a drama series for the 2009 Emmy Awards.This isn't a nomination,but we can hope that will be coming for them.
Thought you would like to know:
Both Jon and Adam names have been submitted for Best Supporting Actors in a drama series for the 2009 Emmy Awards.This isn't a nomination,but we can hope that will be coming for them.

It would be nice but I doubt they will. None of the CSI's have been nominated for anything recently have they? It's discouraging! :scream:
Thought you would like to know:
Both Jon and Adam names have been submitted for Best Supporting Actors in a drama series for the 2009 Emmy Awards.This isn't a nomination,but we can hope that will be coming for them.

It would be nice but I doubt they will. None of the CSI's have been nominated for anything recently have they? It's discouraging! :scream:
I'm not sure,but I believe CSI has been.I would have to check it out.
Yes, it's so childish and he act like child not only in Ryan's situation, but it for other thread.

Eric's always acts if Ryan is up to no good.

No one saying that Ryan is angel (it's the one of reason i love his character that much), i blame Eric not giving him try. Hell become ice if Eric try understand what and why Ryan did.

Ryan's being a human being who makes mistakes is also why he is my favorite character. Eric has done some things that have looked suspicious (example the rolling papers in his case and popping positive for pot) that he expected people to understand. If I am not mistake he used the extenuating circumstances reasoning (the same one Ryan used in WISC with the bullet casing) when he did test positive. How soon we forget.

So I wasn't going to jump in but now I have to, lol! I think Speed would've taken to Ryan differently. Eric takes things really personally and Speed doesn't. I think it would have been a more mentoring relationship though, not much friendship other than just colleagues.

He definitely would have take Ryan more under his wing, that's for sure:)
Thought you would like to know:
Both Jon and Adam names have been submitted for Best Supporting Actors in a drama series for the 2009 Emmy Awards.This isn't a nomination,but we can hope that will be coming for them.
This already great, if even Jon wouldn't be nominated (sorry, i don't care about Adam). Jon did AMAZING job in WISC and she desrve not only nominate, he deserve win! :thumbsup: *crosses fingers* I hope he will be nominated :)
I too think Speed would have had a different reaction. I agree that it would have been a mentoring type relationship at first, but I also think that once Speed really got to know Ryan, he would have started to think of him as a little brother type. :D

I think that in some ways Eric and Ryan are similar. They've both had to make tough decisions to help/protect someone they cared for. In Eric's case it was his sister (the whole thing about buying the pot for her) and in Ryan's case it was Billy. These choices that both of them made was at great risk to their careers as well as their freedom as they both could have been brought upon charges for their choices, but they made those choices because people they cared about were in danger of dying. I think that Ryan thinks of Billy as a nephew. I bet Billy even calls him Uncle Ryan. Though sadly, we never got to see Billy call him that.

And yay for Jon and Adam. Go, guys! :D It'd be cool if they did get nominated and they won ... both of them a tie. :D That would just be cool. :)
Agree with you GNRF.
I don't think any of the actors have been nominated before.It would be nice if there was finally a nomination or two.
Wolfe's the mistake everyone hates to love. ;)
^ I don't hate to love him actually. But I'm not sure if you're a Ryan basher who just came in here for no reason other than that or if I've just mistaken you.

Anyways, in my opinion I honestly think that Speed would be a little sad or disappointed in the way Eric took his death. Not even just in the way he treats Ryan but just how he changed after Speed died. :( And if it had been the other way around and it had been Eric that had died I agree with everyone who thinks Speed would have been A LOT different than Eric in regards to Ryan. I definitely think he would not have held Ryan responsible for anything to do with Eric's death, or ever even thought that Ryan was "competing with a dead man" as I do believe Ryan said he WASN'T doing after Eric thought and actually said something about that to Ryan in season 3. I don't really think it would have been a mentoring relationship though. I think Speed would have been perfectly happy to leave Ryan alone and of course make sure he's doing okay but leave him be so he could mostly do things on his own. I think Speed would have recognized that Ryan knew what he was doing right away.

Oh and that's great for Jonathan and Adam. It seems like every year they get nominated... to be nominated? :lol: But it never seems to go farther. Let's hope so this year, especially after WISC. :thumbsup:
^ i am definately not a Wolfe hater! I just meant that he always srew's up somehow or someway, but everyone still loves him, y'know. he's just thaaat fine. :)
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