Ryan/Jon #22 - Our Favourite Dust Monkey

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  • Togo Where No Thread Has Gone Before

    Votes: 3 7.1%
  • All In the Accent

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  • The Incredible Shrinking T-Shirt

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  • Get the Full Togo Experience Here

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • He's a Superhero in Training

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • Just Take The Shirt Off Already!

    Votes: 7 16.7%
  • Waiting for the Comeback of the Purple Tee

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wolfe's Den

    Votes: 5 11.9%
  • Dreaming of Wolfe Shirtless

    Votes: 2 4.8%
  • Wolfe Gang

    Votes: 4 9.5%
  • Our Favorite Dust Monkey

    Votes: 19 45.2%

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Aw I loved tonight's episode and Ryan was HOOOOOOOOTTTT!!!!!!!

FINALLY a t-shirt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait for those caps.....:)

I thought he was looking at Natalia kinda funny both times they were in front of the Minority Report screen, but that was probably my imagination.

Ha...I cracked up every time they showed his face at the end....He was probably thinking, "Ok...angry...stay...angry...make...mean face...grrr..."

Ah, lovely episode....
Maybe it's because I was reading all the shipper posts earlier, but I noticed that too. They seemed really friendly, although it was an unusual episode. I think it was a new writer.
Whoa, I just had a theory that the writers could use to explain natalia's lack of use (in the last few episodes, at the very least.) They could say she was helping Ryan with the review board by processing evidence from the events of 7.20.
Even though Idk if they would let a member of his own team handle his evidence or help him...But hey. I try. And it would be a good excuse to have Ryan thank Natalia by buying her a drink after the shift.

Oh, there goes my imagination again.
Maybe it's because I was reading all the shipper posts earlier, but I noticed that too. They seemed really friendly, although it was an unusual episode. I think it was a new writer.

It wasn't a new writer. Corey Miller wrote the episode. It's his last episode as writer I think. I think Ryan was looking at Natalia oddly cause he was surprised how obsessed with that show she was. :lol:
As usual, I am way behind in my posting in this thread.

Erica might have been a bit two faced. One side of her captivated Ryan, the other side was more ambitious and a little self-important. I couldn't help but be annoyed with her overly-straight forward attitude. Just seemed like she was always analyzing where she could get her next big story.

I agree completely. Maybe she liked Ryan, but she acted as if the only reason she came around was to get the big story and she got Ryan in A LOT of trouble. :(

He did say that to Alexx. She asked why or if he was still seeing her and he said "She's very... pretty." I love Ryan and all but I can totally see him dating someone just because they're pretty. Not because he's shallow or whatever, but because he's happy he was able to snag someone pretty. :lol:
Ryan would be attracted to a pretty girl, but if he would get bored if that was all there was there.

About the self esteem question from earlier (also disappeared from my earlier post- I must have accidentally edited it out or my DSL kicked me before I got that comment edited in lol)... anyway I think that he did at first have some self esteem issues. This is why it was easy for Erica to charm him. She's very pretty like Ryan said and I think he was surprised someone like her was interested in him. However, he quickly learned it wasn't him she was interested in, it was what kind of scoops she could give him for stories. :lol: That's another reason I don't like her. She played with poor Ryan's heart strings like that.

He started out a little insecure; replacing a popular member of the team and trying to fit in but as luf100 stated he couldn't be too insecure for long and still do his job. And that is why I don't like her as well; she played with Ryan like that and used his interest in her to further her career. Fortunately Ryan figured it out and dumped her butt.
I just imagined Erica falling down the stairs and Ryan just looking at her and walking away. How crude. But hilarious~!:lol:
I had this really weird dream the other night that Cal and Ryan were working a scene and Greg (Sanders) was helping them. Ryan went off in another direction to check on some other area of the crime scene while Cal and Greg went a different direction. The next thing they showed was Cal and Greg locked in some kind of room with bars and then Ryan was locked in another room with bars. Then some guy came into Cal and Greg's room and used a stun gun to knock Greg out and then started toward Cal. Then it switched to Ryan and some guy was attacking him and he managed to fight the guy off and grab the guy's gun and shoot him. then H came in with Nick (Stokes) and the three of them went in search of Cal and Greg. Cal was still fighting the other bad guy when Ry and them entered the room and Ryan got to shoot the bad guy (that was attacking Cal)! :lol:
^ We just got our own little fanfic story here. All those hot men in one dream,nice!:thumbsup: Talk about your drool fest.
OOps, I forgot one part. :lol: When the guy zapped Greg, you could hear Cal's thoughts and they were "Oh Crap, if something happens to Greg on my watch, Ryan is gonna be pissed at me." :lol: In my dream Ryan and Greg were cousins (probably cause I always make them cousins in my crossover fics). :lol:
LOL^^ Your dream looks like it was lots of fun. Too bad Calleigh and Ryan didn't get to interact in this episode, I love their friendship. It looks like they did interact but off screen. Ryan looked hot in this episode! I loved his scene with Valera, it was cute.

I was hoping he would shoot that jerk who put that girl in ice. I could see he was tempted to.
I thought he was gong to shoot the guy too! And I don't think anyone would have blamed him. "Well, Horatio, the dirtbag made a run for the border. I had no choice!" "That's all right Ryan. Wanna shoot his corpse a few times?" "Sure, Horatio, what a great idea." Then they shoot the guy a few more times, 'Because I could've sworn he was still moving!' and invited the girl who he locked in the ice thing to do the same. Happily ever after!
That's my example of a great fanfic.
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