Ryan/Jon #22 - Our Favourite Dust Monkey

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  • Togo Where No Thread Has Gone Before

    Votes: 3 7.1%
  • All In the Accent

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  • The Incredible Shrinking T-Shirt

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  • Get the Full Togo Experience Here

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • He's a Superhero in Training

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • Just Take The Shirt Off Already!

    Votes: 7 16.7%
  • Waiting for the Comeback of the Purple Tee

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wolfe's Den

    Votes: 5 11.9%
  • Dreaming of Wolfe Shirtless

    Votes: 2 4.8%
  • Wolfe Gang

    Votes: 4 9.5%
  • Our Favorite Dust Monkey

    Votes: 19 45.2%

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They did date you guys! I'm surprised I remember this, and what episodes, but Alexx asked him in Three Way why he dated her and he was like, "She was...pretty?"

And then in....dang it, forgot the name, the first episode of season 4, where they were yelling at each other about dinner or something.
^ Actually I do remember Alexx asking Ryan about dating Erica and he did respond she was pretty. I remember them arguing in the "From the Grave" episode too(just like Holly said),I don't remember exactly what they argued about,but I do think Ryan said something about her making him look bad in front of his co-workers.I think they were finished after that.
It was Cooper that said Erica was pretty,or she was hot.
He did say that to Alexx. She asked why or if he was still seeing her and he said "She's very... pretty." I love Ryan and all but I can totally see him dating someone just because they're pretty. Not because he's shallow or whatever, but because he's happy he was able to snag someone pretty. :lol:

Oh I loved in From the Grave (the dinner episode Holly means) when he takes her recorder and smashes it. :lol: (But she makes him pay for it later on when he asks for her help. *shrug*) And they weren't really talking about dinner, Ryan said she could FORGET about dinner. Sometime during that episode he also put her in an elevator, and told her she could get rid of his number (or something) because he didn't want to hear from her again. :lol:
Man I hated her! I don't think they dated. In 'From the Grave' when he's yelling at her she says something about them Not going out to dinner again. Like they planned it maybe, but never made it because of schedules or something. Either way, sadly it seemed Ryan did like her, I can't deny that, but I don't think they actually made it to a date. That's MO and I'm sticking to it. Seriously, Ryan has terrible taste in women, Erica and Boa.
I more or less thought Ryan said she was pretty because he couldn't think of another way to compliment her. :lol: Yeah, I think it was one of those relationships. The one where the guy gets himself involved with a girl who ends up just annoying him... and the fanbase.
I'd like to see Ryan with someone mature, maybe even older than him. With his OCD, I'm sure he has issues that only an older woman could handle. He's definitely into looks, so she would have to be very pretty. Light hair, shorter than him and very intelligent, maybe into science, but not police work, leave all the work at the lab.
Ryan has some great scenes in tonight's episode not to mention he looks hot in pink! It was great seeing Valera again, her and Ryan had a cute scene
Ryan has some great scenes in tonight's episode not to mention he looks hot in pink! It was great seeing Valera again, her and Ryan had a cute scene.
I loved when he turned back to Valera and was like "Old books are printed with a lead based ink... and they say TV is bad for you." :lol: Not his exact words but it was slightly funny.

At the end I thought he was gonna go right over the edge and shoot that guy in the face! :lol:
Woah... part of one of my earlier posts mysteriously disappeared. :lol:

Anyway... what I was saying (the part that disappeared) was that in Resurrection, Ryan wore a purple shirt and tie combo and he also wore a purple shirt and tie combo in WISC. They were different though. I wonder just how many purple ties he owns. :lol:

About the self esteem question from earlier (also disappeared from my earlier post- I must have accidentally edited it out or my DSL kicked me before I got that comment edited in lol)... anyway I think that he did at first have some self esteem issues. This is why it was easy for Erica to charm him. She's very pretty like Ryan said and I think he was surprised someone like her was interested in him. However, he quickly learned it wasn't him she was interested in, it was what kind of scoops she could give him for stories. :lol: That's another reason I don't like her. She played with poor Ryan's heart strings like that.

Was that scene from that video we saw where DC's gun wouldn't shoot in this ep? Cause Jon was wearing a pink tee in that video and had one on in this ep as well.

I still have an hour before the ep comes on here. :( I want it now! :lol: I don't wanna wait no stinkin' hour. :lol:
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Ryan has some great scenes in tonight's episode not to mention he looks hot in pink! It was great seeing Valera again, her and Ryan had a cute scene.
I loved when he turned back to Valera and was like "Old books are printed with a lead based ink... and they say TV is bad for you." :lol: Not his exact words but it was slightly funny.

At the end I thought he was gonna go right over the edge and shoot that guy in the face! :lol:

I was so hoping he would shoot that guy. He was so creepy, that poor girl. I'm glad they found her.

LOL, his scene with Valera was great. I loved the look on her face after he told her about the books, she was freaked out while Ryan had this little smirk on his face. So cute
I'd like to see Ryan with someone mature, maybe even older than him. With his OCD, I'm sure he has issues that only an older woman could handle. He's definitely into looks, so she would have to be very pretty. Light hair, shorter than him and very intelligent, maybe into science, but not police work, leave all the work at the lab.
I could see him with someone older too.I definitely agree with it being someone not in police work.Pretty and intelligent is good,but she would also need to be able to be extra supportive because he does seem to get in trouble.She should be able to inspire him to greatness.LOL,just kidding about the greatness.
I'd like to see Ryan with someone mature, maybe even older than him. With his OCD, I'm sure he has issues that only an older woman could handle. He's definitely into looks, so she would have to be very pretty. Light hair, shorter than him and very intelligent, maybe into science, but not police work, leave all the work at the lab.

I totally agree with the older woman. ;) But I don't know if he's that into looks. Yeah, sure he's going to want someone who is attractive, but I don't think that would be as important to him as someone who is more his intellectual equal. Someone who could challenge him.

Woah... part of one of my earlier posts mysteriously disappeared.

About the self esteem question from earlier (also disappeared from my earlier post- I must have accidentally edited out of my DSL kicked me before I got that comment edited in lol)... anyway I think that he did at first have some self esteem issues. This is why it was easy for Erica to charm him. She's very pretty like Ryan said and I think he was surprised someone like her was interested in him. However, he quickly learned it wasn't him she was interested in, it was what kind of scoops she could give him for stories. That's another reason I don't like her. She played with poor Ryan's heart strings like that.

I hate when I'm in the middle of posting and get booted for some reason. Especially when you get the post the exact way that you want it. :rolleyes:

Ryan was probably a little infatuated with Erica. Dealing with the media was probably new to him so he might have gotten a little starry-eyed. And she probably figured he'd be a little easier to manipulate than his coworkers, but thankfullly he's a quick learner.
Ryan has some great scenes in tonight's episode not to mention he looks hot in pink! It was great seeing Valera again, her and Ryan had a cute scene.
I loved when he turned back to Valera and was like "Old books are printed with a lead based ink... and they say TV is bad for you." :lol: Not his exact words but it was slightly funny.

At the end I thought he was gonna go right over the edge and shoot that guy in the face! :lol:

I was so hoping he would shoot that guy. He was so creepy, that poor girl. I'm glad they found her.

LOL, his scene with Valera was great. I loved the look on her face after he told her about the books, she was freaked out while Ryan had this little smirk on his face. So cute
WAH! CANNOT WAIT! 45 MORE MINUTES, and Ryan gets to hold his gun!
I think this DSL kicks me off more often than when I had AOL which was a lot. :lol:

I agree he might have been starstruck. I mean she is supposed to be this big time famous news reporter in Miami. :lol: And yeah, he's a very quick learner with most things, thankfully. :lol:
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