Ryan/Jon #22 - Our Favourite Dust Monkey

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  • All In the Accent

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  • The Incredible Shrinking T-Shirt

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  • Get the Full Togo Experience Here

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • He's a Superhero in Training

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • Just Take The Shirt Off Already!

    Votes: 7 16.7%
  • Waiting for the Comeback of the Purple Tee

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  • Wolfe's Den

    Votes: 5 11.9%
  • Dreaming of Wolfe Shirtless

    Votes: 2 4.8%
  • Wolfe Gang

    Votes: 4 9.5%
  • Our Favorite Dust Monkey

    Votes: 19 45.2%

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Yeah, Mexican wrestling and (barf) calamari.... I couldn't help but think of Nacho Libre.....I actually got a luchador mask in Mexico, but that's beside the point.

I felt kinda bad for him when he went out with Natalia because she just did it to make Eric jealous.
I felt kinda bad for him when he went out with Natalia because she just did it to make Eric jealous.

Yea me too. I didn't really appreciate that. You would think Ryan would've seen through that. Maybe he did but hell, it's a date right?! LOL!
I read interview with Jon about this, he said that Ryan was so tired with whole mole thing and his eye problems, so he just want to relax. I should find this interview, maybe i wrong :rolleyes:

Edit: I found it! It's old interview from season 4.

CSI Files: Do you have a prediction as to who Natalia will end up with?

Togo: I don’t know actually. I think Ryan might be a little bit of a rebound [for her]. Unfortunately for Ryan, I think he’s a little bit of a pawn in this game of chess being played between Delko and Natalia Boa Vista.

CSI Files: Ryan deserves better! (Yeah, much better!)

Togo: Does this mean he’s officially broken up with Erica Sikes? I don’t know if she’s still in the picture or if it’s an on-again, off-again thing. We always play it like they’re very passionate--they fight at work and then when they hang out after work, they’re very passionate. Maybe they’re seeing other people.

CSI Files: It sounds like Ryan’s love life is complicated, at the very least!

Togo: Yeah, who knew! Another great thing the writers do on the show is that they only give you little snippets of what happens in these people’s lives, so as not to overwhelm the audience so that they get sick of it. [You get] little windows into their lives other than at work.
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I can't remember Ryan ever having a girlfriend on the show.

He dated(?) Erica Sykes (did anyone besides me want to punch her in the head everytime she came on screen?!)

One date with Natalia.

He hit on (not too smoothly I might add) at least one woman in the lab.

I have to say one thing about his relationship with Natalia. I hope they never put the two of them together as a couple. Natalia has stuck up for Ryan pretty much from the first moment she appeared on screen, and seems to empathize with him more than anyone else. He needs a good friend more than a girlfriend at this point.

Oh, don't remind that :( But we never see him with nice girl and how he behave on date. I don't say that Natalia is bad, whole situation was bad for him.

I would like to see him with a nice girl, but after his problems in WISC, I think a relationship might be the last thing he needs at this point. He needs to heal.

We can only imagine how he interact with girls on date. Probably he is very shy (like when he asked Natalia about date) and sometimes said something he shouldn't say :lol: It's just how i see it. He became more confident in last couple seasons, but i still think he is shy with girls.

Ryan isn't very smooth when it comes to women, but that is one thing that really endears himself to me:)

I have a question: does anyone feel that Ryan might have self esteem issues?
He dated(?) Erica Sykes (did anyone besides me want to punch her in the head everytime she came on screen?!)
Yes, I always want to punch Erica in the head when she comes on, but not because she was dating (or whatever they were doing) Ryan, but just because of how annoying she always was, getting in the CSI's way. Especially after Darkroom, when she releases the information about Natalia's sister when she's told not to. Argh. (I'd still wanna see her back though someday. :lol:)

He hit on (not too smoothly I might add) at least one woman in the lab.
Haha, I loved the episode he was reinstated in, walked into the lab where Sam was and says "Wow, that's a nice upgrade... the hardware I meant, not that you're not very... uh..." :lol: There was another episode too (I think Chain Reaction?) where Calleigh asks if he used something or other as an excuse to hit on the new girl. They weren't too bad together actually... too bad she disappeared too.

I would like to see him with a nice girl, but after his problems in WISC, I think a relationship might be the last thing he needs at this point. He needs to heal.
Maybe that's actually what he DOES need. I mean apparently he lives alone, and it's not like he's best friends with anyone at the lab. Maybe not a girlfriend but he needs someone to help him. It would be horrible to go through that alone. I want to know if he has friends! Or a mommy. :( He just needs a mother's hug. :lol:

I have a question: does anyone feel that Ryan might have self esteem issues?
I dunno if he has self-esteem issues. I'd say more that he's just shy around girls. (I don't necessarily think that's the same thing, either. : /) I wouldn't say he's shy all round because it'd be difficult to do his job, imo, if he was.
I think Ryan has secrets. He's always struck me as the type of character that doesn't let people in easily.
I loved the Erica Sykes storyline. I think they were actually a good couple. Erica's crazy recklessness and daring seemed to make Ryan act more like that too. I also thought it was hilarious how the rest of the lab reacted to them. Still, I was glad when it was over.

I have a few questions:




No need to yell! :)

Dust Monkey is what Frank has called Ryan in the past. Meaning dusting for prints.

WISC-is the episode called Wolfe In Sheep's Clothing in which Ryan was tortured then messed with some evidence so he could buy more time to save Billy.
I loved the Erica Sykes storyline. I think they were actually a good couple. Erica's crazy recklessness and daring seemed to make Ryan act more like that too. I also thought it was hilarious how the rest of the lab reacted to them. Still, I was glad when it was over.
There was nothing good about Ryan and Erica as a couple. She caused constant trouble for him, including causing anger in some of his co workers.Ryan had enough problems without Erica adding to them.
There are actually people who ship/ped Erica/Ryan, believe it or not. Matter of opinion. Like I said I didn't like Erica, but not really because she was dating Ryan, mostly because she made life hard for all of the CSI's, not just him.

But I would still LOVE for her to come back for an episode or two. :lol: She's sort of a more annoying, less used, Stetler-like character.
Ugh, I always wanted to knock the snot outta Erica Sikes. She was always causing trouble. I loved when Calleigh got in her face that time. I was like "You go, girl." :lol:

I hated her because she always got him in trouble or was always causing probs for the others. I loved the ep where Eric had trouble with her and then was complaining to Ryan and Ryan was like "I told you, man." :lol: I don't want her to return unless it's as a victim (ie: they have to solve her murder).
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Gotta say that I never cared for Erica at all, but I don't really think we were meant to. I think there was a little something between the two of them, but nothing serious. Maybe a little fling or one-night stand, but that's about it. I imagine it started out with Ryan being a little attacted to her, but quickly realizing just exactly what she was like. And he was not the kind to put up with that.
Erica might have been a bit two faced. One side of her captivated Ryan, the other side was more ambitious and a little self-important. I couldn't help but be annoyed with her overly-straight forward attitude. Just seemed like she was always analyzing where she could get her next big story.
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