Ryan/Jon #22 - Our Favourite Dust Monkey

What should the new thread be titled?

  • Togo Where No Thread Has Gone Before

    Votes: 3 7.1%
  • All In the Accent

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Incredible Shrinking T-Shirt

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Get the Full Togo Experience Here

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • He's a Superhero in Training

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • Just Take The Shirt Off Already!

    Votes: 7 16.7%
  • Waiting for the Comeback of the Purple Tee

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wolfe's Den

    Votes: 5 11.9%
  • Dreaming of Wolfe Shirtless

    Votes: 2 4.8%
  • Wolfe Gang

    Votes: 4 9.5%
  • Our Favorite Dust Monkey

    Votes: 19 45.2%

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Yeah, I saw that. That's pretty weird how all of our concerns about Ryan and his non existent story are in there. If he recognized it, why didn't we see any of it? Do TPTB sit there and think, "Hm...what's another deep story line for Horatio, Calleigh, and Eric? Ryan? Don't care! He replaced Speed so we won't like him either! Oh hey, we can torture him a bit and that will keep the Togo fans on their toes...."

But who knows, Corey may be the only one to see this, and now he's leaving, so Ryan could possibly get less screen time. AND he remembers Uncle Ron! AAAA! That interview got me frustrated. Not with Corey, but the fact that now Ryan might fade into the background and join poor Natalia in the back corner of the lab getting one non-speaking scene per episode.
I didn't read the whole interview, just what solitaire posted on the previous page, but it got me frustrated too. More over the fact that they obviously realize what's wrong. It's like, the writer's know what we want, or what we're complaining about. Especially about knowing nothing at all about Ryan, when we could know so much more. He even mentioned how he was introduced as OCD and they sort of lost that along the way too. If they can see all these things that are wrong why don't they do anything about it? :scream: There's plenty of time in a whole season to have more than a few story arcs for more than THREE of the characters, that are usually always Horatio, Calleigh and Eric. :rolleyes:

I also agree with solitaire that just because Jonathan said he didn't mind playing being wrong, the hothead, or being fallible, doesn't mean that everytime they give his character a storyline he has to be one of those things. Every time.

And now Corey Miller is leaving. So let's just hope he wasn't the only writer to figure this all out. I'm sure they ... discuss? things. :rolleyes: *sigh*

And I figure, just because Corey Miller says they don't get into ramifications from WISC by the end of season 7, doesn't necessarily mean they're ever going to in season 8. Especially as he's leaving and most likely doesn't have a say in this stuff anymore. But I agree with everyone who thinks an experience like what happened to Ryan in WISC, you don't just get over. I mean if I was kidnapped, beaten and tortured and then made to do something that I would NEVER ever do, I wouldn't leave my own house for weeks. :lol: I know it's Ryan and he's, I dunno, strong? But still. Arrrgh.
Corey mentioned that we only know Ryan has an Uncle Ron. That isn't true. We also know he has a niece who should be at least 14 by now... and if he's got a niece then it stands to reason that he has at least one sibling. :)

I don't think there's gonna be any reprimands for WISC. I think that like CM said, Ryan will take that experience with him wherever he goes. You just don't really get over something like that. The poor guy probably has nightmares about his kidnapping.
Corey mentioned that we only know Ryan has an Uncle Ron. That isn't true. We also know he has a niece who should be at least 14 by now... and if he's got a niece then it stands to reason that he has at least one sibling. :)

I don't think there's gonna be any reprimands for WISC. I think that like CM said, Ryan will take that experience with him wherever he goes. You just don't really get over something like that. The poor guy probably has nightmares about his kidnapping.

But that's just it,we know he has at least one sibling,but that's all we know.

I agree that most likely,we won't see any reprimands for Ryan, and that's fine with me really, it's been done. I would like to see something other than that.
I would like some of the issues Corey bought up addressed.
Maybe it would be interesting to see how his OCD reflects more in his work for intance.
With my luck, the events of WISC are forgotten forever, never to be more than mentioned (if anything at all).
And, if not- Ryan probably will get reprimanded later, but eh. I'm so used to it I don't even care anymore. Wonder if Ryan feels the same way? :lol: Haha, who knows?

On a lighter note, I'd love to see this elusive Uncle Ron later in life. He's the only member of Ryan's family we've gotten a proper taste of. I wonder who'd they cast as Uncle Ron? Hmm...

I'd also like to see Ryan's OCD played upon.
They could do SO much with that OCD....and it could be a way for him not to get in trouble. Maybe he could have a difficult day and come home and they could show us some weird OCD routines or something.

Or he could be obsessing over a piece of evidence that everyone tells him is absolutely ridiculous but it turns out to be a case breaker.

Or they could just randomly show him obsessively counting something and he doesn't see someone come in a see him.

Duh TPTB. If I can come up with three possibilities off the top of my head you can come up with one.
Yeah, I saw that. That's pretty weird how all of our concerns about Ryan and his non existent story are in there. If he recognized it, why didn't we see any of it? Do TPTB sit there and think, "Hm...what's another deep story line for Horatio, Calleigh, and Eric? Ryan? Don't care! He replaced Speed so we won't like him either! Oh hey, we can torture him a bit and that will keep the Togo fans on their toes...."

I also read the interview. It's strange that the writers and TPTB realized they had let facets of Ryan's personality drop,never explored family connections,etc., never addressed other issues.Same with Eric's resentment of Ryan.As far as his story arc,it's been nothing but Ryan's in trouble again, but is basically a good guy.

The writers do act as if Ryan only is there for every story line that makes someone look like a lazy shady incompetent boob who can't get out of his own way and must be rescued, lectured by H, Cal or especially Eric. Why not take a story line meant for someone else and give it to Ryan. No, that would smack of effort. Sorry for the rant, I am frustrated as well.

I don't think there's gonna be any reprimands for WISC. I think that like CM said, Ryan will take that experience with him wherever he goes. You just don't really get over something like that. The poor guy probably has nightmares about his kidnapping.

Of course, we'll probably never see either the nightmares or the aftermath.

I agree that most likely,we won't see any reprimands for Ryan, and that's fine with me really, it's been done. I would like to see something other than that.
I would like some of the issues Corey bought up addressed.
Maybe it would be interesting to see how his OCD reflects more in his work for intance.

With my luck, the events of WISC are forgotten forever, never to be more than mentioned (if anything at all).
And, if not- Ryan probably will get reprimanded later, but eh. I'm so used to it I don't even care anymore. Wonder if Ryan feels the same way? :lol: Haha, who knows?

I don't think Ryan will be reprimanded for WISC which will be fine with me; the "Ryan being in trouble" is being done to death. I don't think Ryan will care for WISC; he already told H he will face any review board; Ryan feels he did the wrong thing for the right reasons. H will protect him.

Developing the OCD arc could show how the kidnapping and torture really affected him and we all know Jon Togo can pull it off. If the writers stay to form, he won't get a chance though.

Gosh, I sound pretty grumpy in this posting:lol:
If I may interject this discussion to ask you guys a question:
What other roles could you imagine Jonathan Togo pulling off in another TV series?
Any ideas are welcome! ;) I'm stuck.

The OCD thing would be easy to implant after WISC. It's not uncommon for OCD to flare after an ordeal like...oh I dunno, being kidnapped, tortured and blackmailed. :lol: I hope the next episode of Miami continues on the contreversial "Ryan's being a bit quiet" that played out in Chip/Tuck.
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I was disappointed too, when i read this interview :( I hope writers don't forget about him in next season.

Hey, one girl on russian forum post Emily Procter pics with Ronnie Wood (i think it's him), but you can see Jon on background (and Adam too):


He is in pink shirt and gray shirt under, like on interview about WISC :)
If I may interject this discussion to ask you guys a question:
What other roles could you imagine Jonathan Togo pulling off in another TV series?
Any ideas are welcome! ;) I'm stuck.

Back to the topic at hand:
The OCD thing would be easy to implant after WISC. It's not uncommon for OCD to flare after an ordeal like...oh I dunno, being kidnapped, tortured and blackmailed. :lol: I hope the next episode of Miami continues on the contreversial "Ryan's being a bit quiet" that played out in Chip/Tuck.
I think Jon could do a comedy series,but I could also see him doing
another law or spy type series.
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If I may interject this discussion to ask you guys a question:
What other roles could you imagine Jonathan Togo pulling off in another TV series?
Any ideas are welcome! ;) I'm stuck.

Back to the topic at hand:
The OCD thing would be easy to implant after WISC. It's not uncommon for OCD to flare after an ordeal like...oh I dunno, being kidnapped, tortured and blackmailed. :lol: I hope the next episode of Miami continues on the contreversial "Ryan's being a bit quiet" that played out in Chip/Tuck.
I think Jon could do a comedy series,but i could also see him doing another law or spy type series.
It can be funny spy series, like Burn Notice. I can see him as doctor, it also can be little bit funny. Easy going doctor who made his patients smile :)
If I may interject this discussion to ask you guys a question:
What other roles could you imagine Jonathan Togo pulling off in another TV series?
Any ideas are welcome! ;) I'm stuck.

Back to the topic at hand:
The OCD thing would be easy to implant after WISC. It's not uncommon for OCD to flare after an ordeal like...oh I dunno, being kidnapped, tortured and blackmailed. :lol: I hope the next episode of Miami continues on the contreversial "Ryan's being a bit quiet" that played out in Chip/Tuck.
I think Jon could do a comedy series,but i could also see him doing another law or spy type series.
It can be funny spy series, like Burn Notice. I can see him as doctor, it also can be little bit funny. Easy going doctor who made his patients smile :)
If he were my doctor,he would make me drool.
Jon could probably play any type role.
If he were my doctor,he would make me drool.
Jon could probably play any type role.
We can only dream about doctor like him :) I agree, Jon can play anything. We saw how he play comedy role, we saw how he act dramatic role, and even how he can play shy guy or dark guy(like in going ballistic), so he can play anyone.
What other roles could you imagine Jonathan Togo pulling off in another TV series?
I also think a funny role. For some reason I can see him playing a womanizer, like Neil Patrick Harris on How I Met Your Mother for example. Or maybe like the type of guy that David Spade plays on Rules of Engagement, the loser type, not able to get a girlfriend type. (Though who wouldn't wanna date him? And for the record I think David Spade is hot. :lol:)

Oh god, don't even get the image of him as a doctor in my mind. I have too many dirty thoughts and I don't want to pollute this thread. :shifty:
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