Ryan/Jon #22 - Our Favourite Dust Monkey

What should the new thread be titled?

  • Togo Where No Thread Has Gone Before

    Votes: 3 7.1%
  • All In the Accent

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Incredible Shrinking T-Shirt

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Get the Full Togo Experience Here

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • He's a Superhero in Training

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • Just Take The Shirt Off Already!

    Votes: 7 16.7%
  • Waiting for the Comeback of the Purple Tee

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wolfe's Den

    Votes: 5 11.9%
  • Dreaming of Wolfe Shirtless

    Votes: 2 4.8%
  • Wolfe Gang

    Votes: 4 9.5%
  • Our Favorite Dust Monkey

    Votes: 19 45.2%

  • Total voters
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So if we're talking about dressing Ryan, I'm definitely all for a t-shirt and jeans. And that leather jacket he wears from time to time. :drool:

The brown one? I wanna see him in a black leather jacket too. :)

I was thinking the brown one, but I think black would work really well too. I always thought this was the best look for him:


Although I do liked the more spiked do on him than what he has here.
:lol: Wasabi. I was gonna say I'd rather undress him, but didn't. xD

Actually that was my original thought but this is a family thread:lol::guffaw::lol:

If I had to dress Ryan....
Definitly a bath towel or a bed sheet.
Nuff said.
What color sheet would you choose?How would you arrange the sheet?:devil:
How large would the bath towel be,or would it be more of a hand towel?:devil::devil:
How about a wash cloth?:devil:

Okay everything always seems to happen when I'm away including quadruple posts. :lol: Sometimes the system can be a little touchy. :D

MiamiWolfe, I don't think you'll be able to delete yet which is probably why you can't see it. But at least I see you got your avatar working, and it's a nice one! :thumbsup:

Thanks again for the encouragement. I was pretty horrified to see the quadruple postings.

So if we're talking about dressing Ryan, I'm definitely all for a t-shirt and jeans. And that leather jacket he wears from time to time. :drool:

The only color I haven't liked him in was orange. And the short sleeve shirts have to go!
Had the best dream...Ryan with oddly dark spikey Greg-like hair, in beddd...But all I got was him waking up to his cell ringing, then I woke up.
I saw promo with Ryan and he was in pink t-shirt without jacket :drool: And i remember that we saw video from youtube where guy and girl record David and Jon onset. Jon was in pink t-shirt there too. Maybe it was that ep? That mean Ryan&Horatio action? *crosses fingers* Hope so!

Had the best dream...Ryan with oddly dark spikey Greg-like hair, in beddd...But all I got was him waking up to his cell ringing, then I woke up.
Good dream!)))
Fieldmouse- I agree about the outfit you posted the pic of- very yummy look. Although I do like the blue t-shirt that has been mentioned.
I prefer the smart/casual look. I'm not a fan of the suit and tie, Although he looks hot in anything.
Wasabi- nice dream!
I'm partial to that brown leather jacket and green shirt he had on in Won't Get Fueled Again. That was hot!

Here are some small promo shots for Dissolved epi, when I get the big ones I'll post 'em! These are all the Ryan ones:



Alright, now what episode is Dissolved? Is this the season finale? Or is this when he finds her pills? I'm so confused! Does Ryan find Tara's pills before the explosion in the lab and then during the explosion he realizes how bad she is when she scrambles to get her stash? He's looking at pills in the third picture right? Gaah I need to visit the reference thread. But uh... Ryan looks hot in those pics. :lol:
Alright, now what episode is Dissolved? Is this the season finale? Or is this when he finds her pills? I'm so confused! Does Ryan find Tara's pills before the explosion in the lab and then during the explosion he realizes how bad she is when she scrambles to get her stash? He's looking at pills in the third picture right? Gaah I need to visit the reference thread. But uh... Ryan looks hot in those pics. :lol:

I do believe it's the season finale. It has the description of what I saw. And I agree, Ryan looks hot! I like the light shirt and dark tie. :drool:
I'm partial to that brown leather jacket and green shirt he had on in Won't Get Fueled Again. That was hot!

Here are some small promo shots for Dissolved epi, when I get the big ones I'll post 'em!
Thanks for pics!
Ok, he had one scene with Kyle, now with Julia. What he doing with Julia?
I'm going to go with he is questioning her about taking the drugs from the lab. I'm sure Kyle had something to do with telling Ryan that his mom suddenly had prescriptions from dead people
Thanks for those pics, Fallen.

Dissolved is the episode right before the finale. The finale is called Seeing Red.
The ep with the explosion is the ep Ryan first finds out about Tara and the pills. Dissolved is the following ep where Tara's locker is searched and her stash discovered and the confrontation from Ryan/Rick to Tara.

That blue tie on him looks great! :D What is he doing in that last pic with Julia? It looks like he has his leg propped up on the table behind her or something. :lol: But, it also looks like he has a camera in his hand, so maybe she was attacked (again) and he's taking pics of the back of her head or something?

Ryan I'm sure already knows that Tara claimed that Julia took the pills. H probably told him and probably doesn't believe Tara and has Ryan playing spy again. :lol: I don't know why Kyle would find pills on his mother unless Tara planted them to further frame her.

If more pills go missing, I don't see how Julia could be suspected because she's not allowed around Kyle anymore. Horatio put a stop to that. So, she wouldn't be allowed into the morgue.

Saris is supposed to be in this episode, so my guess is that he attacks Julia again and Ryan is photographing her wounds.
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woah!! those are amazing pictures! he looks amazingly hot in them too (duh!) I think we are going to be so happy with the last four episodes of the season I may bring us somewhere close to the beginning of next season before our highs wear off!

So excited to see Wolfe step up. Totally going along the lines of what H has been thinking all along in that Wolfe is really his protege. Which makes it really obvious that just because he's the Jr. CSI on the team he is really getting a lot of experience and street/crime cred to his reputation. While others move to the back burners.
Thanks for the pics FFF,Ryan does look great.
Hard to believe we are looking at promo pics for
next to the last episode.
nwolfson,I've always thought there was a mentor/protege relationship between H and Ryan. I wondered if H perhaps thought Ryan was a little like him at a younger age.
nwolfson,I've always thought there was a mentor/protege relationship between H and Ryan. I wondered if H perhaps thought Ryan was a little like him at a younger age.
I'm wondering about this too :) He didn't born Super-H, Horatio had way from boy to great cop. And he probably made some mistakes in past. Life made him like he is now. So i always thinking that Ryan should made some mistakes, cuz in future he would know how he should act in different situations. Life is big experience :)

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