Ryan/Jon #22 - Our Favourite Dust Monkey

What should the new thread be titled?

  • Togo Where No Thread Has Gone Before

    Votes: 3 7.1%
  • All In the Accent

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Incredible Shrinking T-Shirt

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Get the Full Togo Experience Here

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • He's a Superhero in Training

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • Just Take The Shirt Off Already!

    Votes: 7 16.7%
  • Waiting for the Comeback of the Purple Tee

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wolfe's Den

    Votes: 5 11.9%
  • Dreaming of Wolfe Shirtless

    Votes: 2 4.8%
  • Wolfe Gang

    Votes: 4 9.5%
  • Our Favorite Dust Monkey

    Votes: 19 45.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Uh-huh, looks like Ryan's playing spy again, and in those pics I'd have to guess that's where Julia is quote 'spiraling out of control.' Interesting to see Ryan interacting so much with Horatio's in laws. I like it :thumbsup: Make shim a little more close to Super H.

As for Ryan and Julia, she enters the morgue with a gun in that episode, so I reckon he's taking it away in that picture. While Ryan is looking for drugs, she shoots the glass window between him and the rest of the M.Es (Kyle Tara and some other guy).
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Uh-huh, looks like Ryan's playing spy again, and in those pics I'd have to guess that's where Julia is quote 'spiraling out of control.' Interesting to see Ryan interacting so much with Horatio's in laws. I like it :thumbsup: Make shim a little more close to Super H.

As for Ryan and Julia, she enters the morgue with a gun in that episode, so I reckon he's taking it away in that picture. While Ryan is looking for drugs, she shoots the glass window between him and the rest of the M.Es (Kyle Tara and some other guy).

:wtf: She shoots a gun in the window where her son is? man, she really is spiraling out of control. I wonder if it'll turn out that Ron drugged her somehow and that's why she did that?
As for Ryan and Julia, she enters the morgue with a gun in that episode, so I reckon he's taking it away in that picture. While Ryan is looking for drugs, she shoots the glass window between him and the rest of the M.Es (Kyle Tara and some other guy).
Oh ma god WHAT? Whoaa I totally missed this spoiler! Sounds awesome. Maybe she'll be put into some facility and be gone for good. :shifty:

GNRF Thank you for explaining in more detail which episodes these all are. :lol: There are so many spoilers floating around that I'm getting kinda confused!

I like how these past few episodes have had a lot of Ryan promo pics. :D And I agree with everyone else who's saying that it looks like Horatio has Ryan playing spy again. :p
Orla I'm gonna vote in the challenge but I gotta say whoa all of those icons are so hot! Good job to everyone (even if they're not a member here) on them! :D
No problem, luf. I got confuzzled myself with the last few eps earlier this week. Had to look at the ref thread again. :lol:

I voted too, Orla. :)
Uh-huh, looks like Ryan's playing spy again, and in those pics I'd have to guess that's where Julia is quote 'spiraling out of control.' Interesting to see Ryan interacting so much with Horatio's in laws. I like it :thumbsup: Make shim a little more close to Super H.

As for Ryan and Julia, she enters the morgue with a gun in that episode, so I reckon he's taking it away in that picture. While Ryan is looking for drugs, she shoots the glass window between him and the rest of the M.Es (Kyle Tara and some other guy).
I missed this part of the spoiler completely,how did that happen?Julia is out of control.edit now that I see all the pics,I have a better understanding.I didn't see Julia with the gun before.
Yes, it appears Julia is packin a piece. I made a lil analysis here in the spoiler's thread using the promotional photos.
Oooh see I didn't even bother looking at the promo pics that weren't Ryan and weren't posted in here. :lol: And now that I look closer that window is breaking and he is holding her arm back, most likely cuffing her or something. I can't wait for this episode now. Poor Ryan and all this drama in the morgue! Good analysis Wasabi. :D
That was a good analysis, Wasabi. It helped to see the other pics. I thought the last one he was like, stabbing her, and I was like, YAY! FINALLY JULIA DIES!!!!!!! But that would be her arm.
OMG!!! Ryan is going to have some serious episodes coming up! Can't wait!! :)

And he's looking fine in that ensamble!!! *drool*
Has everyone seen the Corey Miller interview? I though t this bit was quite interesting-
You were instrumental in the development of the character of Ryan Wolfe (Jonathan Togo), penning the episode that introduced him and several other important ones for the character. Are you pleased with his arc throughout the series? Is there a particular direction you'd like to see him taken in?
Miller: It was great for Marc Dube and I to have some part in creating Wolfe, in "Under the Influence." And then for me to have a hand in shooting him in the eye with a nail gun a few years later. I joked with Jon Togo, "I brought you into this world, now I can take you out of it." Wolfe has definitely been through the ringer on the series. A lot of credit has to be given to Togo himself, who told the writers early on that he wasn't afraid to be wrong, or to be a hothead, or to be fallible. He may regret having ever said that, but we always looked at Wolfe as the odd man out. Even though he's a great CSI and was instantly a strong member of the team, I do believe he knows that he was living in Tim Speedle's (Rory Cochrane) shadow for a time. And that Delko (Adam Rodriguez) resented him for "daring" to take his place. I do think that Wolfe has had a decent arc over the years, as procedural shows go, but one thing I think we should have explored more were his quirks. He was introduced as being OCD, and a little off beat, but we trended away from that a bit. I also really wanted to have had the chance to explore his family life. We literally know nothing about him, except that he has an Uncle Ron ("Crime Wave"). But hey. There's always season eight. Ha.

Its a shame Miller is going. At least we know the writers would like to explore Ryan's past, and his family. I think there is a difference between Jon saying he doesn't mind being the character that is fallible- and tptb having him making mistakes umpteen times.
Yeah, I saw that. That's pretty weird how all of our concerns about Ryan and his non existent story are in there. If he recognized it, why didn't we see any of it? Do TPTB sit there and think, "Hm...what's another deep story line for Horatio, Calleigh, and Eric? Ryan? Don't care! He replaced Speed so we won't like him either! Oh hey, we can torture him a bit and that will keep the Togo fans on their toes...."

But who knows, Corey may be the only one to see this, and now he's leaving, so Ryan could possibly get less screen time. AND he remembers Uncle Ron! AAAA! That interview got me frustrated. Not with Corey, but the fact that now Ryan might fade into the background and join poor Natalia in the back corner of the lab getting one non-speaking scene per episode.
Yeah, I saw that. That's pretty weird how all of our concerns about Ryan and his non existent story are in there. If he recognized it, why didn't we see any of it? Do TPTB sit there and think, "Hm...what's another deep story line for Horatio, Calleigh, and Eric? Ryan? Don't care! He replaced Speed so we won't like him either! Oh hey, we can torture him a bit and that will keep the Togo fans on their toes...."

But who knows, Corey may be the only one to see this, and now he's leaving, so Ryan could possibly get less screen time. AND he remembers Uncle Ron! AAAA! That interview got me frustrated. Not with Corey, but the fact that now Ryan might fade into the background and join poor Natalia in the back corner of the lab getting one non-speaking scene per episode.
I also read the interview. It's strange that the writers and TPTB realized they had let facets of Ryan's personality drop,never explored family connections,etc., never addressed other issues.Same with Eric's resentment of Ryan.As far as his story arc,it's been nothing but Ryan's in trouble again, but is basically a good guy.
Will there be changes now that Corey is gone, if there is I hope it's not for the worse. He couldn't be the one and only writer to see this,they aren't really morons.They are choosing to just put their efforts somewhere else.They are not trying to come up with anything for Ryan. I felt the very same frustration Holly.
I read that interview, and was delighted that a writer would even have anything to say about Ryan's personal points! :lol: Corey's right, we know little to nothing about Ryan. The fact that someone realizes this makes me hope other writers will. I hope they get more into that as time moves on.

I also read this part of the interview:

CSI Files: Ryan crossed the line in a pretty major way when he falsified evidence in a case in "Wolfe in Sheep's Clothing". Will he end up paying for that down the road?
Miller: As for direct ramifications, we don't get into that by the end of season seven. The main thing we wanted to do was show how the Russian Mob could get to our people and try and divide them. It wasn't about Ryan getting reprimanded for the tenth time. But I do think that Ryan will carry that experience with him for the rest of his days, wondering if he did the right thing. I do feel like he goes with his gut instincts very often, which can get him into trouble.

Thank you Corey, for realizing that Ryan doesn't need another reprimanding, at least not right away. :lol: Even thought his gut-feeling and where it leads him is often what highlights him, it's still mighty over-done at some points. And I'm excited to know that there may be ramifications from 7.20 in season 8. Such an experience as 7.20 shouldn't just disappear. There should at least be emotional baggage that comes with it.
^ Unfortunately Wasbi, we will still get another Ryan's in trouble again from the ramifications of 7.20.
I also have a problem with that "gut" feeling and where it leads Ryan.Gut feelings often protect, it's that little voice in your head sreaming" don't do it".Your gut feelings are not as off as Ryan's seem to be.I would like the writers to come with something other than trouble for him. As I said in other threads on this site,the writers need to challenge themselves a little more.
They are choosing to just put their efforts somewhere else.They are not trying to come up with anything for Ryan. I felt the very same frustration Holly.
It irritated me too. I was surprised to hear him go on & on about how little viewers know about his character, playing more on Ryan's quirks, & even mentioning Uncle Ron, yet they didn't bother to take the time or put forth the energy in showing any of it. An average of 25 episodes a season & they just can't find the time - that's garbage. I feel that TPTB have lost a lot of their creativity.
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