Ryan/Jon #22 - Our Favourite Dust Monkey

What should the new thread be titled?

  • Togo Where No Thread Has Gone Before

    Votes: 3 7.1%
  • All In the Accent

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Incredible Shrinking T-Shirt

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Get the Full Togo Experience Here

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • He's a Superhero in Training

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • Just Take The Shirt Off Already!

    Votes: 7 16.7%
  • Waiting for the Comeback of the Purple Tee

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wolfe's Den

    Votes: 5 11.9%
  • Dreaming of Wolfe Shirtless

    Votes: 2 4.8%
  • Wolfe Gang

    Votes: 4 9.5%
  • Our Favorite Dust Monkey

    Votes: 19 45.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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This is my view of the pic:
The red outline is Kyle, the yellow is Tara. I put an E where their elbows may be, and that H is Tara's head.

Thanks for doing that Wasabi. That makes it so much more clear. It looks to me like Ryan is only covering Kyle and Tara is at Ryan's side, but his arms are clearly only over Kyle. And like I said, Kyle had short sleeves and I see that little flash of skin near Ryan's arms which has to be Kyle's arm(s). And that really does look like Tara's head at Ryan's side. With the dark hair, it'd have to be either Tara or Natalia and we've gotten no news of Nat even being there in that scene (though it would be nice if she was included in a big action scene). Tara looks like she's almost in the fetal position at Ryan's side. And let's face it, if she's supposed to go for her pills in this scene, she'd have to not be trapped under Ryan's arms, so it makes sense that she's at his side instead. :lol:
Haha Wasabi, I was going to do that! I was absolutely positive that it was two people after seeing the link again last night. It was sort of like looking at an ink blob, you see it one way then you look again and see it completely differently. That's what happened with me. :lol: Clearly two people there. Most likely Tara and Kyle.
I love your avatar Wasabi! :D

Stee I love the pics. :shifty: He looks really tanned in the first one but soo white in the second. :lol: I always thought he was really tanned in High Octane. :drool:
I agree, looks like he's shielding two people. The one on the right has to be Tara. Thanks for doing that pic Wasabi Power

Love your avi MiamiWolfe, so true!
At first I thought it was two people, but after seeing your outline, Wasabi, I'm not so sure. I could honestly see it both ways.

I hope it's only Kyle. That makes it seem more...heroic. Does that make any sense? :lol: My question is, why is Kyle (and possibly Tara) lying on the floor but Ryan is still (technicall) on his feet? It makes me think that Tara and Kyle were standing at the autopsy table and Ryan was standing away from it. The blast goes off, sending Tara and Kyle backwards. Ryan runs forward to help.

You know what I just realized? We all overanalyze. :lol:
At first I thought it was two people, but after seeing your outline, Wasabi, I'm not so sure. I could honestly see it both ways.

I hope it's only Kyle. That makes it seem more...heroic. Does that make any sense? :lol: My question is, why is Kyle (and possibly Tara) lying on the floor but Ryan is still (technicall) on his feet? It makes me think that Tara and Kyle were standing at the autopsy table and Ryan was standing away from it. The blast goes off, sending Tara and Kyle backwards. Ryan runs forward to help.

You know what I just realized? We all overanalyze. :lol:
Ryan doesn't look like he is on his feet,he looks like he's kneeling.If you look at where everyone is in relation to the stool,you can see that no one is standing. You know only H can stand during a blast.
Thanks, Luf =] I love my avatar too :lol:
I'm almost certain Ryan is shielding two people. I hope one is Kyle. In the promo pics, you can see some other M.E dude standing around though I think he's too big to be one of the people Ryan is shielding.
Here's the bigger sized pics from Collateral Damage with Ryan. :drool: Just click on the thumbnails. It's so great to see Ryan in promo pics!

Hahaha I KNOW I'm complaining about something yet again, but he NEEDS to pull the pants down. And I don't mean that in a dirty way. >.< I just mean they look so like... wedgyish. :lol:

Then again maybe it's the costume departments fault.
Hahaha I KNOW I'm complaining about something yet again, but he NEEDS to pull the pants down. And I don't mean that in a dirty way. >.< I just mean they look so like... wedgyish. :lol:

Then again maybe it's the costume departments fault.

:guffaw: I'm guessing it's probably wardrobe. Poor Jon!
I just wanna see the shirt not so tucked in. And possibly...ripped open. :drool:
That would definitely help hide the fact his pants are pulled up way too much. And it'd be really... sexy. :shifty: I'd go for at least as much as he has open in greatfan's avatar. :D
I agree, looks like he's shielding two people. The one on the right has to be Tara. Thanks for doing that pic Wasabi Power

Love your avi MiamiWolfe, so true!

Thanks.:) It is actually the first one I have ever made. I am hooked now, so I have a few more I will try and display.
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