Ryan/Jon #22 - Our Favourite Dust Monkey

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    Votes: 3 7.1%
  • All In the Accent

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  • The Incredible Shrinking T-Shirt

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  • Get the Full Togo Experience Here

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • He's a Superhero in Training

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • Just Take The Shirt Off Already!

    Votes: 7 16.7%
  • Waiting for the Comeback of the Purple Tee

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  • Wolfe's Den

    Votes: 5 11.9%
  • Dreaming of Wolfe Shirtless

    Votes: 2 4.8%
  • Wolfe Gang

    Votes: 4 9.5%
  • Our Favorite Dust Monkey

    Votes: 19 45.2%

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How do we know Ryan is shielding someone? Was that in a spoiler I missed?

There's a pic in the current issue of tv guide (with Nicolette Sheridan on the cover) that has pics from the episode and it appears that Ryan is covering someone (or possibly two someones) with his own body to protect them from falling objects.
I want it to be Tara, only because if she is freaking out about losing her pills she'll probably want him to get off of her right away, and that should definitely tell him there's something wrong with her. I'll be happy if it's Kyle too, just because I don't think we've ever seen Ryan interact with Kyle (have we?) so I suppose it'd be nice in a brotherly way.

EDIT: Oh dude I can totally see in the picture now what's going on after looking again at the link. It's Tara and Kyle both hunched over facing Ryan, and he's covering both of them with his body. The black spot beside Ryan's waist is Tara's hair, and the other white bump on his right must be Kyle.

I guess we all get what we want. :D
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Looks like two people to me. The black spot in the bottom right corner looks like it's Tara's head. Now either Tara's gotten the strangest shaped body I've ever seen, or there's someone else lying behind her. Probably Kyle.
Thanks for all the replies so quickly! :thumbsup:
You guys....that's one person on the ground that Ryan is over, and that's Kyle. Look at the promo pics, Tara has yellow pants. The person Ryan is over has white pants. Either it's Kyle or another ME assistant, but it's not Tara. Nor is it two people.
Hi. Thanks for the pics, Kristine. Are they from the finale?

Stee- I agree, that orange tie should never have been taken out of the wardrobe (not sure how it made it out of the shop in the first place) Hideous. But I will forgive the tie if we see Ryan being all heroic. It looks like he will be. I think a Kyle and Ryan scene would be cute. I hope it is him he is shielding. Hero-Ryan is something i've been wanting to see for ages.
Kyle was wearing short sleeves, one of the people in front of Ryan has long sleeves. But, I do see some light colored skin too, possibly Kyle's arm. So, I do think it's both of them. Although in that picture, there was another person in the room helping to lift the body and all... so it could be that person too. Though I doubt it because they're not a significant character, so they probably just help lift the body and then leave the room. I really hope it's just Kyle, but like I said, he was wearing short sleeves and it does look like someone on the ground has short sleeves and someone else has long sleeves.Unless possibly Natalia ends up joining them in the room or something and the dark spot is her hair rather than Tara's.
You guys....that's one person on the ground that Ryan is over, and that's Kyle. Look at the promo pics, Tara has yellow pants. The person Ryan is over has white pants. Either it's Kyle or another ME assistant, but it's not Tara. Nor is it two people.
It looks like two peopleto me.There is a person near Ryan's left elbow and someone near his right arm.We are seeing or part of a lab coat,not pants. It looks like Tara's hair too.
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I agree that it looks like 2 people. I think it is Tara on the right, def. looks like her. The other must be Kyle, although I wouldn't want to put any money on that!
Wah! I really hope at least one of the people he's shielding is Kyle. PLEASSSEE. He's so brave, covering people like that. And H could be all YOU SAVE MY SON. I praise you. Whoo!!
Wah! I really hope at least one of the people he's shielding is Kyle. PLEASSSEE. He's so brave, covering people like that. And H could be all YOU SAVE MY SON. I praise you. Whoo!!

I totally agree. I want it to be Kyle too cause I want to see if they'd have Horatio thanking him. It'd be nice to have a sort of mirrored scene to when Ryan told Horatio "you went to bat for me. I'm never going to forget that." and have Horatio say to Ryan, "You saved my son's life in there, Mr. Wolfe. I will never forget that." :D
I have analyzed the promo pic...and I have to say I agree with those who only see one person under Ryan's arms, and I also think it's Kyle. The black spot could be his jeans or something because he's kneeling on the floor or something. But we'll see:D

And two pics from season 3 I came across today and thought to share them just for fun. :D I love the black outfit and his tan looks:drool::D
This is my view of the pic:
The red outline is Kyle, the yellow is Tara. I put an E where their elbows may be, and that H is Tara's head.
I have analyzed the promo pic...and I have to say I agree with those who only see one person under Ryan's arms, and I also think it's Kyle. The black spot could be his jeans or something because he's kneeling on the floor or something. But we'll see:D

And two pics from season 3 I came across today and thought to share them just for fun. :D I love the black outfit and his tan looks:drool::D
Did you enlarge that pic,there are clearly 2 people.That is a head,not Ryan's jeans.
Thanks for the pics.One of the commentaries from the 3rd season mentioned Jon hitting the gym and you can really see the difference from his very first episodes♥
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