Ryan/Jon #22 - Our Favourite Dust Monkey

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  • Togo Where No Thread Has Gone Before

    Votes: 3 7.1%
  • All In the Accent

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  • The Incredible Shrinking T-Shirt

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  • Get the Full Togo Experience Here

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • He's a Superhero in Training

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • Just Take The Shirt Off Already!

    Votes: 7 16.7%
  • Waiting for the Comeback of the Purple Tee

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wolfe's Den

    Votes: 5 11.9%
  • Dreaming of Wolfe Shirtless

    Votes: 2 4.8%
  • Wolfe Gang

    Votes: 4 9.5%
  • Our Favorite Dust Monkey

    Votes: 19 45.2%

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Oh dear, it's been a while again since I've been here, but your answers cracked me up, so I just had to add my thoughts here.... :D

What do you think Ryan's favorite drink is? I'd say really strong coffee and OJ, I don't see him as the tea type of guy.

What does he like to eat? (when did we find out he cannot cook?) Chinese take away :p

What CD/song is playing in his Hummer? Rock, definitely. Something fast that goes with his driving style. Maybe Highway to Hell.....

What's his favorite show (comedy, mystery, drama, ect) ? Crime Stoppers ;) Nah, I'd say sci-fi stuff too, but we might be influenced too much by Delko there... Maybe also comedy, to relax a bit after being around dead bodies....

What does he do on his day off?
He has a day off? Well, I'd say he goes shopping, maybe for a morning run or an evening work out...

What does he wear to bed? boxers....

Does he have any pets, and if so, what kind? A turtle, maybe. Something that doesn't make any mess and isn't likely to bite him :)

But I'd love him with a little kitten as well. They say cats help you relax, so... Maybe after his whole ordeal, if he's send to a shrink, they tell him he might need a pet at home...
What does he like to eat? (when did we find out he cannot cook?) Chinese take away :p
I don't think he can't cook, but in CSI: My Nanny, Natalia is talking about a ceramic knife and that she has one in her kitchen and he says "I'm more of a drive-thru type of guy."
What do you think Ryan's favorite drink is?: I too vote for coffee and maybe a beer or two after work.

What does he like to eat?: Since he is more of a "fast food guy", I can see him eating pizza or McDonalds (and I agree with Miamifan08, he needs a good woman who can cook--our Ryan needs to eat healthy)

What CD/song is playing in his Hummer?: I can see him having various tastes in music depending on his mood.

What is his favorite show(comedy, mystery, drama, etc)?: something as far away from his job as possible, more likely a comedy and I can actually see him as an incurable romantic as well, so possibly a classic romantic comedy.

What does he do on his day off?: clean, run errands, and possibly reading magazines for work.

What does he wear to bed?: t-shirt and shorts, but I like luf's suggestion as well.
What do you think Ryan's favorite drink is? Coffee

What does he like to eat? Even though Ryan stated he was a drive through type of guy, that didn't seem in character to me at the time,probably because of the OCD.I could see a nice restaurant,or someone(me) cooking him a meal.

What CD/song is playing in his Hummer? Varies depending on mood.

What's his favorite show (comedy, mystery, drama, ect) ? sci fi or crime.

What does he do on his day off? Clean,research to stay up to date, perhaps look into finishing his master's program.Maybe date, runs.

What does he wear to bed? The regular pj bottoms and under shirt.
He probably has a meduim size dog as a pet,but nothing large.
Good answers girls. :p

Ok, here's mine.

What do you think Ryan's favorite drink is?:
black coffee in the morning, Mountain Dew or occasional power drink through the day, Beer in the evening, or ice water.

What does he like to eat?:
Roast beef sammiches (like the one he fed the gator). Anything fast food. If he does cook, I see it something very simple like breakfast foods(surely he can fry an egg & some bacon) & for dinner, some sort of grilled meat (every guy can grill) like steak, chicken, chops, fish, along with a microwaved baked potato. Only on occcasion though, not a nightly thing.

What CD/song is playing in his Hummer?:
Variety of rock & alternative, but nothing too funkay. Ok, & every once in a while I could see him listening to some pop styles -- then he realizes he's bustin' a move to Lady GaGa & changes it quickly.

What is his favorite show(comedy, mystery, drama, etc)?:
Hehee, Dog the Bounty Hunter! History & Discovery channel, & any show on Sci-fi. Comedy show every once in a while to distract him from the job.

What does he do on his day off?:
Tidies up his apartment. Runs errands. I see him playing some sort of sport just for fun, maybe with some guy buddies like beach football. Goes to Mom's for a good dinner then out for beers with the fellas or takes out a pretty gal.

What does he wear to bed?:
I'd prefer commando style but I know it isn't Ryan. I'd say t-shirt & boxers, or an old pair of gym shorts.

None, he doesn't have time, & he's OCD so I couldn't see him cleaning up poo anyway.
Ahh... I forgot about the games too. I think he'd enjoy Resident Evil. He likes puzzles and those games have a lot of puzzles in them, plus the shooting zombies and whatnot. I could also see him playing the games based on the Evil Dead/Army Of Darkness movies. :) I think he'd enjoy those movies. :lol: I'd say he liked to watch Supernatural too, but I don't know if he would after what happened in Curse of the Coffin. :lol: I could see him with a small/medium sized dog... or even a large one that's not an aggressive type. But, I could definitley see him with fish... although they're really more for scenery than for pets. I mean, you can't exactly play with them. :lol: I don't know if I could see him with a cat. I can't see him emptying a litter box. If he has a dog, its probably one rescued from the shelter and one who is already house trained, so that he doesn't have to clean up after it. :lol: Oh and I could definitely see him enjoying fighting games like Tekken or Mortal Kombat. :lol: And he probably likes Guitar Hero and Rock Band as well. :D Maybe he and Dave could get together and jam on Rock Band or something. :lol:
If he has a dog, its probably one rescued from the shelter and one who is already house trained, so that he doesn't have to clean up after it. :lol:
I would never want to be in his backyard. And not cleaning up your dogs crap anywhere else is just rude. :lol:

I could sooooooo beat Ryan at Guitar Hero.
:lol: I meant so he doesn't have to clean it up in the house. :lol: Outside you can use a pooper scooper and even someone with OCD shouldn't be as bothered by that as having to clean it up in the house. :lol:

I've never played Guitar Hero, but I've played Rock Band. I suck at the guitar part, plus it really hurts my hands. :lol: Even though I can actually play a real one a little bit. :lol: But, I'm better at the singing part of Rock Band. I can't say if I could beat Ryan or not cause I've never heard him sing. Though my intution says he probably can and I'm thinking he'd have a very nice voice. :D
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Oh sorry. :lol: To me either way is still gross.

Hahaa, I wanna hear Ryan's singing voice. I've never played Rock Band but I figure it's almost the same as Guitar Hero 4. I am amazing at the guitar, but I suck at the drums (they make my fingers hurt) and I've never really done the singing yet. :lol: I still think I could beat Ryan, at least on the guitar.

If Cooper was still around I could see the whole team like gathering in A/V to play Guitar Hero or Rock Band or something, even though we never see them do anything together. :lol:

P.S. I was on here at school, and the kid who was sitting beside me saw my signature and looked over and was like "Whoa what was that? Go back down." So I went down and he was like "Caitie! I didn't know you were into that kind of thing." Ahaha, not sure if he knew it was my sig or if I was just looking at it. :lol:
What CD/song is playing in his Hummer? Rock, definitely. Something fast that goes with his driving style. Maybe Highway to Hell.....

I was thinking AC/DC but maybe because I like AC/DC!!!
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