Ryan/Jon #22 - Our Favourite Dust Monkey

What should the new thread be titled?

  • Togo Where No Thread Has Gone Before

    Votes: 3 7.1%
  • All In the Accent

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Incredible Shrinking T-Shirt

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Get the Full Togo Experience Here

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • He's a Superhero in Training

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • Just Take The Shirt Off Already!

    Votes: 7 16.7%
  • Waiting for the Comeback of the Purple Tee

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wolfe's Den

    Votes: 5 11.9%
  • Dreaming of Wolfe Shirtless

    Votes: 2 4.8%
  • Wolfe Gang

    Votes: 4 9.5%
  • Our Favorite Dust Monkey

    Votes: 19 45.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Here's where we bring in the Google image search......By the way, several crazy pictures have come up....Ty Pennington, some rapper guy, a football player, some crappy MS paint drawings of sunglasses, some CD called Hot and Sassy, LOTS of Adam R. pictures, CRAP I just exited out of it!!!!:scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream:

You know what? Here you go. http://www.crime-series.de/lexi_attachments/Jonathan_Togo.jpg

I got sick of looking through pictures.

I know!
I was looking for a picture of Jon the other day in Yahoo, and about 75% of the pictures had nothing to do with him, nor could I could directly link him to them.

It's a very nice picture though :D

Anywho, I'd be posting more, but y'all got back into the whole spoiler thing again. :p
^ Thanks for the caps Orla. It could be quiet in here just because there is no new episode on Monday,I'll sure miss Ryan.
I think it's quiet all over the site this weekend.
Yeah, it's been pretty quiet. I've been so bored almost all day. :lol: We need some Ryan-licious topics I guess. :) But, I can't think of anything. :lol:
I think I killed the thread with my spoiler speculations. :lol::shifty:

Anyway...here's a topic starter/questions:

What do you think Ryan's favorite drink is?

What does he like to eat?

What CD/song is playing in his Hummer?

What's his favorite show (comedy, mystery, drama, ect) ?

What does he do on his day off?

What does he wear to bed?

It's sad that we really can't answer any of these, but that's TPTB's fault. But hey, this looks like fun.

What do you think Ryan's favorite drink is? He looks like a coffee kind of person.

What does he like to eat?
Drive thru!! Well, he said that in some episode somewhere...

What CD/song is playing in his Hummer?
Something subdued, like jazz or something.

What's his favorite show (comedy, mystery, drama, ect) ?
He doesn't strike me as one to watch very much television. But if I had to choose, I could see him in the middle of the night watching an old black and white mystery movie.

What does he do on his day off?
Haha, cleans his house....or runs errands or something. He seems like a workaholic to me. Like, even on his day off I can see him waking up early and getting coffee and getting dressed and getting down to business.

What does he wear to bed?
T-shirt and those blue plaid sleep pants nearly every male has. Or maybe no shirt. :)
Haha, this'll be interesting.

What do you think Ryan's favorite drink is?
I agree with Hollyyo. Coffee or like, orange juice or something. :lol: He doesn't strike me as the buy a 12 pack of beer and drink it throughout the week type.

What does he like to eat?
TV dinners.

What CD/song is playing in his Hummer?
This one I have no idea. I've always pictured Ryan having a horrible taste in music. So maybe country (no offense country lovers) or something to that extent. :lol: I can also see him epically failing to rap along to 50 Cent or Eminem of someone like that... no idea why.

What's his favorite show (comedy, mystery, drama, etc.)?
If the CSI's have a version of CSI, then that. ;) And he'd probably complain about how it's sooo unrealistic. Or some science-fictiony type show.

What does he do on his day off?
Goes grocery shopping. :lol: I dunno, do whatever needs to be done, doesn't just sit around watching TV.

What does he wear to bed?
What Hollyyo said. :lol: Or... you know, nothing. ;)
Nice idea and questions!

What do you think Ryan's favorite drink is? I think he like coffee (we saw how he drink one in 7x20) and when he with friends in bar he drinks beer.

What does he like to eat? We know he can't cook, so probably some thing, i don't know how it's calling on english, freeze food? Some thing he can cook fast :)

What CD/song is playing in his Hummer? Jazz is good idea, but i think he listen radio with random music (rap, country, rock).

What's his favorite show (comedy, mystery, drama, etc.)? Science-fictiony movie or some serious movie, which make you think about life, people, etc. oO Discovery channel shows!

What does he do on his day off? Clean his house and buy ugly ties :D

What does he wear to bed? Agree with Hollyyo and luf100, personally i prefer thinking he wear nothing :devil:
What do you think Ryan's favorite drink is?

A: I've thought of him as a coffee man as well. He just displays that aura about him. I also see him into milk and juice.

What does he like to eat?

A: Ryan's a fast food junkie! I just feel it. I think it would take a good woman who can cook entering his life for him to stop.

What CD/song is playing in his Hummer?

A: that's a toughie! Based on what we already know about him, I'm gonna say he's a rock kind of guy. I see him listening to Metalica, the Rolling Stones, Nirvana definately! :)

What's his favorite show (comedy, mystery, drama, ect) ?

A: I see Ryan being a black and white drama fan. I also see him up late watching some old movie on TMC. :)

What does he do on his day off?

A: Well...Clean of course!! We can't disregard his OCD. I totally see Ryan organizing his very neat and nice apartment yet again. Maybe go out and play some D&D with old college friends. :) Once a nerd, always a nerd.

What does he wear to bed?

A: I know this is going to sound strange, but I was thinking about this very thing the other day. It's for my fanfiction! :guffaw:

Anyways...I see Ryan in a pair of old gray sweatpants and an old red t-shirt probably from Boston College. Although, I do like luf's suggestion. LOL!!
What do you think Ryan's favorite drink is? Morning= coffee, afternoon= some kind of soda maybe rootbeer? evening=tea? I dunno maybe a beer. :lol:

What does he like to eat? Pizza!!! :lol:

What CD/song is playing in his Hummer? I think he would have varied tastes. Like maybe some rock, some r&B, etc...

What's his favorite show (comedy, mystery, drama, ect) ? I could see Ryan liking "Burn Notice" for some reason. :lol: And if Eric's right, Ryan watches science fiction. :lol:

What does he do on his day off? Yoga, meditation? I dunno. :lol:

What does he wear to bed? I'd say either just sleeping pants or just boxers. He doesn't strike me as a person who would sleep in the buff though for some reason. :lol:
Just to add a question to the forum: Does he have any pets, and if so, what kind?
I'd say no, not a one.

The most I can see him having is like a fish that he feeds when he gets up in the morning. :lol: Or maybe a cute little kitten. ^_^ Aaaw I can just picture this little cat cuddling up with him to sleep and stuff. Hehe.
Just to add a question to the forum: Does he have any pets, and if so, what kind?
Definitely not a dog! :guffaw:

:guffaw: That cracked me up! I'm sure everyone is picturing that scene in Target Specific!

So my answers to the questions:

What do you think Ryan's favorite drink is? I see him definitely as an OJ guy in the morning.

What does he like to eat? nothing fancy, I think he'd settle for cereal in the morning and a tv dinner maybe at night

What CD/song is playing in his Hummer? 80's music :)

What's his favorite show (comedy, mystery, drama, ect) ? He'd watch something on Discovery Channel probably!

What does he do on his day off?
gambling would be so wrong for me to say....um, cleans!

What does he wear to bed? Ryan seems like a modest guy to me so I really don't think he'd go nude. Probably boxers and a tshirt.
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