Ryan/Jon #21 - Wolfe Pack

What should the new thread be called?

  • Wolfe Pack

    Votes: 15 42.9%
  • Togo Where No Thread Has Gone Before

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • All in the Accent

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Incredible Shrinking T-Shirt

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Get the Full Togo Experience Here

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • He's a Superhero in Training

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Waiting for the Comeback of the Purple Tee

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wolfe's Den

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Dreaming of Wolfe Shirtless

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Wolfe Gang

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • Just Take The Shirt Off Already!

    Votes: 4 11.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Ok. So I have a bit of a nitpick here. I am watching Going Ballistic right now. We found out this year (in Wrecking Crew) that Ryan is afraid of heights right? No big deal as I have a very healthy fear of heights myself :) but.......
In this episode Ryan is standing mere feet from a broken out window about 7-9 stories up looking down at the crime scene. I'm sorry but I would NEVER be that close to a window, that high up. Especially one that is broken out.
So what's the deal? Is he really afraid o heights or did they just throw that in during Wrecking Crew? I can't remember seeing him high up before or since.
/nitpick... :p
I don't think Ryan had been portrayed before Wrecking Crew with a fear of heights,and has not been portrayed since then with that fear.Probably thrown in for comedy relief, but is inconsistent with the scene from Going Ballistic.
Well, as someone who's afraid of heights, I'd think there'd be a big difference in the amount of fear generated by both situations.

Although still scary, leaning out of an open window is something that he can hopefully back away from at any point if he starts to feel uncomfortable.
Being way up in the air in a crane, he's pretty much stuck there until someone lets him down. Plus it was making lots of creaking and groaning noises.

So, I would probably be quite a bit more scared in that situation myself, so maybe that's way Ryan seemed more freaked out then and not before.
Or maybe I'm just thinking too much into this and it was just for comic relief like greatfan said. :D
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Well....I have an immense fear of heights (I can barely walk on the second floor of a mall), and I wouldn't be in either situation. It seems like to me the open window would be scary because you never know when a gust of wind is going to come and knock you down. Uhghghg
I am scared of heights- but I would definitely be more frightened on the crane. At least with the window you know you are going to be safe. A crane, moving around everywhere? There is no way I would even step on it.
But the situation worked as comic relief. I agree with what has been said- Ryan does seem to have lightened up a bit. He got way too serious s5 and 6.

Thanks for all the caps. I dont know if I would be able to choose a favourite. But I do really like the s3 promo one where he is in the leather jacket.

Question: Are they showing 7.20 the week after 7.19 or are they being mean and making us wait?
^7.20 is being shown the week after 7.19.
Ryan does seem to have lighten up.I wonder if he will stay that way or will he be all serious again because of the events in episodes 7.19 and 7.20?
Thanks. I thought I had read somewhere that there would be a few weeks break between them. Glad that is not the case!

Hopefully the upcoming events wont make him too serious. Maybe for a few epis after, but I prefer the lighter Ryan.
I really hope that what happens in 7.19 and 7.20 has SOME impact on the personality of Ryan. It would be nice to see some kind of character development happen, ya know? He has changed over the seasons, but not really as a result of something we got to witness, touch and feel.
Yeah, I would love a bit of character development too, on the one hand. On the other hand I mean, look at Greg in Vegas. When he got in the field, even before Fannysmackin' I thought he was getting way too serious and I missed goofy Greg. Now, Ryan has never been really goofy, but I'd hate to see him go all serious again...it's a tough situation, you know. If they don't do anything characterwise, I'm gonna be all mad about them not going for continuity, but if they make changes, which would be understandable, I'm going, oh no, he's not as funny as he used to be... it's so difficult....
I know this will sound horrible but, I would really love to see some kind of psycholocial damage come from this.
I mean think about it, Ryan was kiddnapped, torcured into submission, and forced to do something completely outside his ethical code.
You just don't walk away from that and say I'm fine. I really hope there's some kind of damage, just not physical, that Ryan will have to deal with for the rest of the season.

Anyways...ONE DAY TILL 7.19!!!!! *throws massive confetti*

I'm so excited! To keep myself spoiler free, I'm not going to be on CSI Talk after tonight till after I see the episode. I want to truely be shocked! :)
I know this will sound horrible but, I would really love to see some kind of psycholocial damage come from this.
I mean think about it, Ryan was kiddnapped, torcured into submission, and forced to do something completely outside his ethical code.
You just don't walk away from that and say I'm fine. I really hope there's some kind of damage, just not physical, that Ryan will have to deal with for the rest of the season.

Anyways...ONE DAY TILL 7.19!!!!! *throws massive confetti*

I'm so excited! To keep myself spoiler free, I'm not going to be on CSI Talk after tonight till after I see the episode. I want to truely be shocked! :)
That's what I said, too! :) I'd be a little disappointed if it was all over and he just bounced back like nothing. I'd like to see Ryan a little rocky, then maybe slowly go back to his normal self. It would be another thing to watch for in future episodes, and add some additional interesting flair to the character.
That's exactly what I was thinking!!!

Miami has the tendency to totally forget what they've written before. I hope he has some emotional repercussions because of this. It will be interesting if they go that deep into his sorely underused character.
That's exactly what I was thinking!!!

Miami has the tendency to totally forget what they've written before. I hope he has some emotional repercussions because of this. It will be interesting if they go that deep into his sorely underused character.

Yeah, like, maybe he'll be aprehensive, skiddish at first, then as he moves along he just slowly eases back into his normal self. Or maybe he will have OCD flairs.
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I hope this storyarc not ended like "nothing happen with me" from Ryan. Maybe they show us irritate Ryan, maybe suspicious with people for a while and then come back to normal :)

Anyway, for me two day left for this ep. And on tuesday i come here i would read your opinion about ep :D I don't post my fav Ryan pics here, cuz it's too many *blush*, but i found promotional pics from SU2:

On the background
Isn't he sweet?
I hope the writers don't do all of this stuff to Ryan in one episode, and then have him act perfectly fine in the next one. I want resounding issues, as long as he eventually returns back to normal.
How many times has something "happened" to a character and then they are back to normal the next time we see them? I hate that, and I really hope they don't do that with Ryan. All of this has got to have an effect on a person somehow.

By the way, I love the pictures Orla. :)
I think the last one is my favorite.
I hope the writers don't do all of this stuff to Ryan in one episode, and then have him act perfectly fine in the next one. I want resounding issues, as long as he eventually returns back to normal.
How many times has something "happened" to a character and then they are back to normal the next time we see them? I hate that, and I really hope they don't do that with Ryan. All of this has got to have an effect on a person somehow.

By the way, I love the pictures Orla. :)
I think the last one is my favorite.
Yeah, I think a lot fo people are on agreement on this. CSI tends to change characters a lot, but offer vague to absolutely zero explination. This time, if Ryan started acting differently, at least we the fans would know why, and I think that would make him a more personal character, at least for me. :)
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