Ryan/Jon #21 - Wolfe Pack

What should the new thread be called?

  • Wolfe Pack

    Votes: 15 42.9%
  • Togo Where No Thread Has Gone Before

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • All in the Accent

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Incredible Shrinking T-Shirt

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Get the Full Togo Experience Here

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • He's a Superhero in Training

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Waiting for the Comeback of the Purple Tee

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wolfe's Den

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Dreaming of Wolfe Shirtless

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Wolfe Gang

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • Just Take The Shirt Off Already!

    Votes: 4 11.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Love all the caps FallenForFlack!
Ryan looked awesome as always last night. Could have gone without the whole shirt and tie deal, but whatever.
Any Ryan is good Ryan.

And don't worry Wasabi_Power, your posts aren't long. And good luck on the test!
Been there done that and it's awful waiting for it :D
Thanks! -keeps fingers crossed-

Haha, I agree, he could have gone without the tie AND without the shirt. :lol:
I wonder if Dave will be in ep 720. If so, maybe he'll be the one to recognize the changes in Ryan and maybe he'll be able to tell if he's in pain. Maybe Ryan could actually confide in him. Or maybe Michael will notice. If Natalia doesn't notice first after Horatio.
I'm going with H, and then Natalia as recognizing something may be up with Ryan. I would go with Natalia first,but you never know when and if she will be in the episode.It would be interesting if one of the new guys were the first to pick up on Ryan's problems. I wonder how the team would feel then,that they missed something like that?

Thanks for the caps FallenForFlack:thumbsup:
Someone's got to notice something! In a spoiler I read Ryan's all nervous and such. If anything, someone's going to be like: "Are you gambling again?" Mrrr! This episode needs to be here now...

Some chest, but not enough:
thanks for the pics!
I sometimes wonder if we are all finding the same spoilers.I don't think I read that Ryan was nervous,but of course it would make sense that he was.
Am I the only one who thought Dave looked like he should be a naturalist and wrestling snakes when I first saw him? The pony tail thing is definitly cool, it makes him stand out.

I think he and Ryan should definitly be friends, it would be nice to have that kind of friendly nature come back in Ryan's aura. :thumbsup:
Starzgirl, I know, I was just pointing out how they contrast. :lol:

FallenforFlack, how did you manage to squeeze that many pics out?! :lol:

Sorry for my exceedingly long posts, people. I ramble when nervous!
(drivers license test tomorrow :scream:)

I agree with you on Dave, he doesn't fit in!

Honestly, don't know how I did that, I just kept capping, lol! I don't mind rambling posts! And good luck tomorrow. Man I'm old, it's been 14 years since I did that!

GNRF I think the tie was purple. I love purple and seem to be able to decipher b/w blue and purple. I'm such a dork! :lol:

I'm glad you all liked the caps!

Wasabi Power those photos are cute! I love that second one! So sweet!:adore:
Thanks FallenforFlack :) I hope I pass!

I don't know if we do all read our spoilers from the same place... I wish we didn't have to wait so long for this darn eppy to come out. :scream: My life is a void untl I get to see the end of 7.19 and all of 7.20. I'm trying not to get tooo hyped up because I don't want to be disappointed (heavens forbid).

Dave is cool, I like him, but as soon as I saw him I thought someone from behind the camera or off of Discovery Channel had been cut and pasted into the lab. He's definitly interesting, he's kind of cute, and I think he and ryan would make cool buddies.
Thanks FallenforFlack :) I hope I pass!

I don't know if we do all read our spoilers from the same place... I wish we didn't have to wait so long for this darn eppy to come out. :scream: My life is a void untl I get to see the end of 7.19 and all of 7.20. I'm trying not to get tooo hyped up because I don't want to be disappointed (heavens forbid).

Dave is cool, I like him, but as soon as I saw him I thought someone from behind the camera or off of Discovery Channel had been cut and pasted into the lab. He's definitly interesting, he's kind of cute, and I think he and ryan would make cool buddies.

I have a hard time waiting for the episodes too.I actually never had a hard time until I came here last year.I knew nothing of spoilers,so I just waited until the next episode.
I think Dave is cool too and I would love for Ryan to have someone to hang out with.He seems really friendly too.
^ Love your avatar FallenForFlack.
Dave is different,he may fit in .We just need to give him a chance.

Thanks greatfan! GregNickRyanFan did it for me. :)

I wonder if Dave will be around for long? What happened to those other people we used to see? The chick that Ryan said 'was quite an upgrade' though he says he meant the equipment I still think he meant her. :lol: To me she was a downgrade from him, haha.
Dave is new, Ryan said something about hassling the new guy. I think they should be friends too, since the whole Eric thing didn't work out. Ryan needs a friend.

Wasabi Power, that pic where he's in that grave with the striped shirt: That was my most favorite thing on him. I think he had a jacket on for the rest of that episode, but he just looked really good in that shirt for some reason.

Calleigh notices he's acting weird. She notes that he's not being meticulous and perfect like he always is and she feels like he's lying to her. She thinks he's gambling again, but he says he isn't. But he won't tell her what's going on. I think that's when Delko comes in and Ryan rags on them for keeping secrets and walks out.
Dave is new, Ryan said something about hassling the new guy.

He got that line with the new guy or guy taking place of Cooper for a bit on the one episode. Almost the same thing, at least that's consisten! :lol:

I love his eyes in this pic. Gorgeous!
Love those pics Wasabi_Power, especially the last one ;)
It's quite different than anything Ryan would wear, but I'm fond of it.

And Jon's eyes do look amazing in that picture FallenForFlack!

You guys always manage to find the greatest pictures of Jon :D
FallenForFlack, i love his voice too, thats why i don't watch this show with translation, better don't understand somethings then don't hear his voice :D
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