Ryan/Jon #21 - Wolfe Pack

What should the new thread be called?

  • Wolfe Pack

    Votes: 15 42.9%
  • Togo Where No Thread Has Gone Before

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • All in the Accent

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Incredible Shrinking T-Shirt

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Get the Full Togo Experience Here

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • He's a Superhero in Training

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Waiting for the Comeback of the Purple Tee

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wolfe's Den

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Dreaming of Wolfe Shirtless

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Wolfe Gang

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • Just Take The Shirt Off Already!

    Votes: 4 11.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I just said in another post that I was shocked Ryan was in the promo,that almost never happens.
I liked the short sleeves to,and at least it was only a tie instead of a suit.
A few buttons open would be great.
Hmph, so for once CBS got the better promo? Ryan wasn't in ours, I couldn't even understand it really! It was confusing. :lol:

I agree with everyone, I hate the ties with a passion. Now that we've seen that black and white pic he's gonna have to show us some more chest on screen. Rawr.
Ok, I've watched the beginning (where Ryan comes in) several times and I didn't see a wink. Is it just me? I saw him blink.

Also, I so did not notice that was Ryan collecting all those phones and cameras. I would never know who he is from the back!! I thought it was some misc. police officer, oops!
Well, it was real quick. It's hard to notice sometimes. I didn't notice that time he winked at Natalia or the time he winked at Valera until I watched those episodes again.
Yes the tie was doing nothing for me either....but that shirt and pants! WOW! :drool: I stopped paying attention to what Calleigh was saying in that scene and was staring....I think I'll be watching the episode again tonight. :D
Jon screenies from Divorce Party, starting from 024 to 001.
And despite my best efforts, the pictures went in reverse chronilogical order. :(


OKAY so first of all, I thought that the pics 002 and 001 weren't Mr. Togo, but actually a stunt double, and same for all the other pics showing him from behind. I dunno, he just looked a lot skinnier than usual, but then I thought; Hm, there really is no reason for them to put a stunt double in every shot of Ryan's back. Unless Mr. Togo lost all the hair on the back of his head by laying on an electric shaver. Which isn't the case, because from the side he looks fine. Conclusion: That shirt just makes him look skinnier, or he lost some...weight? If at all possible. :confused:

Looks like ...Dave? and Ryan could make good buddies, despite a glaring difference in height:


AND as a final contribution, I thought you people might enjoy a huge picture of Mr. Togo acting in Law & Order's "Blaze" getting high as a chinese kite in a club bathroom.

PHEW. :lol:
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Here, in Uruguay, the seasons came a year after. So, I can´t wait to read "Wolfe in sheep´s clothing" review. I know it´ll be airdated 03/30/09, but I wonder: Will he really betray the team? Will the episode have a happy ending or the team will hate him?
Looks like ...Dave? and Ryan could make good buddies, despite a glaring difference in height

I do not think a difference in height should make any indication of how a friendship could work....some people are tall, others are not it's all how genetics and nature work out.

Besides they greated one another like they had beenw orking together for years, ovbiously they have similar personalities and click very well. I hope to see more Dave and Ryan interections in the future, he is going to make a great addition to the team. And we might finally see Ryan out on the town, hopefully with Dave.
He looks a little like Scott Baio in that L&O pic, with that hair style. :D

Haha. I could see Dave and Ryan attending a rock concert together. :lol:
Looks like ...Dave? and Ryan could make good buddies, despite a glaring difference in height

I do not think a difference in height should make any indication of how a friendship could work....some people are tall, others are not it's all how genetics and nature work out.

Besides they greated one another like they had beenw orking together for years, ovbiously they have similar personalities and click very well. I hope to see more Dave and Ryan interections in the future, he is going to make a great addition to the team. And we might finally see Ryan out on the town, hopefully with Dave.
It would be great if Ryan could have a friend to hang out with.
It looks as if they got off to a good start with some good natured kidding.
It would be cool if he had some friend, I always thought that Ryan is not that type of guy who has a lot of friends. But I can totally imagine him with this guy:D
At first glance I thought he was wearing a blue tie yesterday, but on a closer look I realised it was dotted..bleh - Wasabi Power I loved how you got him rid of that tie, so funny:lol:

Btw, that tech guy soo looks like my maths teacher...it's creepy:lol:
Yea I don't see why they would use a stunt double for video of his back. He looks really different but not that we see him from the back too often. Here are my caps, there's 47 despite his lack of appearnce! Password: flackdonflack

Ryan caps here
I wonder if Dave will be in ep 720. If so, maybe he'll be the one to recognize the changes in Ryan and maybe he'll be able to tell if he's in pain. Maybe Ryan could actually confide in him. Or maybe Michael will notice. If Natalia doesn't notice first after Horatio.
Thanks for the caps:D Now I can really see why everyone said he looked different from behind, he really did, his arms didn't look as muscular as they do from the front, but maybe it's just the angle.

I'm curious who's gonna recognize that something's wrong with him. H is one but what about the others? I'm getting more and more excited to see this episode - a storyline, what we were asking for months:)
Am I the only one who thought Dave looked like he should be a naturalist and wrestling snakes when I first saw him? The pony tail thing is definitly cool, it makes him stand out.

I think he and Ryan should definitly be friends, it would be nice to have that kind of friendly nature come back in Ryan's aura. :thumbsup:
Starzgirl, I know, I was just pointing out how they contrast. :lol:

FallenforFlack, how did you manage to squeeze that many pics out?! :lol:

Sorry for my exceedingly long posts, people. I ramble when nervous!
(drivers license test tomorrow :scream:)
Love all the caps FallenForFlack!
Ryan looked awesome as always last night. Could have gone without the whole shirt and tie deal, but whatever.
Any Ryan is good Ryan.

And don't worry Wasabi_Power, your posts aren't long. And good luck on the test!
Been there done that and it's awful waiting for it :D
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