Ryan/Jon #21 - Wolfe Pack

What should the new thread be called?

  • Wolfe Pack

    Votes: 15 42.9%
  • Togo Where No Thread Has Gone Before

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • All in the Accent

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Incredible Shrinking T-Shirt

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Get the Full Togo Experience Here

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • He's a Superhero in Training

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Waiting for the Comeback of the Purple Tee

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wolfe's Den

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Dreaming of Wolfe Shirtless

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Wolfe Gang

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • Just Take The Shirt Off Already!

    Votes: 4 11.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I just saw the spoiler pictures...7.20 needs to come now!! I mean right now!! I mean time should excellerate so it will be march 30th!!

Did i mentian I was excited for 7.20? :)
I'm not. Seriously, the closer it gets the more upset I get.

I feel like this is Greg's beating storyline redone and molded to fit Ryan with a little bit of elements from Calleigh's kidnapping throw in. It feels redundant to me. Can't they write a storyline for Ryan where he's not getting hurt or in trouble? Sure, Eric got hurt a time or two, but he also got good storylines too. Horatio, Cal and Nat have all gotten both good and bad storylines. Poor Ryan has only gotten the bad ones. It's very upsetting.

I know some of you are just glad that he's getting more face time, but honestly I'm prefer quality over quantity. C&E are going to be giving Ryan crap for keeping this secret, yadda yadda. I hate how the writers are destroying the team dynamics on top of always only giving Ryan two types of storylines.

If my left hand wasn't messed up, I'd get out my frustrations on bro's boxing bag. :lol:
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I'm not. Seriously, the closer it gets the more upset I get.

Why does he only get storylines where he gets hurt or does something that could jeopardize his career? This time it's both rolled into one. Why can't anything good ever happen for him? :(

I feel like this is Greg's beating storyline redone and molded to fit Ryan with a little bit of elements from Calleigh's kidnapping throw in. It feels redundant to me. Can't they write a storyline for Ryan where he's not getting hurt or in trouble? Probably not. These writers seem to be a bit of one note writers when it comes to Ryan's character, or rather two note writers. Sure, Eric got hurt a time or two, but he also got good storylines too. Horatio, Cal and Nat have all gotten both good and bad storylines. Poor Ryan has only gotten the bad ones. It's very upsetting.

I know some of you are just glad that he's getting more face time, but honestly I'm prefer quality over quantity. C&E are going to be giving Ryan crap for keeping this secret, yadda yadda. I hate how the writers are destroying the team dynamics on top of always only giving Ryan two types of storylines.

If my left hand wasn't messed up, I'd get out my frustrations on bro's boxing bag. :lol:
Ryan does get the stories where he's in trouble,but for some reason,I'm optimistic about this story.You are right about C/E,but at some point hopefully they will see it differently,them giving Ryan crap all the time is getting old and maybe will stop soon . I'm even hoping(which may be too much)that it gets everyone to see that they haven't been much of a team lately.We know Ryan is working in episode 7.21,so perhaps the aftermath won't be too bad. I know this is the episode that Rick Stetler appears,but he could be there for Eric,Calleigh or even Horatio.I going to try to keep thinking postive thoughts. Maybe we will be surprised.
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I personally can't wait!! :)

Yeah, I've read your dissatisfaction on many threads GregNickRyanFan. I'll have to respectfuly disagree with you. I think the writers have done a much better job with Ryan's character this season. And if you really think about it, he kinda was a hero in 7.13. As much as we love Ryan, we can't have him be the hero all the time.

The reason I love Ryan so much is that he makes mistakes. Yeah he gets into trouble, yeah some of us are annoyed by it, but that being human. Ryan can't have the perfect life, then we would think it boring. I believe he's had a lot of good storylines and episodes this season and I'm very excited for 7.20, because I don't see it as Ryan in trouble once again...I see him being a hero!

Think about it, he risks his career and his life to save Billy. If that's not a hero, I don't know what is!!

Yeah it's going to be unplesant for some of us to see him bloodied and bruised, I'm cringing just thinking about is. But I'm still going to watch because I wanna know how Ryan will let his heroness show! :)
I found a beatifull photo of Jon in google, but I couldn´t post it. Maybe because I´m not a member yet. My category changed, but that thing that says "Welcome to our forums.[...] you will not be able to add an avatar [...] until you have been a member for two weeks and you have made 50 posts." is still at the tops of the pages. The URL is www.yaplog.jp/.../img/509/jon-togo_p.jpg
I wasn't able to get anything,is this the correct URL?
Still not able to get to site:(
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Quit off the parts that say[colour]. Or look for it in google, it´s a black and white photo. When I found it, it was on page 17.
I´ll try to post it in other moment. I´m sure that www.yaplog.jp/.../img/509/jon-togo_p.jpg is the correct URL.

I can't get it to work either, just getting an error. Please help us see it!

BTW, hollyyo I realized I typed hollyho in my last post, sorry about that! I know I've done it before, it's crazy!

I can't wait for 7.20.
I just saw the spoiler pictures...7.20 needs to come now!! I mean right now!! I mean time should excellerate so it will be march 30th!!

Did i mentian I was excited for 7.20? :)
Has anyone managed to get larger promo pics for 7.20? I have teeny tiny ones ;o
Quit off the parts that say[colour]. Or look for it in google, it´s a black and white photo. When I found it, it was on page 17.
I´ll try to post it in other moment. I´m sure that www.yaplog.jp/.../img/509/jon-togo_p.jpg is the correct URL.

I can't get it to work either, just getting an error. Please help us see it!

BTW, hollyyo I realized I typed hollyho in my last post, sorry about that! I know I've done it before, it's crazy!

I can't wait for 7.20.

HAHA I think everyone on here has done that at least once, so it's all good haha...Kinda like restarting my name but stopping in the middle!

Glad you guys liked my captions. I get really loopy in the mornings and nights, so I don't really know where all that came from. I wasn't going to church this morning so I had some free time and just....went wild!

I may be a complete weirdo, but I find this storyline to be a great idea. I just really want to see some angst from a character who looks like he has a lot of it. I'd rather see a story about who he is and his parents and why he does the things he does first, but this is still good for me. Plus it's a great opportunity to show off his sorely underused acting talent. I'm not just saying that because I think he's hot, but he really is a great actor and I'm surprised he hasn't been in anything bigger. Maybe they'll nominate him for this episode for the Emmys next year and he'll at least get the big nomination!!
Wasabi Power said:
Has anyone managed to get larger promo pics for 7.20? I have teeny tiny ones ;o

Nope haven't been able to get them yet. Hopefully very soon. As soon as I see 'em I'll post them unless someone else does first which I don't mind!

I'm with you hollyyo (I got it right!) on the spoiler thing.
I'm in total agreeement as well!

I think it's time for us to start our own little collision..."An Emmy for Jonathan". Cause we all know he deserves one!! :)
While we all agree that Ryan in ep 720 is very heroic, the city (ie mayor) nor his co-workers (or some of them) will see it that way. He's not going to be given a medal for his heroics or the key to the city. His heroicness is going to get him nothing more than rants from his coworkers (two in particular) and possibly facing losing his job again in 721. Maybe I'll relax a little if we find out that the why of Stetler returning (in the episode directly following the ep where Ryan is forced to betray his team) has nothing to do with Ryan. But until then, I'm going to remain unable to be calm. I'm sitting on pins and needles. :lol:

My biggest issue is and always will be the fact that its redundancy. Ryan's gambling storyline was basically a rewrite of Warrick's gambling storyline (only the outcomes should have been reversed since Warrick's gambling bascially got someone killed). Ryan's storyline in 720 is basically a rewrite of Greg's storyline in "fannysmackin" with a few elements of Calleigh's storyline in "all in" added in. That's what is the most frusturating for me. And the more I think about it, the more it upsets me. :lol:

Ryan does get the stories where he's in trouble,but for some reason,I'm more optimistic with this story.You are right about C/E,but at some point hopefully they will see it differently,them giving Ryan crap all the time is getting old and maybe will stop soon . I'm even hoping(which may be too much)that it gets everyone to see that they haven't been much of a team lately.We know Ryan is working in episode 7.21,so perhaps the aftermath won't be too bad. I know this is the episode that Rick Stetler appears,but he could be there for Eric,Calleigh or even Horatio.I going to try to keep thinking postive thoughts. Maybe we will be surprised.

I might be more optimistic if it weren't for the fact that E&C were going to be giving him crap about keeping secrets (that's the part that really is upsetting to me). But, along with rewriting old Vegas storylines, the writers are also seemingly destroying the team dynamics one by one. And I have a feeling its only going to get worse in that respect. It just feels like the writers are taking everything I loved about this show and ripping it apart piece by piece.

I really hope that while E&C are fussing at Ryan that he says to them that they have no idea what those people did to him and then goes "wanna see? do you?" and then pulls up his shirt showing wounds so bad that it makes Calleigh either tear up or gag/puke (only please don't show those wounds to us only show from point of view behind Ryan so we can see immediate reactions from E&C). I can see Calleigh being immediately regretful after seeing Ryan's wounds. Eric, well... maybe he'd be so ticked that he'd go find H and help him get revenge on the guys. :lol: If they did that then maybe it would all be worth it, redundancy and all. However, I don't trust these writers so it probably won't go that way lol.

I dunno, maybe I'm just in a depressed mood right now, but it really feels like to me that the writers have made the Ryan character their own personal whipping boy (and now very literally lol). And I'm not a real big fan of angst either unless it's the kind given to Nick on thursday night. Why can't Ryan get a case that affects him emotionally like Nick got? I don't mind emotional pain, I just don't like him being in physical pain, well I wasn't that mad about the nail thing, but him being beaten really bugs me. I would have been a lot less upset if we didn't actually have to see any of the beating to be honest.

*snorts* I wish! There are several players in the CSI verse who deserve awards (after Thursday night, George Eads definitely does), but judging by past goings on, CSI and its spin-offs seem to get sorely overlooked by awards shows. Sad, but true. :(
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