Ryan/Jon #21 - Wolfe Pack

What should the new thread be called?

  • Wolfe Pack

    Votes: 15 42.9%
  • Togo Where No Thread Has Gone Before

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • All in the Accent

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Incredible Shrinking T-Shirt

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Get the Full Togo Experience Here

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • He's a Superhero in Training

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Waiting for the Comeback of the Purple Tee

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wolfe's Den

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Dreaming of Wolfe Shirtless

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Wolfe Gang

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • Just Take The Shirt Off Already!

    Votes: 4 11.4%

  • Total voters
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Thanks for the pics FallenForFlack.I didn't want to see them,but I looked anyway.At least I know it's coming
24 days and counting:thumbsup:
What is that around his neck? Do you think it's something that provides a shock?
Maybe. If you look at the last picture it sort of looks like he's in pain, not yelling at the guy. Maybe it's doing something to him, like shocking him perhaps?
Maybe. If you look at the last picture it sort of looks like he's in pain, not yelling at the guy. Maybe it's doing something to him, like shocking him perhaps?
He does look like he's screaming in pain.I'm hearing screaming already.
Maybe. If you look at the last picture it sort of looks like he's in pain, not yelling at the guy. Maybe it's doing something to him, like shocking him perhaps?
He does look like he's screaming in pain.I'm hearing screaming already.

Aaw, it's not going to be that bad. Hopefully... if you don't like it just think that it's all fake, and he's just a really good actor. :lol: Besides I doubt it's going to be unbearable to watch, it is public TV, and the scene probably won't even be that long. :p

Wow, now that we have these pics half of the thread is going to be written under spoiler tags. :lol:
Well, if shocking him is the only torture they do to him, I might be able to handle it. But, I just had horrible thoughts about what the mafia could do to him (though they can't hurt him too badly because they need him to mess up the crime scene stuff for them so they can't like use a cigar cutter on his fingers or toes or anything horrid like that... or a hammer to the toes like they did to Mel Gibson in Payback). I just think after watching the movie Rendention and then watching the documentaries on the disc too, the horrible things those people said were done to them... those kinds of things were going in my head about possibly being done to Ryan and that I could not handle. I had to turn of Serpent and the Rainbow when they had that hammer out against Bill PUllman's character (who was tied to a chair). :shudders: That was a horrible scene. However, I don't think they could go that far on Miami. And Ryan's still wearing his clothes, so that's a good sign that they won't. Can you bleed from the mouth by being shocked? The blood isn't there in the first two pics.

This whole storyline is kind of dumb to me anyway. I mean if they wanted him to do this why not just kidnap and threaten Billy in the first place and send Ryan pics of the boy so he'll know they do have him. Why kidnap torture and beat Ryan first? That's just stupid.

It looks like they may be in an underground subway like place. Didn't know Miami had those. But, it looks like railrays behind Ryan.
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Even for people who are squeemish with blood or whatever, I don't think they'd make it so bad people aren't going to want to watch it. We don't know the whole story either, the only details we know so far (unless there are some I haven't heard) are that Ryan is kidnapped and tortured (before or after he finds out what he has to do we don't know), and that he has to cover up a crime scene or ruin evidence (or both, I forgot) for these guys. Maybe they have a different reason for kidnapping and torturing him besides the fact they want him to cover things up for them, especially if they've already got Billy and are threatening him with that. :confused:

I'm just happy Ryan finally has something big. He hasn't had something worth being excited over since Nailed (which I wasn't even around for, I'm just assuming Ryan fans liked it when he finally had something happen to him :lol:). The gambling and the getting fired thing was alright but it wasn't major. As long as Ryan doesn't get into trouble for something he's forced, let alone beaten up to do, I'm fine with it. But that's just me, I understand some people might be uncomfortable or downright disgusted with what could happen. I just wouldn't write off missing the entire episode over a few promo pics and some spoilers. ;)
As long as Ryan doesn't get into trouble for something he's forced, let alone beaten up to do, I'm fine with it. But that's just me, I understand some people might be uncomfortable or downright disgusted with what could happen. I just wouldn't write off missing the entire episode over a few promo pics and some spoilers. ;)

That's what I'm worried about, that he'll be the bad guy even though he is forced to do this. Ryan always doing the wrong thing and getting into trouble is just getting old and annoying. If anything, they should let him be a hero for once. I definetely wouldn't miss this episode even if you are worried about the torture scene, sure I don't like it that they are torturing Ryan but it gives him screen time.
HOLY &$*&#($#(!
POOR RYAN! -dies-

-resurrects self-

Man, I hope he doesn't get in trouble. It's bad enough he gets tortured!! wonder if there'll be fall out from this eppy, but I doubt it.
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I thought they kidnap Ryan, he don't wanna mess with evidence, that's why they kidnapp Billy and Ryan do what they want.
Great pics - though I didn't like the idea of actually seeing him beaten up, I don't like watching people suffering. But on the other hand it's gonna be interesting to see Jon's acting skills in a situation like this, it must be quite challenging to make the pain and the torture look real.

I also hope he is not gonna end up being the bad guy, again. I agree he should be the hero for this time, it's getting boring to see him again and again getting into some kind of trouble. I mean it seems to me that other characters together don't have as many troubles behind them as Ryan alone does. It's a bit annyoing.

But hey, it's more screen-time, isn't is what we all have been waiting for, for months, years?:)
Great pics - though I didn't like the idea of actually seeing him beaten up, I don't like watching people suffering. But on the other hand it's gonna be interesting to see Jon's acting skills in a situation like this, it must be quite challenging to make the pain and the torture look real.

I also hope he is not gonna end up being the bad guy, again. I agree he should be the hero for this time, it's getting boring to see him again and again getting into some kind of trouble. I mean it seems to me that other characters together don't have as many troubles behind them as Ryan alone does. It's a bit annyoing.

But hey, it's more screen-time, isn't is what we all have been waiting for, for months, years?:)
From other spoilers posted,we do know that Ryan is at least working in episode 7.21,so he wasn't fired.This is the episode that Rick Stetler makes an appearance.He could be there for Ryan,but he could be there for other characters as well, except Natalia,I can't think of anythingfor her.She did mouth off to the Feds,but I see Ryan,Eric and Calleigh as having more to worry about.It could be Horatio again also,we never saw the outcome of that Predator espisode,and it's known he takes matters into his own hands again to avenge Ryan.You are right about it being annoying that Ryan is always in trouble.Even when the other characters should be in trouble for their actions,they're not.I really hope this episode isn't more of the same.If TPTB can't make Ryan a hero(and he deserves it here)at least don't have him get in trouble for it.His actions can be shown as justified .
I agree completely! It would suck if he did everything he had to do then ended up with all these strings attached. X_x;
Just a couple Ryan/Jon pics to give some visual happiness. :lol: :drool:

Why thank yah! God, his smile is to die for....
I have a photobucket album with mostly screenies from Sink or Swim.
Enjoy? Idk if anyone can see it.
But I try <3
And I do have some screenies from Raccoon and some of Togo's guest appearances. If anyone wants/needs.
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Finally something that isn't in spoilers! Those things are driving me bonkers :lol: I want to read them but I just can't bring myself to do it.

Love those pics starzgirl, the second one is my favorite I think.
I enjoyed looking at all of the Sink or Swim pictures too Wasabi_Power, thanks!
He was so cute in that episode :)
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