Ryan/Jon #21 - Wolfe Pack

What should the new thread be called?

  • Wolfe Pack

    Votes: 15 42.9%
  • Togo Where No Thread Has Gone Before

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • All in the Accent

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Incredible Shrinking T-Shirt

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Get the Full Togo Experience Here

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • He's a Superhero in Training

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Waiting for the Comeback of the Purple Tee

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wolfe's Den

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Dreaming of Wolfe Shirtless

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Wolfe Gang

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • Just Take The Shirt Off Already!

    Votes: 4 11.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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tptb should give us ep with Ryan in t-shirt and jeans, without any jaket (like in seasons 4-5) :drool: those arms :drool: I hope on shirtless scene too :D
Thanks for the pics, I saved some of them I haven't seen before:D
I'm tired and the only thing I could do when I scrolled through the page was saying a loud 'aww' and stop for a few seconds at each pic. My mom in the other room thinks I'm crazy:lol:
The pic with the little boy is adorable, and I have just noticed that they have the same outfit, how cute:D
The pic with the little boy is adorable, and I have just noticed that they have the same outfit, how cute:D
That is cute.The little boy is also wearing a big watch .They both really are awfully cute.

Aww, didn't notice either one of those things! How cute! I love that picture, it's so sweet! Someone should make an icon out of it. Love Jonathan in the picture. Sweet and hot! :drool:
solitaire said:
Im glad to hear this season screen time is better. We have recently finished s6 here and his screen time was totally inadequate for my needs!

I love Jon's interviews. I just wish there were more.

Oh no, only season 6? :( I'm sorry! At least you get to see caps on here from season 7, right?!

To feed my Jonathan need more misc. pictures I've found (which I'm sure you've all already seen), this one from Sacoor Brothers photo shoot. Replace Natalia with yourself. ;) How adorable and lovable does he look there? :luvlove:

I know, its awful! But the caps are good- fill a gap :)
Thanks for all the great pics. Jon and the kid = very, very cute.

And I agree, Jon is way better looking than Jake. Although I do see a slight resemblance.
FallenForFlack, first pic from 2007 and second was taken in april 2008. Pic with Justin was in "guess who" category, many people said that it was Jonathan Togo, but one girl said it was Jake Gyllenhaal :D
I love this pic from season 6, so sexy :drool::drool:

Thanks for the info. Orla_Dark! :lol: at the Jake Gyllenhaal comment. I think Jonathan's much better looking.

Which episode is that cap from in season 6? I can't place it.

I know you all have seen this one before, infact, someone on here showed it to me I believe. Anyhow, doesn't this kid look like he could be Jonathan's son though? And Jonathan in that blue :drool:


IT'S BILLY!!! Just kidding. That was the thought that went through my head when I saw that.

Wolfe Pack....

The countdown is on!!! 24 days until 7.20!!!!!!!

Who is the most excited to see our boy in life threatening danger!!

Well...not so much the life threatening danger as...He gets a REALLY good storyline!!!!
Wolfe Pack....

The countdown is on!!! 24 days until 7.20!!!!!!!

Who is the most excited to see our boy in life threatening danger!!

Well...not so much the life threatening danger as...He gets a REALLY good storyline!!!!

I can't wait! I hope he gets a good amount of screentime. I like Delko and all but he gets the majority of the screen time which irks me!
I can't wait! I hope he gets a good amount of screentime. I like Delko and all but he gets the majority of the screen time which irks me!

That's the only thing that makes me nervous about the episode. TBTB, for all that is good and right...LEAVE THE HIPHUGGERS OUT OF IT!! This is Ryan's episode and I better see him in a good 75% of it!!!

*breathes and calms down*

Anyways...very excited!! What a way to end a whole month of new episodes than to see Jon at his finest!!!! :)
Oh girls....got something for ya! Here's some promo pics from Wolfe in Sheep's Clothing. They are just thumbnails until they are released bigger but still....



I am so freaking happy.
We get to see bloooood! Even though I know some people didn't want to see those scenes, I did! Muhahahaha. I can't wait.
I am so freaking happy.
We get to see bloooood! Even though I know some people didn't want to see those scenes, I did! Muhahahaha. I can't wait.

:lol::lol: I had that same thought, luf! It sounds awful, but I really wanted to see the torture scene. Yeah. We're weirdos. But WOW those pictures....I'm SO surprised they released them! They didn't have ones with Calleigh and Eric randomly talking to a random person! Crazy!
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I wonder what that black thing is around his neck. At first I thought necklace, but then I thought no, Ryan has never worn any kind of necklace that I remember, and definitely not one that looks like something Abby on NCIS would wear. :lol:
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