Ryan/Jon #21 - Wolfe Pack

What should the new thread be called?

  • Wolfe Pack

    Votes: 15 42.9%
  • Togo Where No Thread Has Gone Before

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • All in the Accent

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Incredible Shrinking T-Shirt

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Get the Full Togo Experience Here

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • He's a Superhero in Training

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Waiting for the Comeback of the Purple Tee

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wolfe's Den

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Dreaming of Wolfe Shirtless

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Wolfe Gang

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • Just Take The Shirt Off Already!

    Votes: 4 11.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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So I was telling my students today about my 6th grade math/science teacher Mr. Wolfe. About how he used to show filmstrips and sit in the back with his socks and shoes off clipping his toenails. :wtf:

It got me to thinking about how I'm glad I now have a positive connotation when I hear the name Mr. Wolfe. :p
Ewww! :lol: I used to have a teacher who spit when he talked. I made sure never to sit in the front row! :lol:

Personally, I'd much rather Jon be on one of the late night talk shows because they keep moving Ellen's time around here and I can't ever keep up with it. :lol:
Ewww! :lol: I used to have a teacher who spit when he talked. I made sure never to sit in the front row! :lol:

Personally, I'd much rather Jon be on one of the late night talk shows because they keep moving Ellen's time around here and I can't ever keep up with it. :lol:
I prefer to see him on any show,late night,morning,radio. We just never get any interviews.There hasn't been many pics lately either.
It's sad. He's so funny. I wish more people would interview him, like Letterman or something. Every time I see an interview with him or something I always end up laughing hysterically.
It's a shame Jon doesn't get interviewed more often.
Whenever he does get one though, he is always hilarious during them.
Jon's definetely a comedian :)
It's a shame Jon doesn't get interviewed more often.
Whenever he does get one though, he is always hilarious during them.
Jon's definetely a comedian :)

I wish he had more interviews too. I like that Entertainment Tonight one when he did the theme song, lol! Yea, like all of you have previously said he is just hilarious and a lot of fun. I bet he was class clown back in high school. :)
This season we've been really lucky though. We've been getting A LOT more than last season. Season 6 was absolutely ridiculous. He may as well have earned the status of "recurring guest star." I think TPTB realized he's actually a character on the show and decided to let him get a little more time this season....I guess the main thing that bothered me was that Eric (as much as I love him) was getting ALL the screen time/story lines!! There were some scenes that could have used Ryan (even Natalia) but they had Eric do them for no particular reason.

Anyway, if they do 7.20 right, I will have no complaints.

Im glad to hear this season screen time is better. We have recently finished s6 here and his screen time was totally inadequate for my needs!

I love Jon's interviews. I just wish there were more.
solitaire said:
Im glad to hear this season screen time is better. We have recently finished s6 here and his screen time was totally inadequate for my needs!

I love Jon's interviews. I just wish there were more.

Oh no, only season 6? :( I'm sorry! At least you get to see caps on here from season 7, right?!

To feed my Jonathan need more misc. pictures I've found (which I'm sure you've all already seen), this one from Sacoor Brothers photo shoot. Replace Natalia with yourself. ;) How adorable and lovable does he look there? :luvlove:

FallenForFlack, thanks for pic, he is so adorable, i remember there was more pics from Portugal and articles with both of them.

I found this two pics (i don't see them before):

Jon with Justin Long:

I have some more of those ones too. Can you tell I need me some Jonathan? :) I never saw that second one. Cute! Here's another one that looks like it's from the same time as your first one. Is that from when he was doing that interview that I posted the cap from the other day? Looks like the same clothes. Still hot!

And I have to share this cap cause it's sooo hot! :drool::drool:

FallenForFlack, first pic from 2007 and second was taken in april 2008. Pic with Justin was in "guess who" category, many people said that it was Jonathan Togo, but one girl said it was Jake Gyllenhaal :D
I love this pic from season 6, so sexy :drool::drool:
FallenForFlack, first pic from 2007 and second was taken in april 2008. Pic with Justin was in "guess who" category, many people said that it was Jonathan Togo, but one girl said it was Jake Gyllenhaal :D
I love this pic from season 6, so sexy :drool::drool:

Thanks for the info. Orla_Dark! :lol: at the Jake Gyllenhaal comment. I think Jonathan's much better looking.

Which episode is that cap from in season 6? I can't place it.

I know you all have seen this one before, infact, someone on here showed it to me I believe. Anyhow, doesn't this kid look like he could be Jonathan's son though? And Jonathan in that blue :drool:

FallenForFlack, 6x13 - Raising Caine.
Awwww, how cute family pic)))
Jake and Jon both very handsome and hot guys, but i agree, Jon better!
Someone thought that was Jake? I'm sorry, but I just don't get that. All you have to do is look at the eyebrows. Jake has way thicker eyebrows. :lol:

That pic with the kid- all I could think was Jon in shorts. :drool: :lol: And holy goodness, look at those arms! :drool:

That little boy is adorable. Does anyone else think he kind of looks a little like the kid who plays Billy?
So many awesome pictures of Jon!
I love all of them, thanks everyone. Never seen any of those before :D

The first thing that I noticed were the shorts in the picture with the kid too :lol:
Too cute!
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