Ryan/Jon #21 - Wolfe Pack

What should the new thread be called?

  • Wolfe Pack

    Votes: 15 42.9%
  • Togo Where No Thread Has Gone Before

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • All in the Accent

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Incredible Shrinking T-Shirt

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Get the Full Togo Experience Here

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • He's a Superhero in Training

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Waiting for the Comeback of the Purple Tee

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wolfe's Den

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Dreaming of Wolfe Shirtless

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Wolfe Gang

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • Just Take The Shirt Off Already!

    Votes: 4 11.4%

  • Total voters
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Haha, the scene when he sat down in front of the computer with them was very smooth. I liked it.

The boat scene was weird though. I thought he jumped into the boat too quickly. He was like, "Omg! Put your hands up! Oh, better jump in this boat now."

But hey, he wasn't wearing a tie and they let him lose a few buttons. I am satisfied. Now if we can get a t-shirt.....

You know what I just thought? We haven't had a t-shirt all season!! We've had shirts under jackets, but not just a regular t-shirt! :eek:

What are they trying to do us? You can't hide those muscular arms forever!! *gets weird image of arms growing so much they break through the jacket*
*decides to go to bed because she is getting too loopy*
I just laughed at pretty much all of your post Hollyyo. :lol:

I want a t-shirt too. :( But at least he did have a few buttons undone last night...
Hm...apparently I missed whatever it was that Ryan did with jumping and boats and the putting up of hands...

What are they trying to do us? You can't hide those muscular arms forever!! *gets weird image of arms growing so much they break through the jacket*
*decides to go to bed because she is getting too loopy*

Ryan: "I...am...the Hulk!"
Hm...apparently I missed whatever it was that Ryan did with jumping and boats...

I think she meant how he climbed into that boat real quick and found the jewelry. He did go a bit fast and he wasn't wearing gloves which is the first thing I noticed that bothered me. I know the stuff was in a plastic bag but he still should have had gloves on, right?

*Wow, look, almost 300 posts already!* :eek:

Here's a great view. HeeHee!
Lookie here!
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Hm...apparently I missed whatever it was that Ryan did with jumping and boats...

I think she meant how he climbed into that boat real quick and found the jewelry. He did go a bit fast and he wasn't wearing gloves which is the first thing I noticed that bothered me. I know the stuff was in a plastic bag but he still should have had gloves on, right?

*Wow, look, almost 300 posts already!* :eek:

Here's a great view. HeeHee!
Lookie here!
Whoa, great screenie! Thanks ;D
Below is a portion of a review by Kristine Huntley of Monday night's show. She states what we have been long saying,there is not enough Ryan. Here's a poke to TPTB.
One of the best things about "Sink or Swim" is that it doesn't leave Ryan and Natalia, the most neglected CSIs this side of Greg Sanders, out in the cold. Ryan gets a great scene with the two hapless robbers, who are easily tracked down by Calleigh via the IP on the stolen laptop. Ryan really knows how to play it cool; he simply walks up to the table and sits down with the pair. Natalia gets a more intense moment in the episode; she's the one with Delko when the immigration officers come to arrest him. Natalia is downright fierce with them, getting aggressive to the point where it's a possibility that she, too, could be arrested for her interference. Eva La Rue channels a great intensity in this scene, showing just how attached Natalia has become to her teammates, and how far she's willing to go to protect one of them. Of course, Natalia has a past with Delko, one that began as a romance and has grown into a deep friendship. Seeing her jump to Delko's defense is a natural, nice moment for her character. Ryan and Natalia have been neglected as of late, so it's refreshing to see that they both have something interesting to do here.
Yeah, Ryan really doesn't get enough airtime. I'm hoping he'll get more soon. I just wish it was something positive for a change.
This season we've been really lucky though. We've been getting A LOT more than last season. Season 6 was absolutely ridiculous. He may as well have earned the status of "recurring guest star." I think TPTB realized he's actually a character on the show and decided to let him get a little more time this season....I guess the main thing that bothered me was that Eric (as much as I love him) was getting ALL the screen time/story lines!! There were some scenes that could have used Ryan (even Natalia) but they had Eric do them for no particular reason.

Anyway, if they do 7.20 right, I will have no complaints.
He's very underused. :(

I was rewatching some youtube clips and the one Web Carpet Live Cadillac of Premieres I just love. Jonathan would be great to hang out with in person. I also love what he's wearing and how he's casual but not too casual. But the best part is when the guy interviewing Jonathan talks to him about his Iphone and he says, "You care to show us your hardware?" And I don't know about you all but I think Jonathan had the same thought I did cause he he got that smile and laughed a bit. :guffaw: Here's a cap for fun, it's crappy quality but it's still Jonathan!

I also think he could have been there last season more often, but as Hollyyo said, we are lucky with this season:)

this cap is funny, I so remember the part the guy asked him about his iphone, I'm sure he thought of the same thing you did (and I did) as well:lol:
My fav part was when he talked about the Rolling Stones concert he went to (as I remember) and how good that was, too cute:) too bad there are only a few interviews with him, he's a great guy, I love his interviews.
Aw, cute cap FallenForFlack
I love Jon's smile in it :D

I remember when the other guy asked to "see his hardware". I'm sure that it made me laugh hysterically.
I agree though, there needs to be more Jon interviews! He's is always very entertaining in them :lol:
Aw, cute cap FallenForFlack
I love Jon's smile in it :D

I remember when the other guy asked to "see his hardware". I'm sure that it made me laugh hysterically.
I agree though, there needs to be more Jon interviews! He's is always very entertaining in them :lol:

I'd love to see him on someone like Ellen cause both of them are hilarious and that would be a fun interview I'm sure!
If he was on Ellen I'd scream for joy. I LOVE ELLEN, watch her every single day. :lol: She's hilarious, I can just imagine them together.
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If he was on Ellen I'd scream for joy. I LOVE ELLEN, watch her every single day. :lol: She's hilarious, I can just imagine them together.
I haven't seen Ellen in a while but I would watch if Jon made an appearance. Does Ellen still invite the guest to dance? I would love to see that.
Sometimes, but usually they just dance when they come out to the music being played (if they want), and she'll join them. :lol:
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