Ryan/Jon #21 - Wolfe Pack

What should the new thread be called?

  • Wolfe Pack

    Votes: 15 42.9%
  • Togo Where No Thread Has Gone Before

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • All in the Accent

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Incredible Shrinking T-Shirt

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Get the Full Togo Experience Here

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • He's a Superhero in Training

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Waiting for the Comeback of the Purple Tee

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wolfe's Den

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Dreaming of Wolfe Shirtless

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Wolfe Gang

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • Just Take The Shirt Off Already!

    Votes: 4 11.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Wow you all have been busy posting!! I am all for the shirtless Ryan scene.....please TPTB let us have that!!! :lol:

As for last night....wow he did look great! I can't wait to see the caps!
For a moment I thought that when that shooter (the one who shot Nadine with the scuba rifle) started talking about the voice who told him what to do, he was referring to the same 'voice' that apparently kidnaps Ryan in 7.20. But then it just turned out to be that other dude.. -bummer-

By the way, did anyone notice that in a spoiler for 7.20 they say:
[ANDREI] 27 YEAR OLD RUSSIAN GUY with a deep voice has kidnapped Ryan and threatened Billy Gantry's life unless Ryan uses his CSI position to cover up evidence in an upcoming crime. Authoritative, in control, ruthless, "Andrei" is never seen by Ryan, only heard, as he outlines his demands and the consequences to Ryan over his cell phone. He is ultimately shot to death by Horatio seconds before he attempts to shoot Billy...GUEST STAR

How does Ryan endure 'torture' by a man he never sees? Is he blindfolded, perhaps? I would guess he has some henchman do his biddings, but in other spoilers Andrei's possible only accomplice claims to have no involvement..

I think he's most likely blindfolded or just kept in a dark area. Surely there's other people doing the smack down while this Andrei guy is talking or something. That's what I think. They would have to have more than one person, because as we've seen in 7.13, Ryan can def hold his own.
I definitely think there is more than person involved in Ryan's "beating,torture". He is probably blindfolded to prevent identication later on.I do wonder if they come after Ryan a second time because it doesn't mention him when H shoots the guy before he shoots Billy,or if Ryan finally just needs to go to the hospital because of the beating.

Ryan really did look great last night, and he was pretty funny when he just sat down and confronted the couple with the laptop.
I too would have liked more Ryan time,but it wasn't bad,and of course it's better than last season.
For a moment I thought that when that shooter (the one who shot Nadine with the scuba rifle) started talking about the voice who told him what to do, he was referring to the same 'voice' that apparently kidnaps Ryan in 7.20. But then it just turned out to be that other dude.. -bummer-

By the way, did anyone notice that in a spoiler for 7.20 they say:
[ANDREI] 27 YEAR OLD RUSSIAN GUY with a deep voice has kidnapped Ryan and threatened Billy Gantry's life unless Ryan uses his CSI position to cover up evidence in an upcoming crime. Authoritative, in control, ruthless, "Andrei" is never seen by Ryan, only heard, as he outlines his demands and the consequences to Ryan over his cell phone. He is ultimately shot to death by Horatio seconds before he attempts to shoot Billy...GUEST STAR

How does Ryan endure 'torture' by a man he never sees? Is he blindfolded, perhaps? I would guess he has some henchman do his biddings, but in other spoilers Andrei's possible only accomplice claims to have no involvement..

I think he's most likely blindfolded or just kept in a dark area. Surely there's other people doing the smack down while this Andrei guy is talking or something. That's what I think. They would have to have more than one person, because as we've seen in 7.13, Ryan can def hold his own.
I definitely think there is more than person involved in Ryan's "beating,torture". He is probably blindfolded to prevent identication later on.I do wonder if they come after Ryan a second time because it doesn't mention him when H shoots the guy before he shoots Billy,or if Ryan finally just needs to go to the hospital because of the beating.

Ah yes, perhaps. Poor ryan! Yet I can't wait. It'll be an interesting episode for his charatcer.

Ryan was a little fox last night. I love the way he strode up to the couple with the laptop. It's so funny how he rains on their parade.
So I rewatched it and I guess it was the angle I was viewing from cause Ryan was very clean shaven. Anyways, here's caps from last night's epi! As usual follow the link below the few caps here and put password: flackdonflack in to view more! Hope you enjoy!




More caps this way
Ryan was a little fox last night. I love the way he strode up to the couple with the laptop. It's so funny how he rains on their parade.
I agree, like fox, and i love him with gun in beginning of ep and then in cafe :lol: He looks so cool (who talk about mini-H? :rolleyes: I'm with you :))
Ryan was so hot in last ep and suit with pale yellow shirt without tie looks :drool: And

Poor Ryan, can't wait for 7x20 :( But I wanna see torture scene :rolleyes: And i hope we see shirtless Ryan, come on, you show us Adam Rodrigez shirtless two times, i wanna see Ryan :p Hope we see more Ryan and Billy interact, they show us too little in "And They're Offed" :(

Edit: FallenForFlack, thanks for caps! (scream in my head "icons! Immediately!")
Thanks for the caps FallenForFlack.
I still haven't figured out how to resize pics down to avatar or
banner size yet so I'm saving all the great caps that are posted.
Thanks for the caps FallenForFlack.
I still haven't figured out how to resize pics down to avatar or
banner size yet so I'm saving all the great caps that are posted.


Thanks for the caps, Fallen. I haven't watched the ep yet, but probably will later today or sometime tonight. Now that Leverage has had its season finale, I have nothing to watch on Tuesdays. :lol:
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Thanks for the caps FallenForFlack.
I still haven't figured out how to resize pics down to avatar or
banner size yet so I'm saving all the great caps that are posted.


Thanks for the caps, Fallen. I haven't watched the ep yet, but probably will later today or sometime tonight. Now that Leverage has has its season finale, I have nothing to watch on Tuesdays. :lol:
Thanks for the site GNRF,it looks like this site is what I needed. I couldn't resize(and couldn't figure out) how to resize to pixels using Photoshop Elements.
Thanks for the site GNRF,it looks like this site is what I needed. I couldn't resize(and couldn't figure out) how to resize to pixels using Photoshop Elements.

Yeah, I couldn't resize in my graphics program either. The only one that will resize it properly is photoscape and then you can only save it to gif which depletes some of the quality of the icon/banner. resize2mail.com just makes it so easy to resize things. :D
I know this is so off topic, but if you wanna resize in Photoshop, go to Image > Resize > Image size > make sure Scale Styles and Constrain Proportions are NOT checked, but Resample Image (Bicubic) is > Set pixel dimensions to pixel. Also in my Photoshop I have Document size set to cm, and Resolution at pixels/inch.

I know that was way off topic. Anyways. FallenForFlack thanks for the caps! :D
Aw, thanks for the caps FallenForFlack, he looked hot last night, of course:D I like the open collar shirt, and no ties...yaay:D a clothing that finally suits the Miami weather :)
I love the pic in which he stares behind the laptop, so cute:D
I'm definitely gonna make some icons tonight, gorgeous caps:)
I know this is so off topic, but if you wanna resize in Photoshop, go to Image > Resize > Image size > make sure Scale Styles and Constrain Proportions are NOT checked, but Resample Image (Bicubic) is > Set pixel dimensions to pixel. Also in my Photoshop I have Document size set to cm, and Resolution at pixels/inch.

I know that was way off topic. Anyways. FallenForFlack thanks for the caps! :D
Thanks luf.I did read that portion of the manual but apparently not well enough.I'll have plenty of caps to choose from when I get the hang of things.
Thanks again FallenForFlack for the caps.
Love the caps FallenForFlack!
Ryan looked amazing as always last night. Love the open shirt deal he had going on ;)
He was so smooth when he just came up and sat down behind the computer and started asking the questions. :)
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