Ryan/Jon #21 - Wolfe Pack

What should the new thread be called?

  • Wolfe Pack

    Votes: 15 42.9%
  • Togo Where No Thread Has Gone Before

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • All in the Accent

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Incredible Shrinking T-Shirt

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Get the Full Togo Experience Here

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • He's a Superhero in Training

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Waiting for the Comeback of the Purple Tee

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wolfe's Den

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Dreaming of Wolfe Shirtless

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Wolfe Gang

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • Just Take The Shirt Off Already!

    Votes: 4 11.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I like the picture Stee, I've seen it on WireImage (I have a subscription there) but figured since it was older you all had seen it! Anyways, always nice to look at Jonathan! :D

I can't wait for a new epi tonight! Yay! I hope we get to see a good amount of Ryan although I know it's an E/C thing tonight. I'm still excited and can't wait to see what he's wearing. I hope it's jeans again though I'm sure we'll be back to suit and tie. That's ok though! :drool: Off to sign language class where I know I'll be thinking of Jon/Ryan the whole time!
1) Can someone with OCD get better with time?
2) I´m hoping to see Jonathan Togo shirtless, I agree that he looks nice with all kinds of clothes, but I´ll really enjoy seeing him shirtless.
I want to see those videos everyone is talking about!
Please, post a link, or tell me where I can find them. I mean the ones mentioned in page 12.
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I like the picture Stee, I've seen it on WireImage (I have a subscription there) but figured since it was older you all had seen it! Anyways, always nice to look at Jonathan! :D

I can't wait for a new epi tonight! Yay! I hope we get to see a good amount of Ryan although I know it's an E/C thing tonight. I'm still excited and can't wait to see what he's wearing. I hope it's jeans again though I'm sure we'll be back to suit and tie. That's ok though! :drool: Off to sign language class where I know I'll be thinking of Jon/Ryan the whole time!
Hopefully the entire episode isn't E/C.
Ryan did wear jeans the last new episode so he will probably be wearing a suit tonight.I wonder what color the tie will be ?
1) Can someone with OCD get better with time?
2) I´m hoping to see Jonathan Togo shirtless, I agree that he looks nice with all kinds of clothes, but I´ll really enjoy seeing him shirtless.
Yes and no. It depends on the person and the severity of their case.
And YES. I hope we see him shirtless as well. Would make the whole season a hit for me. :devil:
I want to see those videos everyone is talking about!
Please, post a link, or tell me where I can find them. I mean the ones mentioned in page 12.

If you're talking about the A&E ones, Ginnna posted a link to them in this post. If you're referring to the one I mentioned where Jon impersonates Horatio, I'm not sure where that is. I think it was on you tube, but it was a while back. :lol:
OCD can be controlled with medication, for some severe cases. It can also get better in time and get worse. Sometimes a traumatic experience can make the ocd go into over drive. I had this neighbor kid that had a slight case of it. He was in an accident and now he's totally hardcore ocd. He has to do everything over and over, like shut doors, check locks, turn off and on lights. I once watched him get on his motorcycle, turn it on, turn it off, get off it, get back on it and he repeated it over several times. It's quite sad. I think just about everyone has some kind of compulsive behavior and they may not be aware of it.
maybe Ryan's ocd will become stronger from his upcoming traumatic experience of being beaten up

That pic of Togo was from last October at the Chris Angel 'Believe' show in Las Vegas. He was there with Justin Long and the guy in the pic with him is Adam Shankman.
Jon looks so groomed, lol they're both wearing the same suit!

I looked for the video where Jon was doing Horatio and I can't find it. I do remember he saying about allergies in his phrase.
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Gotta say, Ryan looked hot tonight. But the one night he wears a white (or was it really light beige? I couldn't tell) shirt, with an open collar, he's not in it enough! :lol: But really, it wasn't bad, they did a good job getting all the characters in tonight.

P.S. Horatio Caine Impressions
^^^That's good to know. :) I'm not a lucky Canadian who gets to watch the episode early! haha!

But what picture are you guys talking about?
Good episode tonight!
Ryan can be quite the non-typical cop. He can be sly, tantalizing and almost antagonistic, but definitly in a sexy, good way. lol.
YAY FOR DIDDY! He pulled through, I thought Eric and Calleigh were adorable, and the moment where Eric looks up at his dad in the holding facility made me smile. It was cute, to me.
Ryan was looking good, as usual. He's still got that aggressive, fiery touch.
4.3 stars!
GARH. The next new episode looks uneventful, but I guess it's time to tone down a bit.
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1) Can someone with OCD get better with time?
2) I´m hoping to see Jonathan Togo shirtless, I agree that he looks nice with all kinds of clothes, but I´ll really enjoy seeing him shirtless.

It depends on each individual person. Also, if they are getting therapy and/or taking medications to help. OCD never goes away, it is uncurable.

Jonathan shirtless? Yes please! :lol:

twiztid4togo said:
maybe Ryan's ocd will become stronger from his upcoming traumatic experience of being beaten up

That could be. Stress and traumatic events make OCD must worse.

Gotta say, Ryan looked hot tonight. But the one night he wears a white (or was it really light beige? I couldn't tell) shirt, with an open collar, he's not in it enough! :lol: But really, it wasn't bad, they did a good job getting all the characters in tonight.

Ryan did indeed look hot tonight! I thought the open :adore: shirt was a pale yellow maybe? Loved the suit and was it just me or was he a bit scruffy? I like the hair too. Looks a bit shorter than before? I can't wait to cap it! Too bad we didn't get much Ryan tonight, I love H in the lab but would've liked to see Ryan doing some of that. Not even one shot of Ryan in the promos for next week. :( I hope we see him more. Maybe we can get back to jeans, heehee!
For a moment I thought that when that shooter (the one who shot Nadine with the scuba rifle) started talking about the voice who told him what to do, he was referring to the same 'voice' that apparently kidnaps Ryan in 7.20. But then it just turned out to be that other dude.. -bummer-

By the way, did anyone notice that in a spoiler for 7.20 they say:
[ANDREI] 27 YEAR OLD RUSSIAN GUY with a deep voice has kidnapped Ryan and threatened Billy Gantry's life unless Ryan uses his CSI position to cover up evidence in an upcoming crime. Authoritative, in control, ruthless, "Andrei" is never seen by Ryan, only heard, as he outlines his demands and the consequences to Ryan over his cell phone. He is ultimately shot to death by Horatio seconds before he attempts to shoot Billy...GUEST STAR

How does Ryan endure 'torture' by a man he never sees? Is he blindfolded, perhaps? I would guess he has some henchman do his biddings, but in other spoilers Andrei's possible only accomplice claims to have no involvement..
For a moment I thought that when that shooter (the one who shot Nadine with the scuba rifle) started talking about the voice who told him what to do, he was referring to the same 'voice' that apparently kidnaps Ryan in 7.20. But then it just turned out to be that other dude.. -bummer-

By the way, did anyone notice that in a spoiler for 7.20 they say:
[ANDREI] 27 YEAR OLD RUSSIAN GUY with a deep voice has kidnapped Ryan and threatened Billy Gantry's life unless Ryan uses his CSI position to cover up evidence in an upcoming crime. Authoritative, in control, ruthless, "Andrei" is never seen by Ryan, only heard, as he outlines his demands and the consequences to Ryan over his cell phone. He is ultimately shot to death by Horatio seconds before he attempts to shoot Billy...GUEST STAR

How does Ryan endure 'torture' by a man he never sees? Is he blindfolded, perhaps? I would guess he has some henchman do his biddings, but in other spoilers Andrei's possible only accomplice claims to have no involvement..

I think he's most likely blindfolded or just kept in a dark area. Surely there's other people doing the smack down while this Andrei guy is talking or something. That's what I think. They would have to have more than one person, because as we've seen in 7.13, Ryan can def hold his own.
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