Ryan/Jon #21 - Wolfe Pack

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  • Get the Full Togo Experience Here

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  • He's a Superhero in Training

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  • Waiting for the Comeback of the Purple Tee

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  • Dreaming of Wolfe Shirtless

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  • Wolfe Gang

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  • Just Take The Shirt Off Already!

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I wonder if people can have OCD in the way that everything has to be clean AND to have rituals? In one of the Miami books it says Ryan used to count everything whenever he'd have a little freak out. It said he hadn't done it for years, but then there was a part where he was really nervous about something and he was counting like...trees and stuff. If you really want some Ryan action, get that book. Name of it? Don't remember. I'll go look at it later haha...
GASP* I want that booook!!!
Thanks for the info ;D
I wonder if people can have OCD in the way that everything has to be clean AND to have rituals? In one of the Miami books it says Ryan used to count everything whenever he'd have a little freak out. It said he hadn't done it for years, but then there was a part where he was really nervous about something and he was counting like...trees and stuff. If you really want some Ryan action, get that book. Name of it? Don't remember. I'll go look at it later haha...
GASP* I want that booook!!!
Thanks for the info ;D
I don't know which book you can find the info,but you can sometimes find Miami books on ebay or Amazon.I've been told that Donn Cortez seems to have a real feel for the characters and does a nice job with the stories.
I own and have read all of the Miami books. I highly recommend them, they are very well writen and stay pretty true to the show. I actually used one of them for an English project in high school and even my teacher was impressed by them.
And Ryan's part is very well done, which we all know is probably the most important part :)
I own and have read all of the Miami books. I highly recommend them, they are very well writen and stay pretty true to the show. I actually used one of them for an English project in high school and even my teacher was impressed by them.
And Ryan's part is very well done, which we all know is probably the most important part :)
I haven't read them yet,but I did buy a few (just the ones starting with Ryan) I hope to get to them soon.I have a really bad habit of buying books that people have recommended.Now I easily have I don't know how many books to read,including the Miami ones.
I'm on the sixth one, Harm for the Holidays: Heart Attack, and I have to say...buy them! Do It Now! Cortez has all the characters down packed! It's so exciting to read, and he protrays Ryan so well. In every book Cortez has written, the counting thing is mentianed, it's a very refreshing to know so much more about this character. :)

Not to spoil it for anyone, in Heart Attack, our Ryan gets into a huge scrape, of the life threatening kind. Of the he's in the hospital in a coma kind!!!

If you haven't read them...do it! They are so worth it! :)
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I have only read one Miami book, and although it didn't have Ryan in it, just Speedle, but I have to say it was very fascinating. So I am curious about the others :)
Counting things is considered as OCD? Yow, then I have heavy OCD, I count everything, always:lol:
I quite understand why they decided to put Ryan's OCD away, it would have been very hard to deal with on the show, and I personally think it suited the young, innocent season3 Ryan, but not the one we have now, I mean if I now have a look at the character itself I couldn't associate him with the whole OCD thing. But maybe it's just me.

I watched those vids, they are pretty good, big thanks for the link luf, I had a great time watching the:)
I like this books too, but i read only "Cult Following" and this amazing!
So, if you need them, PM me, i can help ;)

Stee, i agree with you, OCD suits season 3 Ryan, but i think his OCD can make new forms with age, if it's possible, i don't know about OCD that much :)
Thanks for the link, Ginna. :) I just love his voice. :D

"I have no CD." :lol:

I liked when Jon was talking about how his mom didn't like the storyline where Ryan got a nail in the eye.
She's really not gonna like the storyline where Ryan gets beaten/tortured by the Russian mob. I just hope they don't show him actually getting beaten up. Maybe just do it like when Calleigh got kidnapped and have the end of the ep show him tied up (but not hurt yet)... then in the following ep, show him fixing his wounds. But please no flashbacks of the actual beating.
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Thanks for the link, Ginna. :) I just love his voice. :D

"I have no CD." :lol:

I liked when Jon was talking about how his mom didn't like the storyline where Ryan got a nail in the eye.
She's really not gonna like the storyline where Ryan gets beaten/tortured by the Russian mob. I just hope they don't show him actually getting beaten up. Maybe just do it like when Calleigh got kidnapped and have the end of the ep show him tied up (but not hurt yet)... then in the following ep, show him fixing his wounds. But please no flashbacks of the actual beating.
The comment about his mom and the nail in the eye was funny.
I don't want to see the torture scene either.I don't want to hear the sound of the beating,possible begging or crying.It's bad enough that there supposedly is blood on the floor.It's also sad that he has to take care of his own wounds too.
I have OCD. It's just when you clean or perform unusual rituals (counting things, turn a light on and off every time you enter a room, etc) out of...well compulsion! Most cases are stress related. My case isn't very serious, but I become very aggitated when my surroundings aren't relatively neat.

GAH. I WANT THE CSI MIAMI BOOKS. I'm forcing my mom to let me order them. Thank the world I have a job...
Orla_Dark said:
;88them, PM me, i can help ;)
1531]I like this books too, but i read only "Cult Following" and this amazing!
So, if you need
Stee, i agree with you, OCD suits season 3 Ryan, but i think his OCD can make new forms with age, if it's possible, i don't know about OCD that much :)

OCD rituals/compulsions can change as one gets older. There are some I've done since I can remember but then there are some I was able to get rid of but yet they were replaced by other rituals. Counting can be OCD, but the thing is, it's OCD if it interferes with your life otherwise it's just a habit. :)

Where did you all find the spoilers for 7.20? I must've missed them cause I'm pretty confused as to what y'all are talking about! :confused:
Orla_Dark said:
;88them, PM me, i can help ;)
1531]I like this books too, but i read only "Cult Following" and this amazing!
So, if you need
Stee, i agree with you, OCD suits season 3 Ryan, but i think his OCD can make new forms with age, if it's possible, i don't know about OCD that much :)

OCD rituals/compulsions can change as one gets older. There are some I've done since I can remember but then there are some I was able to get rid of but yet they were replaced by other rituals. Counting can be OCD, but the thing is, it's OCD if it interferes with your life otherwise it's just a habit. :)

Where did you all find the spoilers for 7.20? I must've missed them cause I'm pretty confused as to what y'all are talking about! :confused:
That habit is sometimes refered to as an OCD personality, meaning it's a habit .
I sometimes wonder if that is what Ryan had,a habit or OCD personality versus OCD.
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Today while I was surfing on the net, I found a pic of Jon I haven't seen yet, anyone's seen it? I don't remember this shown here. It was taken last October at a movie premiere, he's with a guy I don't remember the name of:)
It's a nice pic, he looks great (as always:D) and it's good to see him with the hair he has on the show, too:) and the smile is adorable:D But if it's not a newish thing at least we have something to :drool: at:D
I never thought about that they would actually show us the torturing scene, I don't want to see that, cleaning his wounds, let's say okay, but beating him up is a thing that I would be shocked to see...I mean come on we have seen him suffering with the nail in his eye, it was enough.
Thanks Stee, that's such a cute picture! :)
I've never seen that one before
Jon looks absolutely dashing as always in it though :D He cleans up very well.
I'm really hoping they do show the torture/beating up stuff. I'm strange and kinda find it hot... but it's a good chance for some really good acting too. Nailed was awesome, I'm sure it'd be just as great with a torture scene.

By the way Stee, love the pic.
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