Ryan/Jon #21 - Wolfe Pack

What should the new thread be called?

  • Wolfe Pack

    Votes: 15 42.9%
  • Togo Where No Thread Has Gone Before

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • All in the Accent

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Incredible Shrinking T-Shirt

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Get the Full Togo Experience Here

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • He's a Superhero in Training

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Waiting for the Comeback of the Purple Tee

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wolfe's Den

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Dreaming of Wolfe Shirtless

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Wolfe Gang

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • Just Take The Shirt Off Already!

    Votes: 4 11.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Yeah, he's totally a jokester. I loved the vid of him doing the Horatio impersonation. "This is Horatio Caine with allergies." :guffaw: That was the best thing ever! He was even funnier than Jim Carrey when Jim did the Horatio impersonation. :lol:

That was funny! I love all his interviews cause he always says something funny. Like that 100th (or was it 150th) epi dinner he pretended he paid for it. :lol: A sense of humor is sexy and he's also physically sexy so he's got it all! :drool:

Thanks Wasabi Power for the pic of Jonathan where we can see his tattoo. I'm not big on tattoos but I don't mind one or two.
Yeah, he's totally a jokester. I loved the vid of him doing the Horatio impersonation. "This is Horatio Caine with allergies." :guffaw: That was the best thing ever! He was even funnier than Jim Carrey when Jim did the Horatio impersonation. :lol:

That was funny! I love all his interviews cause he always says something funny. Like that 100th (or was it 150th) epi dinner he pretended he paid for it. :lol: A sense of humor is sexy and he's also physically sexy so he's got it all! :drool:

Thanks Wasabi Power for the pic of Jonathan where we can see his tattoo. I'm not big on tattoos but I don't mind one or two.
It was the 150th episode were he pretended to pay for the dinner.
I do wish there were more interviews of Jon around. He has such a great sense of humor.
www.aetv.com has a bunch of videos for CSI: Miami. Pretty much all of the actors except David Caruso have parts. Of course Jonathan's hilarious in them. There's one part where he's comparing himself to some other actress, and he says "I'm like a shorter version of (actress' name), but prettier... right everyone?" :lol:

*Thinks it's scary she's memorized some of the lines from these things...*
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www.aetv.com has a bunch of videos for CSI: Miami. Pretty much all of the actors except David Caruso have parts. Of course Jonathan's hilarious in them. There's one part where he's comparing himself to some other actress, and he says "I'm like a shorter version of (actress' name), but prettier... right everyone?" :lol:
Thanks luf,I'll check it out.
www.aetv.com has a bunch of videos for CSI: Miami. Pretty much all of the actors except David Caruso have parts. Of course Jonathan's hilarious in them. There's one part where he's comparing himself to some other actress, and he says "I'm like a shorter version of (actress' name), but prettier... right everyone?" :lol:

*Thinks it's scary she's memorized some of the lines from these things...*

*runs to check that out* Thanks luf! :thumbsup:
www.aetv.com has a bunch of videos for CSI: Miami. Pretty much all of the actors except David Caruso have parts. Of course Jonathan's hilarious in them. There's one part where he's comparing himself to some other actress, and he says "I'm like a shorter version of (actress' name), but prettier... right everyone?" :lol:

*Thinks it's scary she's memorized some of the lines from these things...*

Oh wow, I remember that video! :lol:
I'd forgotten all about it though. Now I feel like I have to go watch it again! :p
Oh he is hilarious! Love the part where he said he's not OCD he's no CD. :guffaw: So by the way he talks about it his character no longer has it or they never do bring it up again? That's how it sounds. Anyways, good to know Jonathan is messy :lol:. I'm OCD and I'm quite messy, we need to inform Mr. Togo about OCD! :p
Oh he is hilarious! Love the part where he said he's not OCD he's no CD. :guffaw: So by the way he talks about it his character no longer has it or they never do bring it up again? That's how it sounds. Anyways, good to know Jonathan is messy :lol:. I'm OCD and I'm quite messy, we need to inform Mr. Togo about OCD! :p
OCD can take many forms,some people count things for example,some are compulsively neat.etc. Ryan had that gun cleaning thing going on,but we don't actually know if that was the extent of it or if he has everything in place in his home or not.As far as his character still having OCD,it hasn't been bought up in quite a while. I often wondered if his gambling was tied to his OCD,they can sometimes have addictive traits.Perhaps the writers will use his OCD again when it is needed for a story line,but I hope they won't because of the tendency to to have so many negative situations with Ryan's character.
greatfan said:
OCD can take many forms,some people count things for example,some are compulsively neat.etc. Ryan had that gun cleaning thing going on,but we don't actually know if that was the extent of it or if he has everything in place in his home or not.As far as his character still having OCD,it hasn't been bought up in quite a while. I often wondered if his gambling was tied to his OCD,they can sometimes have addictive traits.Perhaps the writers will use his OCD again when it is needed for a story line,but I hope they won't because of the tendency to to have so many negative situations with Ryan's character.

Oh believe me I know there are many forms of OCD. Or how your rituals affect you. I think most people tend to think of OCD as those people being germaphobes and neat freaks. I'm not a neat freak but I was diagnosed with OCD 15 years ago and take medication for it because it interrupts my life. I could see it as a positive thing for a CSI (like the gun cleaning, attention to little details) but having it myself I can also see what a negative thing it could be. So as much as I would love to see more OCD characters on tv I'd rather Ryan not go that route. I'm sure it would affect him more negatively than positively.
So as much as I would love to see more OCD characters on tv I'd rather Ryan not go that route. I'm sure it would affect him more negatively than positively.
We are on the same page. I think if TPTB and writers had the option to choose either a postive or negative storyline dealing with Ryan's OCD,they would choose negative.
*chuckle* I like how he said "I'm like the short male version of Heather Locklear from Melrose Place, only I'm solving crime... and I'm prettier. Right, everyone?"

I think he's prettier. ;)

GregNickRyanFan, here's the link.
I wonder if people can have OCD in the way that everything has to be clean AND to have rituals? In one of the Miami books it says Ryan used to count everything whenever he'd have a little freak out. It said he hadn't done it for years, but then there was a part where he was really nervous about something and he was counting like...trees and stuff. If you really want some Ryan action, get that book. Name of it? Don't remember. I'll go look at it later haha...
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