Ryan/Jon #16:Obsessive Togoholic Disorder Support Group

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hey guys!! haven't been on in a while! as to all of this, i hope we get to learn more about our Sexy Ryan. we know like nothing, except that he has a gambling problem, a niece and an uncle named Ron. and that he's OCD, that's about it. i deffinatly want to know more.
There better be a big explaination for this! Because if TPTB forgets about Ryan I'm gonna go pull out the spare crowe bar! (sp)
Hi everyone, I'm new here, but expect to see me around a lot :D

I basically only watch Miami, and I have to admit, largely only for Togo and his sweatervests. The way things are going with the show at the moment, I am so tempted to turn the TV off and stop watching it every time a new episode is on, but it's Ryan's storyline that keeps me hooked. I can only hope the rest of the show will get better.

Just my thoughts in general:

Togo as an actor is amazing. I really like how he portrays Ryan, and it's really easy for me to feel for him. He makes Ryan really likable, and even when he makes mistakes, you have to feel bad for him and still root him on. The only thing I find hysterical is that he tends to make these faces...I can't find a good picture, but when he pouts, his whole mouth becomes really thin and he looks slightly scary.

Ryan as a character is amazing. I liked Speed, but I first say a season three episode the first time I ever saw Miami, and Ryan caught my eye, so I can't help but be loyal to him. Personally, I think Ryan is a more likable character - you can see the compassion he has for the victims, like when early on in season three, he's standing over the girl in the morgue and trying not to cry. Speed was a good CSI and very funny, but he didn't really have the compassion. It was more just a paycheck to him, and the actor was a bit...not into it in my opinion. Ryan puts everything he has into the job, he comes in on off days to cover for Delko, and he's all around charming and complex (I love the OCD angle and how they actually mention his family a bit and give him some more depth than Speed).

He can be a bit of an ass sometimes, but it's only because he's so defensive, with good reason. I honestly was pissed at the way the lab treated him. It's not like Ryan shot Speed himself just to get the job! And I know they were greiving, but some of them were downright cruel, like Alex when she said "I don't need any new friends." Although I'm glad she's mothering him now. Calleigh was generally always nice to him, although the arguement at the courthouse was pretty bad, and I winced at the way she was acting all high and mighty. She was a newbie once. Horatio, it's harder for me to understand. He seems generally nice, but he always calls Ryan "Mr. Wolfe", it's like he's trying to distance himself, which sucks since he is so close to his other team members. That has to suck for Ryan.

And of course, the obvious Eric. I was so mad Eric basically got Ryan shot in the eye because he couldn't be responsible enough to balance his work and home life or at least clue the team in to what was going on. But Nailed was my favorite episode, since it resolved a bit of the tension. But I hated the Boa Vista triangle, it just made more tension. Am I the only one that was confused though - Eric and Ryan got along fine during season three really, it was only season four that brought on the arguements. What happened?

As for Ryan's current plot line, I don't get why in the world he was fired, he didn't compromise the investigation, he didn't do the favor and get the guy off the hook! He paid off his debt, which was the right thing to do! And I can't believe Alex just abandoned him, she hasn't shown up once! Where is she, did she just disappear off the show?

So those are my rambling thoughts, and I hope Ryan gets re-hired soon.

Ryan was fired because he gambled while he was on the job to pay back the debt. While gambling is legal, doing it instead of working is bad. Also, Alexx has virtually disapeared. She is no where to be found, and that saddens me.

The season 4 arguements were brought on because of what happened at the end of season 3. Ryan stole evidence that Eric found, and made it look like it was his finidngs (sex and taxes). He also compromised an investigation, and let Miami have a freak out about radioactive tnt, because he let slip to Erica about the testing he was about to do. Also, Eric had the misconception that Ryan took credit for saving Miami, when in reality he didn't. Eric just walked out of the locker room before he could find out the real story. Also, in my opinion, Eric was in a lot of stress because of Marisol, and to have her ordeal right after Speed, he found an easy target in Ryan.

Mr. Wolfe. Mr. Wolfe. I really wish that Horatio would stop treating Ryan as an outcast. I agree that he calls Ryan Mr. Wolfe (except for that one time, in Urban Hellraisers! One time and counting!) because he fears getting closer to the young man. Everyone he cares for is either killed, or badly injured. After Marisol's death, and Eric's near death, I'm sure we will never get to see Horatio cease calling Ryan, Mr. Wolfe.

I enjoy Ryan's humanization of the victims, when he does it. It reminds us that he is human, and these things can have an effect on him too. I also think that the writers could create a story line using his reactions to certain victims. Jessop, the kid who was shot by his brother in No Man's Land, etc. He gives the writer's so many opportunities to create a more in depth look into his past, but they just skip over it.

Togo is an amazing actor. He's so incredibly new to the acting world, but he's nailed it... excuse the pun. He is what makes me want to watch CSI: Miami.

As for being re-hired, he should be reinstated as soon as
goes through all of his old cases, as a patrol and CSI, and proves that he did it the correct way the first time around. He should be. He should be.

Welcome cityxstargazers, enjoy your stay, and I hope to see you around! :D
welcome to the thread cityxstargazers!!! join the other Togohilocs in their chat about their crazy Togo obsessions *cough* me *cough* :D lol!! and if the writers forget about Ryan, i'll get Jon to give me their email adresses so i can give them i piece of my mind!!!
hey guys!! i know i have been on much in a couple of weeks ..things are hectic with everything going on but I'm glad top be back....for a bit at least anyways, I'm going away far from home for a week in a few weeks. but until then, I'm glad to be back :D and talking bout JT :D
Thanks Need4Speed, I am *so* obsessed.

Happilyhappy said:
Ryan was fired because he gambled while he was on the job to pay back the debt. While gambling is legal, doing it instead of working is bad. Also, Alexx has virtually disapeared. She is no where to be found, and that saddens me.

The season 4 arguements were brought on because of what happened at the end of season 3. Ryan stole evidence that Eric found, and made it look like it was his finidngs (sex and taxes). He also compromised an investigation, and let Miami have a freak out about radioactive tnt, because he let slip to Erica about the testing he was about to do. Also, Eric had the misconception that Ryan took credit for saving Miami, when in reality he didn't. Eric just walked out of the locker room before he could find out the real story. Also, in my opinion, Eric was in a lot of stress because of Marisol, and to have her ordeal right after Speed, he found an easy target in Ryan.

Mr. Wolfe. Mr. Wolfe. I really wish that Horatio would stop treating Ryan as an outcast. I agree that he calls Ryan Mr. Wolfe (except for that one time, in Urban Hellraisers! One time and counting!) because he fears getting closer to the young man. Everyone he cares for is either killed, or badly injured. After Marisol's death, and Eric's near death, I'm sure we will never get to see Horatio cease calling Ryan, Mr. Wolfe.

I enjoy Ryan's humanization of the victims, when he does it. It reminds us that he is human, and these things can have an effect on him too. I also think that the writers could create a story line using his reactions to certain victims. Jessop, the kid who was shot by his brother in No Man's Land, etc. He gives the writer's so many opportunities to create a more in depth look into his past, but they just skip over it.

Togo is an amazing actor. He's so incredibly new to the acting world, but he's nailed it... excuse the pun. He is what makes me want to watch CSI: Miami.

As for being re-hired, he should be reinstated as soon as
goes through all of his old cases, as a patrol and CSI, and proves that he did it the correct way the first time around. He should be. He should be.

Welcome cityxstargazers, enjoy your stay, and I hope to see you around! :D
Thanks for the welcome, ^^

Oh I didn't realize he gambled on the job! I've only watched up to the end of season four, and the last three episodes of season five (I got into the show late).

As for Eric, still, he's being WAY too judgemental. He misses work, causes a teammate to get injured badly, is buying drugs, and is all around unreliable at the moment, yet Ryan made two innocent mistakes and he flips out? That guy has grudge issues. Gr.

As for Alexx, I want her back! She's the only one on Ryan's side ever. As for Horatio, I agree he has reason to be distant, but it seems unfair - he knows Marisol for a couple of weeks or months and he right away opens up to her and marries her! He knows Ryan for almost two years before he meets Marisol, and he can't even call the guy by his first name. I wish he would stop this Mr. Wolfe business...but you say he called Ryan "Ryan" once? I don't remember that from Urban Hellraisers, what scene is it in?

And I hope you're right - I hope he's rehired soon! I thought he was going to be during the finale, but I guess not.
Hi all! Sorry I have not been around the last few days. It seems I missed a birtday. So sorry! If I get a chance tonight I will photoshop you a belated b-day present!
Welcome cityxstargazers and any other newbies! You will have fun here!
During the finale he was working towards being reinstated. So, it looks like if by magic he wil be working on the next case in the season premiere. Which is fine by me, since they go sort of by real time, so we won't watch the scenes they "investigate" druing the summer. So yeah. :)

With Eric, I think with Ryan messing up it just gave him reason enough to hate him even more. Thankfully they seem to be ok now though. They even playfully joked in Kill Switch, so it looks like Mr. Delko's head injury let him care less about the things that don't matter.

Horatio did call Ryan by first name! It is in the scene where they arrest the gamer on the roof. The kid say's "We are still in play," and Ryan looks at him "What did you say?" And Horatio says "Ryan, What did that mean?" I hoped that when Horatio would call Ryan by first name it would be a bigger moment. Nailed would have been a good episode for it. They jumped it only by one episode though. *sigh*
Welcome cityxstargazers ! :)

The friendship between Eric and Ryan is fragile and soo complicated, but I think deep down they care about each other. Eric was upset and concerned about Ryan in 'Nailed' and Ryan had the same feelings in 'Man Down' and he's still concerned about Eric.
I also think they are both responsible for the tension. They are so stubborn and sometimes too proud to admit mistakes.
if the worst comes to the worst they'll help each other, I'm sure. ;)

It's more complicated between Horatio and Ryan. I don't know why H still calls him Mr. Wolfe, I tried to find some reasons a long time ago. I came up with the same conclusion that H don't want to get close to Ryan. The other reason could be that Horatio likes to say Mr. Wolfe. :lol:
Horatio do care about him. He helped him a lot.
I think it's hard for Ryan to open up. He sees Horatio as his boss foremost, the others see him as a friend and then as their boss.
This is why he didn't tell him everything in 'Burned'.
Ryan should trust Horatio more.

oh, I think he also called him Ryan in 'Death Emiment' as he talked to him.
it was:
H: Ryan, I talked to....

I also want to see more Alexx. I think she didn't abandon him. She cares too much about him. She needs more screen time. :p
Season 5 early on I watched but let the episode run through one eye and out the ear. :lol: So if Horatio called Ryan by first name in Death Eminent I didn't notice, but will make note to keep a look for it when the DVD comes out.

I fully agree with you inge. I just sometimes lack in th describing my feelings department. You hit what I think dead on.

I miss Alexx too. I hope she gets more screen time in this upcoming season.
Hey I just heard from a friend that csim is no longer the # 1 show in the world..I'm not surprised one bit considering how bad season 5 was and if 6 doesn't make some major changes I think csim will slip to the least liked csi's of all 3 and who knows about how far their ratings will fall. Right now it is my fav of the csi's, in fact I only watch L.V now and then and I only saw 1 ep of N.Y last season but from what I've read they both had really great finales where csim's finale wasn't even good enough to be a good regular ep. They are just really lucky they have Togo because I truly wouldn't be watching it anymore.

Oh and I finally had the time to get my banner working, thanks again Katbug for making it for me..I love it
Am I surprised that Miami isn't number 1 anymore? Erm, no. I really hope they don't take this as a low blow, and think they have to try harder. Please, Please, Please. Stay focused. Old is new again. Think back to Season 2, and season three. Use Ryan as a good tool. Open him up a bit. Use a crime scene, make it where he can't work it because he knows the victim. ETC. ETC. There are so many ways they could turn back around, and head into the right direction. Just, no more cheesy story lines.
i think Ryan need some serious loving right now, so i'm going to start a Ryan hug line!!! don't worry i won't hog him for too long......only long enough to be satified :devil: *Brings Ryan into a room and locks the door*
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