Ryan/Jon #16:Obsessive Togoholic Disorder Support Group

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Need4Speed said:
sorry, i was getting a little too excited. I'll be more careful about what and when i say things. :D i don't think they'll hook up. they already tried that, remember in S4? and it didn't work out too well seeing as they ended it. i believe it was in the ep Dead Air.

No worries - my evil :devil: mind got working overtime at that thought!
I only asked about natalia because of the interaction during the last few episodes.....when they went out she was still hooked on Eric and now that is over - I wondered if she is looking at Ryan differently now....
hmm. i don't know. did you see the way he was looking at Calleigh in Kill Switch? more twoards the end. he gave her a very flirtng look. as did she. but Eva did say her character was going to hook up with one of the regulars.
IMO we're going to see a more mature Ryan in Season 6.
I so look forward to some spoilers because I really don't know how he will get his job back.

I think Ryan and Natalia are becoming friends. She will help and support him and Ryan will feel guilty because he treated her so bad at the beginning.
Ryan needs some friends now and I like Natalia because she helped him and didn't judge him and they both grew up a little bit during Season 5.
yeah i want to see a mature Ryan. oh and Katbug, i liked the pics!!! i just want to hug him and never let go. I'll start the hug line!!!! *Hugs Ryan tight*
I'm hoping for a lighter side of Ryan to come out. We've seen his angry side a little too often in the last 2 seasons (Season 3 he was light hearted and sarcastic, which was great). Maybe this wake up call will help him realize there are more important things to worry about, and that he shouldn't be angry all the time.

If they do continue with this anger streak, I hope they come with an explanation as to why. There's always a story.

By the way, long time no talk everyone!
*hugs Ryan too* The poor guy needs it...Gambling problems, losing his job. "It's OK babe, hopefully everything will be fine in the first episodes of season 6"

Heather(?), I so agree, if he's going to continue to have anger issues, then tell us why, we want to know more about his background, childhood. Is it asking too much? Even Natalia had the storyline with the ex-husband and Ryan doesn't get anything but an Ipod for the niece and something about the uncle? Come on, we're waiting for information :rolleyes: If not, then let us see a more relaxed soft Ryan side. But anyway, TPTB, you can always share background stories. *pictures a flashback with a little cute kid playing Ryan with 7 years old* Oh, too much cuteness :)

katbug, thank you for all the lovely pictures ;)
Yes, I'm Heather :) What's even worse about knowing so much about Natalia is that she's been on for two years. Ryan has been on for three, and we know nothing. It's like he sleeps in the Lab's basement or something. And I could use a cute kid playing Ryan. That would very much suffice as background. :)
Hi everybody, long time no post.

Why'd Thumpy leave? So sad... :( I hope she visits often.

Does anyone know when the fifth season will be released on DVD? I'd like to start capping the season before the baby comes. :p

Mondays are so boring without new eps playing. I want some really good eps this up coming season. They need to get off this 'We're #1' kick they are on and actually put out something worthy. Bay Watch was a #1 show in the world at one time too, and I think it had little to do with the plot, if you know what I mean. :rolleyes:

However, I don't think CSI:M's boob-quota alone is going to keep their ratings up if they don't gives us something good next season.

I want to see some Ryan background really bad. Why are they holding out on us? I need to know more! :D
Hi y'all
Just wanted to stop in and say "hi" havent been coming here cuz as unbelievable as this may seem im over my Ryan/Jon faze.Im also in shock that you guys havent gotin a new thread yet looks like everybody has slowed down.
Hope every1 is doin great and hope y'all have a good togo filled summer :)
Hey, this is officially my second post on these boards.

I've been a long time lurker and have been obsessed with CSI:Miami/Ryan/Jon for over a year. I've been doing all my obsessing/posting icons & graphics on LiveJournal but have finally decided to join in on here. :)

I've been getting more and more upset by the Ryan storylines in seasons 4 and 5 (or lack thereof :(). Whenever I watch CSI:LV there's always decent character development, but there's a serious need for it in Miami. Horatio seems to be one of the only characters that has some interesting things happen to him.. and even then, they aren't that great in comparisson to CSI:LV or whatever. I'm getting tired of the writers always making Ryan look like a bad guy with his gambling problems and whatever. I think they should try to reinvent Ryan in season 6. What happened to his OCD? I've completely given up on finding out about his uncle or his neice because the writers fail when it comes to continuity. I'll be really dissapointed if they keep dragging out this whole 'Ryan's horrible' storyline.
I'd like to see him redeem himself and be accepted back onto the team.. maybe even go back to patrol for a few episodes at the beginning of season 6. Then when he comes back everything can go back to normal. What do you guys think? :)
Happy Birthday athlov! :)
Hope you enjoy your day.

I think that Ryan should come back with a big bang, being the hero for once and saving the crime lab. :D
I also want to see him trying to restore confidence.
I don't think that will happen in the first episode, it should take time and I want a scene where the team stands behind him and a lot of 'Welcome back' scenes with the others. :D
inge said:
I think that Ryan should come back with a big bang, being the hero for once and saving the crime lab. :D
I'm totally all for it ;) That would be great. Afterall, H is going to become tired anytime. Ok, maybe not, after all he's super-H. Do super heroes ever let others save the world? :p

We really need to know more about him and his personal life, and I want some really cute/loving/beautiful/friendly scenes with other characters. Natalia was the mole and got accepted back, so Ryan can have it much more easily, right?

Oh, I just decided it was time for a Ryan avatar, to show the love to the poor OCD guy (though as someone mentioned, OCD seemed to be gone sometimes) :)

Happy Birthday athlov :)
Did I really miss Athlov's B-Day? I am so sorry I've been mad busy and haven't been on in ages but fear not I come prepared and I give to you 2 Belated Presents. I hope you had a wonderful Birthday, your next one you will have another joy in your life to celebrate with you..YaY..

I come bearing gifts....

UGH...I missed your B-Day

Alexx helped me make this..

I'd also like to thank KatBug for making me my great icon that I haven't figured out how to put it on here right. Thanks I love it and I'm working on getting it set up right.

I'm really really hoping for some Ryan background in season 6. It pisses me off that we found out so much...no too much (sex life) about Boa this past season...If they don't give us anything then I'm writing them a nasty letter and boy do I know how to do that...j/p.
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