Ryan/Jon #16:Obsessive Togoholic Disorder Support Group

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Hey guys!

I know I haven't been here for quite a while. ^^

There are already so many great pics posted.

But why I'm here is that I need some help and I just thought.."Try it there!" :D

I need questions about Ryan Wolfe and Jon Togo. Simple question about his cases, his life (as long as we know it) outfits, stuff like that. But only til end of s4. We haven't seen s5 here yet.
And you can think about questions that concern Jon Togo. Something like the name of his band etc.

I hope someone (or you all) can help me a bit. I already got some questions but I need more..lots of more. ^^

Please help.

And now I'll post some pics.

Shine, shine, shine
"D'oh" :D

Creditz: I think (well I'm pretty sure) the caps are originally by athlov. :)
Yurek - you want us to ask questions or answer them?
Well - here are some more pics I am sure are from Atlov.
Twiztid4Togo i saw that too!! it was so funny!! it would have been funnier to see Adam and him joking about it though.

i think that everyone felt bad for him, especially Eric seeing as it was somewhat his fault. and the scene with Alexx was so heart touching. and there were so many signs that he was going to get shot though. Calleigh pointed the nailgun at him like 3 times, and when he put the saftey glasses on he said "Like these could stop a nail" and he was the one who looked for the nailgun that would later shoot him.
I am telling you he looked hotter each epiode in season 5.....I don't know how he does it....but I am hoping it contonues in season 6. :devil:
hells yeah!! he gtes hotter every season!!! and i hope he keeps his sexy spike up hair :) i like it. it looks like someone ran thier fingers through it :devil:
Need4Speed said:
hells yeah!! he gtes hotter every season!!! and i hope he keeps his sexy spike up hair :) i like it. it looks like someone ran thier fingers through it :devil:
Now why did you have to go and make a comment like that??? My mind is wandering dangerously :devil: and this is supposed to be a PG13 board!
Now what do you think will go on with him and Natalia?
sorry, i was getting a little too excited. I'll be more careful about what and when i say things. :D i don't think they'll hook up. they already tried that, remember in S4? and it didn't work out too well seeing as they ended it. i believe it was in the ep Dead Air.
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