Road Trip! The Final Frontier.

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CUTE FLASHBACK! That is so adorable, and such a 180 for him! Man, his parents disowning him really screwed him up when he got older. Poor Jess too, her family is collapsing around her, and she's all alone, poor girl. I can't wait to see what is in store for them, I wonder what Mason will do now that he's feeling a bit more on the caring side?

Nice update Geni!
Aww that flashback is so cute. I guess Mason is a little human.

Mason: ...*closes phone, slams it on table*
Speed: *lifts brow*
Mason: Evidently it does take more than five men to subdue your daughter.
:lol: Haha YEAH. Well Lori IS a Speedle.That's an awesome scene... :lol:

Speed: I have a sneaking suspicion you're not going to be able to make your way past this.
Mason: *slams chair into wall*
Haha YES!

Ah this is getting better! (Except for the fact you beginning the year with Alena death) Thanks for the update Geni! *huggles* :D
You're welcome. :D *huggles back*

And oh Jess, we'll see what happens. Mwhahaha.


Plane--two hours later

Guard: We should have landed 90 minutes ago.

Mason: We're not going anywhere.

Guard: This plane won't have enough fuel.

Mason: *walks into office* ....What the hell did you do to my hostage?

Guard: ...He wasn't cooperating.

Mason: What did I tell you?

Guard: Look, if we don't enforce our rules, we won't get respect.

Mason: Respect doesn't happen by beating the shit out of people. *lifts syringe off desk* What's this?

Guard: Just something to keep him from ruining our plans. He was going to try and stop us.

Mason: We have no evidence of that.

Guard: You're starting to sound like them. And you know what? I don't think this operation was going to be a success in the first place. I think you're dillusional. You preach patience and planning but we have no results.

Mason: Results take time. You run the risk of getting caught if you run in shooting.

Guard: I'm tired of my life being rules by you. *pulls out gun*

Mason: *stares at Guard* So you're going to kill me. Do you realize you have zero chance of getting out of here on your own.

Guard: I'm not so sure.

Mason: Give me the weapon.

Guard: I'm not following your orders anymore.

Jess: *runs in* He has a g..Oh.

Guard: I'm taking over.

Mason: You're an idiot.

Guard: *points gun at Jess* You should have killed her instead of making her carry out your obsessive little plans.

Mason: Why don't you think about this before you do something you regret.

Guard: I wasn't able to think with you in charge. Now I can do what I want. Including killing her.

Jess: *wide-eyed*

Guard: *pulls trigger*

Mason: *pushes Jess*


Jess: Oof. *falls over*

Mason: *punches Guard in face*

Guard: AH! *falls backward*

Lights are seen surrounding air craft

Jess: What is that?

Mason: Military.

Jess: *runs to corner of room* Speed? Speed! *kneels* What'd you do to him?

Guard: *kicks Mason*

Mason: UGH! *falls against wall*

Guard: *grabs Jess*

Jess: *screams*

Guard: *takes out knife, stabs Jess*

Jess: *screaming*

Mason: *snatches Guard*

Guard: *pushes Mason*

Mason: *kicks Guard*

Guard: *falls into bookshelf*

Mason: *reaches for desk drawer*

Guard: *lunges*

Mason: AH! *falls over desk*

Intercom: Sir? This is the pilot.

Mason: What!

Intercom: I'm being advised to land immediately.

Guard: Don't land!

Mason: Land!

Guard: Don't land!

Mason: Land the plane god damnit! *slams fist into Guard*

Guard: *passes out*

Mason: *runs over to door* Jess.

Jess: *holding stomach*

Mason: *looks at side of room* Your friend needs medical attention.

Jess: Welcome to my world.

Mason: *looks down* We're landing, I suspect there'll be an ambulance waiting.

Jess: But...You were all about the big plan. The payout, your profit. You hate your family, you killed my daughter.

Mason: *takes off overcoat, places it on Jess* It seems I underestimated your team. Unfortunately for my partner here, he underestimated me.

Jess: What's that supposed to mean?

Mason: *tilts head* What's wrong with your arm?

Jess: An infection. I was shot by the guy who was selling you guns and a couple of knives fell on me when we got into an accident. I'm pretty sure the knives have nothing to do with it but oh well. I just have one question.

Mason: Sure.

Jess: Were you really going to kill me?

Mason: ...

Jess: Mason.

Mason: Yes.

Jess: *scoffs* Great.

Mason: *stands* Keep pressure on the wound. *walks away*

*long whistle* Well. This mysterious man named 'Guard' tried to overtake Mason eh? .....kind of a blunt ending don't you think? *shrugs* Anyways! At least all is well! ..Kinda. Alena's dead, Speed has been brutally beaten and Jess has been stabbed and shot. Oh and Mason is still alive.
Jess: Were you really going to kill me?
Mason: ...
Jess: Mason.
Mason: Yes.
Jess: *scoffs* Great.
Basterd! :mad: Gah, family.

:lol: Thanks for such a quick update Gen! ;)
OMG! SO much action...and the flash back to better times for Mason and Jess were awesome! Now that the plan is foiled, I hope that everything turns out okay- Jess gets the medical attention that she needs, and Speed gets the medical attention he needs (STAT! :lol:) Woah...that last update took my breath away!

I haven't said this in a long time... but , Update SOON!:D

Excellent work!
Excellent Work, indeed.

Mason was going to kill Jess but doesn't in the end. He foils his own plan with the help of the mysterious dumb ass guard, and... yeah.

Talk about contradiction.

Can't wait to read more, Geni. Let's hope that Jess and Speed will be alright.
I love how everyone assumes it's over. :lol:


Aww, I got an 'update soon' from Anni. *huggles*

LOL, Lora, it's funny that you call it quick because it took me forever to finish it. Stupid Trekkies and Miami and Star Trek Voyager had me distracted. :lol:


Airport, California

Horatio: *lifts gun* Mason! Get out of the plane!

Military Guy: *lifts rifle*

FBI Guy: I have a visual, I can take him out.

Horatio: I want to make sure the hostages are safe first.

FBI Guy: You have no jurisdiction here.

Horatio: Those are my people in there.

FBI Guy: We've been looking for this gang for 5 years.

Horatio: I've been looking for them for 15.

Military Guy: I hate to ruin a great argument but who cares which person's in charge as long as the guy's away from the hostages.

FBI Guy/Horatio: *look at Military Guy*

Military Guy: Just a suggestion.

Horatio: Okay let's get in there.

FBI Guy: ...I was going to say that.

Military Guy: *rolls eyes*

Inside plane

FBI Guy: *runs in* Get on the floor! Get on the floor!

Mason: *leaning against wall*

FBI GUY: Get on the floor!

Horatio: *looks at office* Jess? Jess are you okay?

Jess: *drops head*

Horatio: Speed! ...*looks at Mason*

Mason: *crosses arms*

Horatio: Get the paramedics in here.

Military Guy: Sure thing. *leaves*

Horatio: Give us a minute.

FBI Guy: I'm not leaving this monster with you.

Horatio: There aren't many places for him to go.

FBI Guy: If he causes any trouble, I'm coming back in. *leaves*

Horatio: Thank you.

Mason: *looks at Horatio*

Horatio: *lowers weapon* So here we are. It's been a while, huh.

Mason: Still making mistakes, Caine?

Horatio: You taught me to keep myself on my toes.

Mason: I understand you're not working with the bomb squad anymore.

Horatio: Nope. CSI.

Mason: *lifts panel* So you'll be processing this scene soon instead of defusing it.

Horatio: *looks at panel*

Switches are seen blinking

Horatio: Hm, a bomb.

Mason: Think you can save Jessica?

Horatio: *looks at door*

Paramedic: *walks up steps*

Horatio: Guys, hang back for a minute will ya?

Paramedic: Sure. *steps back*

Horatio: Mason, it ends here. Let Jess and Speed go. This is between you and I.

Mason: This could redeem you Horatio. Make up for grave mistakes.

Horatio: Or...You could redeem yourself right now and turn yourself in.

Mason: No.

Horatio: May I check on Jess before you blow us all up?

Mason: Be my guest.

Horatio: *walks into office* Jess.

Jess: *grabs Horatio's arm*

Horatio: Whoa, whoa, relax. Relax, Jess. I'm going to get you out of here. *looks around* Where's Speed?

Jess: He...*coughs* He...He l-lied.

Horatio: Lied, what do you mean lied?

Jess: He wasn't hurt.

Horatio: ...I don't follow.

Jess: *coughs* We've been had.

Horatio: By Mason.

Jess: No. There was another guy here.

Mason: Caine!

Horatio: *lifts head* Jess, just stay still okay? Just stay still. *stands, walks away*

few feet away

Horatio: Where's Speed.

Mason: I don't know.

Horatio: What do you mean you don't know? The plane landed with him on it.

Mason: My right hand man, a guard in my team named Phillip DeNegro had an alterior agenda. He presented me with the idea to break into your crime lab and steal the cocaine in the vault. Turns out he's been planning it for a long time, whether I agreed to do it or not. Your guy's with him. He needed someone on the inside.

Horatio: Okay, is he being held against his will.

Mason: I don't know.

Horatio: Mason, here's your chance. Disarm the bomb and let's get Phillip before he causes more damage.

Mason: You want me to work with you.

Horatio: It may save you from getting the death penalty for killing that young girl.

Mason: *stares at Horatio*

Horatio: He's stealing your profit and controlling your team.

Mason: *sigh*


Delko: *runs in* Jess.

Jess: *looks up* Eric!

Delko: *hugs Jess*

Jess: Oof, ow.

Delko: Oh, sorry. *lets go* You okay?

Jess: No, but I'm starting to feel better.

Delko: Good, good. Uh, listen Horatio's got me going to Miami pretty soon, he'll stay here. So I don't have much time but...Did you hear about Alena?

Jess: ...I was there when it happened.

Delko: It uh, it's terrible that you had to see that. I'm sorry.

Jess: How did you find out?

Delko: Local news.

Jess: *sigh* Wow.

Delko: I didn't know if he'd killed you too...Look, I shouldn't have ever let you go.

Jess: It's okay.

Delko: No, I mean from Miami. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you and that I wasn't a better father or husband.

Jess: Eric-

Delko: No, Jess I love you. And it's horrible that it took this to make me realize that.

Jess: *stares at Eric*

Delko: And I want to stay here so bad, but...

Jess: So tell Horatio to send Calleigh or Ryan.

Delko: It's my case. I need to catch him.

Jess: *shakes head* I can't believe my brother and Horatio are working together.

Delko: *scoffs* Another reason I'd lean toward being in Miami. I think I'd kill the guy if I stayed here. I still might.

Jess: I don't blame you.

Delko: I mean, if I even have to be in the same room as that monster-

Jess: *smirks*

Delko: What?

Jess: It's just...Kind of cute seeing you all angry and posessive of me.

Delko: *laughs*

Miami Lab

Paula: *puts phone down* Can I help you?

Phil: *flips up badge* FBI.

Paula: *lifts brow*

Phil: We need to see the vault.

Paula: *looks at Speed*

Speed: *nods*

Paula: Um...I'll need to clear it w-

Phil: You'll clear it with no one. This is a special investigation.

Paula: Alright, fine.

Phil: Thank you. *walks away*

Speed: *walks away*


Phil: Okay, they fired you. Here's your chance to get back at 'em.

Speed: *nods*

Lori: *walks over* What the hell are you doing here?

Phil: *turns around*

AWWWWWWWWWWW Eric's all cute and all. Ugh, I can't believe Speed did that to Jess! Seriously! Gah he's such an asshole, I feel sorry for him though, Eric's after the two of them, and he might just murder the poor Speedle.

Hmmmm, she was coughing when Horatio found her, I'm wondering what's wrong with her. Something isn't adding up. Wonder what's the matter? It has to do with that arm, no doubt.

Great update Geni! Can't wait for more!
Well I saw the flames and I bounced dog, I bounced.

Sorry watching 'Tinder Box'

Gosh so much drama and action. And Eric still loves Jess, aww how cute.

Great updates Geni!
Aww... that was so touching, Eric and Jess reunited over the death of their daughter (*sob*), and even if it took a near death experience and grief as strong as that, it was still worth it.

This is really getting good! Great updates!
Military Guy: I hate to ruin a great argument but who cares which person's in charge as long as the guy's away from the hostages.
FBI Guy/Horatio: *look at Military Guy*
Military Guy: Just a suggestion.
:lol: I love that. "Screw authority, let's just take down the bad guy!" Finally! Justice!!

Phil: Okay, they fired you. Here's your chance to get back at 'em.
Speed: *nods*
Lori: *walks over* What the hell are you doing here?
Phil: *turns around*
Oh HAHAHA. Ha. Haha!! Oh man i can't wait for tomorrow's update now! :D And that guy has a name now, Philip. *snorts* Sorry but that's not really a name that suits this guy. :lol:

LOL, Lora, it's funny that you call it quick because it took me forever to finish it. Stupid Trekkies and Miami and Star Trek Voyager had me distracted.
Haha that funny! I watched STV today too! It was some crazy good episode too. Tom Paris getting a ship that had some kind of neural connection with the pilot (which was him) and it took control over him and everything. Super weird. (The best part was the opening of the episode, where Harry and Tom were trying to figure out Tuvok's age) Oh by the way everyone, i'm not a Star Trek person. More of Star Wars as you should all know. ;) :lol:
Fantastic, Geni! But wait...Speed's in on it? Now I'm all twisted (boy that didn't take long :lol:).

I'm on pins and needles them coming:D

Thanks y'all. :D

And er, don't worry about Lori being in too much of it. Just in case y'all start to think the entire thread will be about her. :lol:


I think Eric will really have a lot to deal with, especially since Jess has been injured a lot, and all of which could have been prevented. (Besides, like RL Jess said, there's something still goin' on with her)

Soon though we'll have some Lilly/Ryan development too.

LOL! Lora that episode was called 'Alice'. :D Wee, my favorite episode because Tom had stubble. *COUGH* Anyway, lol. I saw that one today too.

:lol: Aw Anni I hope I get you all untwisted soon. It must not be a good sight, heh.


Miami Lab

Phil: Oh dear, it looks like you went a few rounds with a brick. *lifts badge* FBI.

Lori: FBI my ass.

Phil: *sigh* We really don't have time for this. Mason's men should have killed you. Instead, pfft, a few bruises.

Lori: *looks at Speed*

Speed: I want the new code.

Lori: *stares at Speed*

Speed: ...

Lori: *places hands on hips, taps belt*

Speed: *looks down*

Lori: You want the code?

Phil: Yeah.

Lori: It's 911.

Phil: Clever. *turns to lock*

Lori: *presses belt buckle, small blade slides out*

Speed: *grabs blade, presses it against Phil*

Phil: *stops*

Speed: How many more people do you have down in Miami?

Phil: 20.

Speed: Including the 5 that Mason sent.

Phil: They'll be expecting the cocaine.

Speed: Yeah well I guess you have a problem then.

Interrogation room, next morning

Phil: *drops into chair*

Lori: *sits on table* I just learned a whole lot about you Phil. You see, I'm not even supposed to be on this case but as it turns out, not only are you working for the same people who want Mason dead, but you're trafficking children in containers with those guns. Those same containers that make it to the even bigger buyers in South America, Africa, and Europe.

Phil: You don't know what you're talking about. I don't traffic children.

Delko: *walks in* That's funny because your record says different.

Phil: You can't prove anything.

Delko: *hands over folder*

Lori: *opens folder, reads it*

Delko: *crosses arms*

Lori: 30 children have gone missing from California and Miami in the last 5 weeks. All Cuban American children, all girls. *throws folder onto table*

Delko: The same race and gender of children your record indicates you started trafficking 20 years ago. Unfortunately, there was no DNA testing back then and you walked.

Lori: *looks down at papers* I pulled your financial records. A deposit was put into your account for 100 grand. Was that how much your real boss paid you to get Alena and the guns from Mason? And then when he killed her, you had to find another way to save your own skin so you decided to apease him with the cocaine deal?

Phil: Look, Mason was slow. He wanted everyone to be patient and wait for the results, and wait for the payments. He owed a lot of people, including my boss. I thought when Mason kidnapped the kid and mentioned the guns that it was finally going to work out. All I had to do was wait for the guns to be stolen back. But the idiot killed the girl! My boss said kids AND guns, not guns and an empty container. Stupid ass, I should have capped him and done everything myself.

Lori: And you thought since Mason had kidnapped two people in which one used to work for the lab, that he'd be able to get you inside and steal the cocaine.

Phil: *sigh* He had motive, it was perfect.

Delko: Not perfect enough. Manipulation works both ways and it landed you in federal prison.

Phil: *looks at Eric*

Atrium, Miami Lab

Delko: *stares out window*

Lori: *walks over* Hey, I didn't get your signature on the report.

Delko: *grabs paper* Yeah, I'll sign 'em right now.

Lori: Great.

Delko: So Mason's guys beat the hell out of you, huh.

Lori: Wounds heal.

Delko: *looks at Lori*

Lori: Look, I'm sorry about your kid. But...Between you and me...What she was facing if Phil had gotten to her would have been way worse.

Delko: Yeah but it still doesn't warrant her death.

Lori: Absolutely not.

Delko: *sigh* I just can't help thinking about the alternative. Being that young and forced to get by in a strange country. And 30 other kids are having to deal with that right now and we can't do a damn thing. I mean...Don't the police in those countries do anything?

Lori: At least where I was...The children were taught not to trust the police because they were worse than the pimps.

Delko: How could they be worse?

Lori: There are some things I won't talk about and that's one of them.

Delko: Sorry.

Lori: *shrugs* Not your fault. *smiles* Anyway, I'm glad you guys got the bad guy. Give my best to Jess.

Delko: Will do.

Lori: *walks away*

Delko: *sigh*

Speed: *walks over*

Delko: Don't do that again.

Speed: I was improvising. I'd say it was pretty good.

Delko: You know, you could have gone to jail for that.

Speed: Well then I'm glad I had my best friend on my trail making sure that didn't happen.

Delko: *laughs* Yeah right, I'm your best friend out of convenience.

Speed: *smirks*

Delko: Thanks man.

Speed: You know, something's up with Jess.

Delko: Yeah?

Speed: I was actually taking her to the hospital when we got run off the road. She thought she had some sort of infection but I think it's worse than that, I mean she was taking pain meds that were prescribed to Alena for a broken arm.

Delko: You serious?

Speed: Yeah.

Delko: She didn't even come to me.

Speed: She thought you'd have social services on her about it.

Delko: Yeah well there's no chance in that happening now.

Speed: *nods*

Delko: Lori was telling me how Alena would have probably ended up in the same situation as her.

Speed: Probably.

Delko: I still should have been able to protect her.

Speed: Eric, life throws curve balls and you can't catch them all.

Delko: Yeah well I've always sucked at baseball anyway.

Speed: I know, I played on your team last summer against Frank County.

Delko: *laughs*

Speed: *looks out window*

Delko: Hey uh...Did Lori ever tell you about some of the stuff she experienced in South America?

Speed: She told me everything.

Delko: Even about the cops?

Speed: *looks at Eric*

Delko: Well?

Speed: She told me everything, Eric.

Delko: *nods* So I guess you aren't going to tell me.

Speed: See you back in California. *walks away*

Delko: ...Aren't we on the same flight? *runs*

Lori: *presses belt buckle, small blade slides out*
OoOoo Lara Croft. :lol:

So Phil's going to jail now? All is well? So NOW is it over Geni? (Please let it be) I kinda want to go on vacation and sleep with Horatio. :lol: :devil:

Anyways, great job on the past few updates Gen! The fights, the emotion, the storyline; all you. ;)
Okay , officially, I'm untwisted! I think I can follow it now:lol: I'm glad that things- so far- have worked out. I can't wait to see more....and Lori..kick ass as ever!

Awesome work!
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