Road Trip! The Final Frontier.

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Anni: *sighs, looks down at plate* This isn't what I ordered.
Katie: I ordered that for you.
Anni: I didn't want this. I DIDN'T WANT THIS!
Everyone: *staring at Anni*
Anni: *starts to cry*
For love of everything good and holy, control your goddamn PMS! :lol: (Not YOU Anni, RT Anni. ;) )

Thanks for all the great updates Geni. You work so hard at these, even at Christmas. *huggles* (I don't know, i'm in a loving/thankful mood this morning)
Anni: *sighs, looks down at plate* This isn't what I ordered.
Katie: I ordered that for you.
Anni: I didn't want this. I DIDN'T WANT THIS!
Everyone: *staring at Anni*
Anni: *starts to cry*
For love of everything good and holy, control your goddamn PMS! :lol: (Not YOU Anni, RT Anni. ;) )

Thanks for all the great updates Geni. You work so hard at these, even at Christmas. *huggles* (I don't know, i'm in a loving/thankful mood this morning :rolleyes: )

Oops! Double post!
I took a trip back to RT 7-9, and figured this out:

I started reading in thread 7.
I was added into the RT in the middle of thread 8.

I also remembered the whole dramatic love proclamation with Ryan! He said he loved me, I thought it was a joke, and I don't even know how it all turned out. Are we even still together?

Thanks for the great updates, Geni!
Just catching up here, Katie and Speed are locked in a room together and nothing happens, Anni loses it in front of a crowded restaraunt, now we find out she is pregnant but Speed is not the father and for a change Speed is happy and he really wants to be with Anni because he loves her.

You certainly keep the twists coming Geni brillant as usual...update soon. :D
Awesome update! LOL...Anni has a conniption over peaches, classic! This is going to be an interesting pregnancy;)

What's going on with Jess? Is it food poisioning? Is it the stitches? The suspense is killing me!

Excellent work, Geni! I love how you keep the story going with new twists and turns!
Heh, well I try to keep things as interesting as possible. (Some things are more interesting than others of course. :eek:)

^ Mwahaha. We shall soon find out about Jess.

Lilly and Ryan are still together--they should have some development comin' up in a bit.

Thanks so much for the reviews, everyone!


Snowy fields, Russia

Horatio: And there she is. The Hummerhome 2000.

Eveyone: *staring at Hummerhome*

Horatio: Isn't she a beaut?

Calleigh: She's...Pewter.

Horatio: Just like the real deal.

Delko: *scratches head* How come there are giant bars on the top?

Horatio: They're to prevent the Hummerhome from rolling.

Ryan: So I have no place to put my Slip'N Slide?

Horatio: Unfortunately, no.

Ryan: Damn.

Speed: How'd you get a Hummerhome to Russia?

Horatio: I had it transported by boat which cost me quite a bit so this is the last and only Hummerhome.

Lora: But...We're going to destroy it.

Horatio: No you won't. I wrapped the entire inside in bubble wrap.

Anni: I KNEW IT!

Horatio: *looks at Anni*

Anni: You pulled it out of your ass, didn't you.

Horatio: Um. No.

Anni: Yes you did.

Inside Hummerhome

Horatio: So off to the north to see some snow!

Calleigh: OH I can pull out my winter stuff!

Lora: You know, they can grow oranges here so it's not like it's all cold and blizzardy. You guys watch too many movies.

Ryan: But those movies are so exciting.

Lora: *rolls eyes*

Katie: I'm just glad to be out of that hotel.


Speed: It actually was.


Katie: Ugh. Still gross.

Jess: *coughing*

Delko: Hey, you alright?

Jess: *nods, coughing*

Lora: I don't want what she has. *sits on floor*

Delko: Maybe you should lie down.

Jess: Yeah. Yeah, I think so.

Delko: *grabs Jess* Come on.

Jess/Delko leave

Calleigh: She okay?

Speed: I don't know.

Calleigh: Maybe she caught a cold.

Delko: *walks back, popping bubble wrap*

Colton: I think it's herpes.

Calleigh: I don't think so.

Colton: Fine. Leprosy.

Delko: *popping bubble wrap*

Lilly: I vote Lupus. It's always Lupus.

Ryan: Strep Throat.

Missy: Cancer.

Delko: *popping bubble wrap*

Speed: *grabs bubble wrap* Will you stop it?

Delko: Sorry.

Katie: *popping bubble wrap*

Speed: *frowns*

Delko: Maybe she has one of those altitude problems.

Calleigh: Eric, we haven't gone up, we've gone north.

Delko: They aren't the same thing?

Calleigh: No.

cellphone rings

Katie: *opens phone* Yeah?

Missy: It's still Lupus.

Colton: NO, it's Leprosy.

Lora: I like this game. It's like 'find the smell' but with diseases.

Speed: Maybe we should just take her to a hospital.

Horatio: Can't. It's not in the budjet.

Speed: So if one of us has our heads cut off, you wouldn't send us to the hospital?

Horatio: If you had your head cut off, there wouldn't be a trip to the hospital.

Speed: Alright bad example.

Calleigh: So it was a waste of time paying for medical insurance?

Horatio: If you scrape your knee or get a bloody nose, we'll take you to Canada.

Calleigh: Sounds good by me.

Lora: Except...Bandaids always fix that problem just as well.

Katie: *closes phone* Ugh.

Colton: If we're all here, who phoned you?

Katie: *slaps Colton* I get phonecalls. It was Lori.

Speed: What'd she want?

Katie: She got a promotion.

Speed: ...Promotion for...

Katie: Oh. Something called the SCB.

Speed: Sexual Crimes Bureau?

Katie: Yeah I guess.

Calleigh: *smiles* Good for her. That's quite the promotion. I remember I worked there for six months back when I first started with MDPD. I was stuck there until a position opened up at CSI.

Ryan: When you say 'stuck' it doesn't really make it sound good.

Calleigh: Oh it was very rewarding. Just not my cup of tea.

Delko: I did a stint there for three weeks. I was trying to get my weapons permit from the city so they put me behind a desk.

Calleigh: Hey Speed did you ever work there?

Speed: No.

Delko: *popping bubble wrap*

Lora: SERIOUSLY. *grabs bubble wrap*

*waves to all* I've been lurking...haven't seen quite of you in quite some time *huggles all*

Okay, I need to get this out right now. I LOVED the House reference, it's never lupus.....except for that one time hee. A hummerhome in bubblewrap would be quite interesting, I wonder what would happen if it rolled onto it's side and all the CSI's fell onto the one side, all you'd hear is "pop pop pop pop pop!" heh.

Great update Gen, as always.
Lilly: I vote Lupus. It's always Lupus.

Ryan: Strep Throat.

Missy: Cancer.

*sniff* It's never lupus. Everyone in my house watches House, and my disease is Lupus. IT'S NEVER LUPUS!!!! Except when Steve Valentine was on... *drools*

OK, I'm fine. :lol:

Speed: So if one of us has our heads cut off, you wouldn't send us to the hospital?

Horatio: If you had your head cut off, there wouldn't be a trip to the hospital.

Speed: Alright bad example.

:lol: Nice one Speed.
Lora: I like this game. It's like 'find the smell' but with diseases.
There's actually some dog (border collie i think) that can identify diseases, inside of people! It's so insane.

Hahaha Speed. :lol:
Speed: So if one of us has our heads cut off, you wouldn't send us to the hospital?
Horatio: If you had your head cut off, there wouldn't be a trip to the hospital.
Speed: Alright bad example.
I love moments like that. :lol: And we can all die in ANY crazy, ridiculous accident (heck we would all be dead if it wasn't for H) and you choose a beheading? ....Setting your hopes high aren't you Timmy? :lol:

Awesome update Geni! (Do you ever sleep?) And i wonder what's wrong with Jess? *frowns* Hope it's not serious....ah. Only time will tell.
Where did you get the idea for the bubble wrap part from Geni?, Hilarious...and as everyone has said this part was really funny...

Speed: So if one of us has our heads cut off, you wouldn't send us to the hospital?
Horatio: If you had your head cut off, there wouldn't be a trip to the hospital.
Speed: Alright bad example.

fab update Geni, more soon please I am sooo enjoying this roadtrip, reading this makes my day. :D
I see it pays to keep up with House:D I was starting to wonder about some folks :lol:

So, really, what's going on with Jess?

Lori got a promotion- that's great! She's really taking to this walking the straight line thing well.

The bubble wrap... brilliant!

And yes... Speed had one of the best lines...:lol:

Excellent work!
Wee! Thanks so much for the reviews. I see I got Jess in here again. :p Mwaha. All we need now is to get Katie to sign in.

And Jess' situation will take a 180 so we'll get into that pretty soon.


8pm, Hummerhome

Horatio: Okay team, it's time for dinner.

Lora: You should have said that 4 hours ago.

Horatio: Better late than never. It's my motto.

Delko: I thought your motto was 'we never close'.

Horatio: I tried to get that on Miami's government buildings but they said no one would know what that means.

Delko: So...They'd know what 'better late than never' was.

Horatio: Yes.

Carly: I think the Hummerhome needs a motto. We could paint it on the side and everything.

Lora: How about 'if we're on fire, call 9-1-1.'

Horatio: Lora.

Lora: What?

Delko: How about 'wide load'

Calleigh: That's horrible.

Ryan: And not much of a motto.

Jess: *opens door* Speed, can you come here?

Speed: *looks over* If it's a woman thing I don't want anything to do with it.

Jess: It's not.

Speed: Okay. *stands, leaves*

Delko: Why didn't she want my help?

Lora: Because you want to call us 'wide load'.

Delko: Well I meant the Hummerhome!

Jess' room

Jess: *sits on bed*

Speed: What's up?

Jess: *throws container onto bed*

Speed: *looks down*

Jess: I've been taking those since we left California.

Speed: Why?

Jess: Because I have an infection.

Speed: Eric asked if you were alright.

Jess: Yeah well Eric thinks he's mature enough to handle things but he isn't.

Speed: You should give Eric more credit.

Jess: I don't want him to know I'm on medication.

Speed: Why?

Jess: *sigh* Because it wasn't prescribed to me. It...Alena got it when she broke her arm.

Speed: *nods*

Jess: I don't want to get Horatio involved because he'll just cuddle me or hold my hand. If I tell Eric, he'll get mad or just laugh at me or something. If I tell Calleigh, she'll tell Horatio. If I tell Katie, she'll probably take the pills from me and dance around the room. I mean, you're the only one who's gone through this kind of thing. Besides, you're not a cop.

Speed: *sits*

Jess: So what am I going to do?

Speed: You're going to go to the hospital and get proper treatment.

Jess: But then everyone will know about the whole thing.

Speed: Your reputation doesn't matter.

Jess: Yes it does! I have a kid, do you know what Eric will do if he finds out his ex wife is flying high? I'll have social services on my ass so fast.

Speed: I don't think Eric would do that.

Jess: I don't want to take that chance.

Speed: Okay. Tonight, I'll take you to the hospital.

Jess: *nods*

Speed: But after this, you have to tell someone else your problems.

Jess: *laughs* Deal.

Speed: Alright. *stands, leaves*

Hummerhome area

Lora: You ever get that part of your butt that itches but you can't quite reach it?

Katie: That's called herpes.

Lora: *frowns*

Calleigh: *bouncing on couch* This bubble wrap is kind of fun.

Delko: Can we decorate our hotel rooms with this stuff too?

Horatio: It's not decoration it's for safety and protection.

Ryan: Is it bullet proof?

Horatio: No.

Ryan: ...Well that's useless. We'll be known as the CSIs from Miami that use bubble wrap instead of kevlar.

Horatio: I'm still alive, aren't I?

Calleigh: What would you ever do if you didn't have a gun?

Horatio: I'd throw my shoe.

Ryan: Knowing his luck, it would actually do some damage.

Delko: How come I can't get so lucky? I always shoot my gun but the bullets never seem to take down the bad guys. Then when Horatio shoots his gun, all of the evil-doers in Miami go down.

Calleigh: It's Karma.

Delko: I have Karma.

Ryan: I've never seen Horatio shoot a woman.

Everyone: *looks at Ryan*

Ryan: Well it's true. All the evil people are guys.

Horatio: I'd shoot a woman if need be.

Calleigh: I thought you didn't want to shoot anyone.

Horatio: Times have changed. I'm like a cross between James Bond and John McClain.

Delko: But you look more like Conan O'Brian and William H. Macy.

Horatio: With style.

Calleigh: Just once I'd like to see a woman James Bond.

Delko: You opting for a movie deal, Cal?

Calleigh: *smiles* I don't think it would do any harm.

12am--outside Hummerhome

Speed: *opens Hummer door* Good thing H brought a Hummer along.

Jess: *gets into Hummer* Won't they be mad that we took it?

Speed: Probably. *closes door*

On the road

Jess: *looks out window* This is stupid.

Speed: What is.

Jess: The whole thing with me and Eric. I obviously don't trust him enough to tell him anything.

Speed: Well Eric's head has always been in the clouds anyhow.

Jess: *scoffs* Wow.

Speed: What?

Jess: Here I am having girl talk with a guy I barely ever talk to.

Speed: *tilts head* I have a daughter. Girl talk comes naturally to me.

Jess: *laughs*

Speed: *smirks*

Jess: *looks in mirror* That person behind us is coming up pretty fast.

Speed: Maybe he wants to pass.

Truck slams into Hummer

Jess: *grabs onto door*

Speed: *turns wheel*

Jess: Ugh, idiot!

Speed: *looks out driver window*

Jess: What?

Speed: He's getting out.

Jess: Should we do something?

Speed: Grab me the gun that's in the glove compartment.

Jess: *opens glove compartment* ...There's just a holster.

Speed: Great.

Guy: *wearing mask* GET OUT OF THE VEHICLE!

Speed: *opens door*

Side of the road

Guy: *points gun at Jess* GET ON YOUR KNEES!

Jess: I don't understand what you want.

Guy: *pushes Jess*

Jess: AH! *falls over*

Guy: You too.

Speed: *gets onto knees*

Jess: They don't sound Russian.

Speed: I don't think they are.

Guy: *ties Jess' hands together*

Jess: Who are you guys?

Guy: Stop talking.

Jess: You know, this isn't exactly new so I'm not scared.

Guy: So maybe you should start worrying about Alena.

Jess: *blinks* What?

Guy: *pushes Jess into truck*

Speed: *reaches hand under Hummer*

Guy2: So what do we do with him?

Guy: The boss said not to leave anyone as a witness.

Guy2: Okay. *pulls out gun*

Guy: *grabs gun* He also said not to kill anyone yet.

Guy2: Oh.

Guy: We take him too.

Abandoned prison

Guy: *shoves Jess into cell*

Jess: AH! *falls over*

Guy2: *shoves Speed into cell*

Speed: *falls against wall*

Guy: Comfortable?

Jess: Why did you mention my daughter?

Guy: Because she's here.

Jess: Why.

Guy: The boss wanted her here.

Jess: WHY!

Guy: *shuts door, locks it*

Jess: *runs to door* WHERE IS SHE! *banging on door* WHERE'S ALENA! *sigh* Well this is perfect. *rubs arm* Ugh.

Speed: You okay?

Jess: *scoffs* No, I'm not okay. I've just been kidnapped, my child is here somewhere, the team has NO idea we're out here and my arm is killing me.

Speed: Well, the team's going to know we're out here soon. *reaches into pocket, grabs object*

Jess: What is that?

Speed: GPS locator.

Jess: *laughs* Thank God.

Speed: It'll give them a heads up at least.

Jess: So we need a plan to get out of here.

Speed: Yeah. Well we'll have to wait until morning so we can see as much as possible. Did you notice the emblem on the one guy's jacket?

Jess: No.

Speed: It said TER.

Jess: ...

Speed: *lifts brow* That mean something?

Jess: *nods* I haven't seen it in a while. It's a gang called 'The Easy Ryders'. They're from Wyoming.

Speed: Where you used to live.

Jess: Yeah. My brother joined them when I was a little kid. My mother disowned him for a drowining that happened at a quary down our yard.

Speed: You're saying you know these people.

Jess: I didn't have much contact with them. I was sent to live with my grandparents when I was 7 because my dad had a heart attack. It was just two years after my mom was killed in Miami during a bank r...

Speed: What?

Jess: The way we got run off the road, how would you describe it?

Speed: More like a standard pit maneuver.

Jess: *nods* Great.

Speed: Care to share with the class?

Jess: My brother Mason is holding us here.

Speed: You never mentioned a brother before.

Jess: That's because I don't have much contact with him. *sigh* I can't believe he found me.

Speed: What does he want?

Jess: I don't know. But we need to find a way out, soon.

OMG! GENI!....What a twist! Jess has someone after her, and they've kidnapped her and Speed!!! Definetly has my undivided attention!

Leave it to Eric to bring the noise... and Horatio to provoke him :lol:

Horatio: Times have changed. I'm like a cross between James Bond and John McClain.

Delko: But you look more like Conan O'Brian and William H. Macy.

Horatio: With style.

That was just too :lol:

Excellent work!
I had meant to leave a review earlier, but then my eye caught something shiny. Blame it on the Cowboy! George Eads Photos I found.

Uh-oh. Jess has an infection in her arm, she is kidnapped, finds out the kidnappers have her daughter, then figures out the kidnapper is her brother. She just gets all the luck sometimes.

Calleigh: Just once I'd like to see a woman James Bond.

Delko: You opting for a movie deal, Cal?

I could so see that. That would be an awesome movie.

I love your writing, Geni. <3
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