Welcome back Carly!

See? Aren't you glad I didn't write you out?
Ah yes Jeopardy and "STOP BEING GAY" were some great moments. Along with "TEEHEE-ING MACHINE".
Hehe thanks for the reviews everyone, they're muchly appreciated!
Hummerhome, 9am next day
Horatio: So, how was your night team?
Ryan: *still holding ice against head*
Lilly: *smiling*
Lora: *frowning*
Horatio: ...I see things didn't go as smoothly as planned. *looks at Ryan* What happened to you?
Ryan: A mechanical bull happened to me.
Horatio: I see. *claps* Well on Eric's request, we're heading to Sacramento before we get to Russia.
Horatio: I'm sorry but it's Alena's birthday.
Delko: My daughter.
Lora: You have a kid? Who would trust you with a kid? *looks at Horatio* Please tell me Eric doesn't have a kid.
Horatio: I promise it won't take too long, Lora.
Lora: That's what you said when we got to the lab from Africa. It took us almost a week to get back on the road and now you want to make a pit stop in California to amuse a 'Delko'. My advice? Buy a webcam.
Delko: She's not old enough to work a webcam.
Lora: I meant for her mother.
Delko: *frowns*
Speed: I could use a web cam.
Everyone: *looks at Speed*
Horatio: We're going to Sacramento.
Lora: H!
Horatio: No H's. We're going.
Lora: *crosses arms* I expect to be compensated.
Horatio: You can spend the rest of the trip in the back room if you prefer.
Lora: *frowns*
Horatio: Your choice.
Lora: So everyone else is allowed to be pretentious and selfish but I'm not?
Horatio: You are, it doesn't mean I'll tolerate it.
Lora: You tolerate it from everyone else!
Horatio: I expect more from you.
Lora: Why!
Delko: *waves hands* Whoa, time out. Look, it's not like we were planning this behind your back. It just came up and it won't last that long. A few hours, tops. Besides, Russia isn't going anywhere.
Lora: *kicking carpet*
Delko: Lora.
Lora: *looks at Delko*
Delko: We're going to Sacramento.
Lora: Fine.
Delko: *sits*
Lora: *sits on floor*
Speed: ...You okay Eric?
Delko: I'm fine.
Speed: *shrugs* If you say so.
Delko: *stands, leaves*
Calleigh: *looks over*
Speed: *lifts brows*
Ryan: Hey I wasn't aware of this secret CSI speech when I was hired.
Horatio: There's no secret CSI speech.
Ryan: ...There is with them.
Speed: *stands, leaves*
Calleigh: *stands, leaves*
Ryan: Was I not aprised of something?
Horatio: *sigh*
Ryan: Sorry.
Carly: *crawls out from under table* I've been down here for like three days.
Heather: I was wondering when you were going to get up.
Carly: *touches head* Someone knock me out or something?
Missy: I was testing botox on you so I could do it for Anni.
Carly: *stares at Missy*
Missy: I needed a guinea pig.
Back room
Delko: *sits at table*
Calleigh: *walks in*
Delko: Calleigh-
Calleigh: We're just concerned is all.
Speed: *places hands in pockets*
Delko: *looks at Speed* You didn't exactly make an effort to help last night. She hasn't called me in almost
two years and now she suddenly wants me to visit? You know what it's going to do to Alena when she finds out I'm with some other woman?
Calleigh: I thought you were okay with this after our talk yesterday.
Delko: Yeah well obviously I'm not. I just kept thinking about the whole thing and it's just...It's just too complicated.
Calleigh: *nods* Then let me make it very simple. *leaves*
Delko: *sigh*
Speed: *sits* I'm sorry.
Delko: *shakes head*
Speed: Seeing your kid for the first time in two years is a big deal, I'm not surprised you're stressed out.
Delko: ...How did you react when Lori was found and brought back to Miami?
Speed: Probably the exact same way you're reacting right now.
Delko: *lifts brow*
Speed: Eric this isn't completely about 'woman trouble'. It's barely a footnote to what's actually going on, otherwise you wouldn't be freaking out. You're scared to hell that your little girl is going to look at you like you don't mean anything to her. It's starting to sink in and you're finding excuses for how you're feeling.
Delko: ...I just...I'm not sure what to do. I think reality finally caught up with me.
Speed: *nods*
Delko: Okay. *stands, leaves*
Speed: *stares at door*
Two days later, Sacramento
Horatio: *takes off shades*
Colton: *looks up at house* Someone has a nice life.
Heather: *stomps on Colton's foot*
Colton: OW.
Lora: There'd better be a cake in the shape of Russia in there.
Horatio: *walks up to door, knocks*
Horatio: Don't touch anything please.
Katie: Ah man and he said 'please'.
Door opens
Jess: ...You brought the circus to town?
Horatio: We hope that's alright with you.
Jess: No it's fine it's just...I don't think my backyard is big enough.
Colton: Your house is bigger than three backyards.
Heather: *pinches Colton*
Colton: OW!
Jess: C'mon in everyone.
Everyone walks in
Delko: *walks up to steps*
Jess: *looks at Eric*
Delko: Hey.
Jess: *nods* I didn't think you'd actually show up.
Delko: What's a circus without the little guy that runs around with the fire extinguisher?
Jess: *laughs*
Delko: *smiles*
Jess: Alena's just getting dressed so it'll be a bit before everything's set up.
Delko: That's fine.
Jess: *walks into house*
Delko: *follows*
Inside house
Jess: Colton get your feet off the coffee table, Katie put the balloons down and for God's sake Missy put that syringe away.
Missy: ...I got your kid botox for her birthday.
Jess: ...
Missy: Or...KIDDING!
Speed: *grabs beer from fridge* So Wyoming, what have you been up to lately?
Jess: *looks at Speed* I work as a translator at the US Embassy.
Speed: Wow.
Jess: What.
Speed: Nothing.
Katie: *eats chips* He's just jelous because he got fired.
Jess: *laughs* You don't say.
Alena: *runs downstairs* I'M DRESSED! I'M DRESSED!
Jess: Honey your dress is on backwards.
Alena: *smiling* But I did it MYSELF.
Katie: Hey Alena, remember me?
Alena: KATIE! *hugs Katie*
Katie: HA, she remembers me. You all suck.
Jess: Alena, your dad's here.
Alena: *pushes Katie*
Katie: AH! *falls over*
Alena: *runs over to Delko, hugs him* DADDY!
Delko: *smiles* Hey! Oh look what I got for you. *hands over box*
Alena: PRESENT! *ripping box apart*
Lora: Yep, she's a Delko.
Alena: *picks up teddy* 0_0
Delko: *lifts brow*
Alena: YAY! *runs around the room*
Heather: She's quite the buzz ball.
Jess: You should see me try and put her to bed at night. It's next to impossible.
Alena: *trips*
Colton: Oooh...Ouch.
Alena: *looks down at floor*
Jess: You okay?
Alena: *gives thumbs up*
Delko: *grabs Alena* Come here you.
Alena: WEEE! *giggles*
Lora: I want one. *slaps Horatio* I want one.
Horatio: ...What are you slapping me for?
Jess: So where's Calleigh?
Delko: She couldn't make it.
Jess: That's a shame.
Ryan: *runs in* Sorry I'm late! I was trying to get the prese-
Horatio: *clears throat*
Ryan: -sentation finished for some...Meeting I had...Sometime.
Lilly: Nice save.
Alena: I heard presents.
Ryan: *sigh* I blew it.
Alena: *extends hands* Gimme please.
Katie: See? You can't refuse someone who says please.