Head of the Day Shift
"VALKYRIE" We just saw this, stunning and riveting, a true story of the attempt to assassinate Hitler, by Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg, played by Tom Cruise magificent portrayal, he's still the cream of the crop:thumbsup: so beliveable, and still such a outstanding actor, and he also look's great. One felt they were in fact in Nazi Germany the cars the swastikas everywhere, Hitlers picture everywhere, scary time in history.You were indeed in Berlin, great graphics and special effects.. stunning!!! An all star cast with Kenneth Branagh a Major-General, and the one who stole the show besides Cruise was Tom Wilkinson as General Fromm, a two faced hypocrite, who went with whoever won this 'coup' he was fantastic.. a real nail biter, not one sound in the whole theater, complete quiet. I won't give away the ending, but I cried
All together there were counting this attempt were 16 on this mad mans life, none succeeded, and at the end coward that he was committed suicide:evil:
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