Twilight. Am I the only one who didn't think it was
that great? I guess if you're forced to go to a movie you had no intention of seeing, then the movie could come off as annoying (My friends made me see it. I wanted to see Role Models, but was over ruled

). I'm also not into the romantic/mystery/fantasy type movies, so take my review with a grain of salt if you'd like

. I thought it was interesting and it kept my attention for the most part. I would have to say my favorite part is the soundtrack. Great music in the movie and I've been listening to it since I saw the movie (about two weeks ago). I enjoyed the character of Edward Cullen, and understand why everyone was going bananas over him. He is an old fashioned type of gentleman that has disappeared off the radar during this time of shovenism and self-absorbtion. Don't worry, this won't turn into a feministic review, I promise.
The only problem I had was that it felt as if it was over acted. The actors were deep into their characters which was great, that's what actors are supposed to do. But when the character gets annoyingly dramatized and over-zealous, it turns me off. I'm also not into the 'media stuffed' movies aka movies that are forcefed down our throats through every single media outlet possible.
I did enjoy it though. Don't get me wrong. I thought the secondary cast (Bella's Dad, Edward's family) was more amazing then the supposed star crossed lovers. Maybe I'd be more of a fan if I read the books?
Role Models. HILARIOUS! I'm not into the raunchy, vulgar, college dropout movies. But this one was actually funny. I'm glad to see Seann William Scott come back into movies. It had been a while since he has been in anything good. There is some extremely course language in the movie and some suggestive scenes, but overall a pretty good movie IMO.