Review The Last Film You Saw ~ Thread 3

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Gone Baby Gone

Fantastic movie. The plot was riveting and the emotional scenes were very well acted. It was a movie that made you think about what would be right in that situation and what you would do if you were them. Definitely one of the best movies I've seen in ages.
i finally got to see seeney todd and it was fanatastic. i think ive said it before, but you put burton and depp together and they can do no wrong. the plot of the movie was perfect for burtons style, and i cant picture anyone else as sweeney but johnny depp.

and the music, the music was fantastic. being adapted from the musical it was a little more intense than your regular movie score. i think it was a little louder, it almost became its own character. johnny and helenas singing was quite good for people who arent singers, and it went well with their characters. i believe the actors playing joanna and anthony are really singers and you could tell they had a more trained sound to their voices.

a dark, twisted movie but very good.
Let's see:

Shrek the Third The best Shrek yet and I'll admit, I can't stand Justin Timberlake the only problem I ran into watching the movie was the sound of his squeaky annoying voice.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory :lol: This movie always cracks me up ever time I watch the movie, I have the 'Augustus Gloop' song stuck in my head. I like this version better, because they follow the book more than the orginal movie I've always been a fan of the book and seeing a movie follow it almost word for word, except for the added in Willy Wonka's search for his father part was a plus for me.

Mr. Brooks :confused: To tell the truth, this movie stunk! There was too many things going on at once. One minute it's about Mr. Brooks and the next it's about someone/something completly different, plus it gave me a headache.

The Gameplan Only watched this because my sister insisted on us watching her favorite wreslter turned Actor Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson. I'll have to admit, the movie was much better than what I thought it was going to be
Seeing a 6'5'' 275 pound man in a pair of green ballet tights :lol: priceless :rolleyes:
Sweeny Todd was amazing from the actors and actresses really singing to Tim Burton's directing and the cinematography. Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter, and Alan Rickmnan were amazing! I won't spoil it but I do agree that the Oscar that Johnny is nominated for he should surely win!
Last movie i saw was "A Man Apart" with Vin Diesel. I'm action movies fan and really like this movie, great job from Diesel, Larenz Tate and Timothy Olyphant. I'm sure action fans will be appreciate it :)
The last movie I saw was "Shattered" with Maria Bello, Pierce Brosnan and gerad butler.

It was a really good movie, intense for some parts, with a twist at the end of the movie.

Maria's husband in the movie is going to his bosses house to see if he gets promotion while Maria is going to her sisters house for a girls day (since its her birthday the day before) while they are driving (i wont give the actors name away since hes the bad guy so i will leave it for if you guys watch the movie) the bad guy is hiding in the back seat and he gets up and puts a gun to their face. after they both freak out he tells them that they have to do what he wants or their daughter will die. He made them go to the bank to take out all of their money and give it to him. They think that thats what makes him go away and to get their daughter back. But we all know it's not. He then does something to the money but i wont give it away.

They have to do all these crazy things in order to get their daughter back.

it's a really good movie, and if you're into suspense films this is definetly a good one. I'm not into Pierce all that much but he played a good role in this movie.

Some of you will probably catch on as time goes on, while others may be shocked at the ending... Either way, still a great movie!!

heres the website incase you want to see the trailer

If you like the Saw movies you will like this one. I have to say though that to me this is more disturbing, just for the main fact that there are already some websites that have murders on them.

And is it just me or are tasers becoming the big next thing to subdueing people? That is getting a little unnerving to me.
katelynn, I edited your post to add in a spoiler box. Please don't give away specific details of the movie, just an outline as it can ruin it for some people. Thanks.
i just saw Juno, Sweeny Todd, and 27 Dresses in the past 2 weeks. 27 Dresses is soo good Katherine Heigl is brilliant. Juno was awesome it was so funny and the story was so good. Sweeny Todd.. not to my liking but i did think that Elena Bohem Carter and Johnny Depp did a fantastic job with the singing.

tomorrow i think i'll be going to see the new Rambo movie and then wednesday i may be seeing that Meet The Spartans or Spartans movie whatever is with someone else (i'm going with guys can't you tell lol)
^ My friend's been trying to get me to see Sweeny Todd for about a month now. I think she's gone at least 5 times, it's bordering on obsessive. :lol: (At least for her it is)

I just saw '3:10 To Yuma' the other night with my family. It's one of the better westerns I've seen (dad had my growing up watching every western known to man) especially because it was based on an older movie of the same title, I believe.

The writing was exceptional. It was very witty, smart and had a lot of emotion as well. There were also a few scenes that had me on the edge of my seat and throughly interested, which is pretty rare with me nowadays. (lot of second-hand crap out there. I'm lookin' at you slaptstick comedies)

Though I was a tad disappointed at the ending, it didn't ruin my overall opinion of the film. I loves me some cowboys. :eek:

Plus Johnny Whitworth and Kevin Durand were in the movie for a short period of time, which piqued my interest. I think my family is tired of me screaming "I KNOW HIM!" everytime we have a sit down to watch a movie.

Missing said

If you like the Saw movies you will like this one.

Sweet! I'll have to check this one out. The premise sounds really great and the cool thing is, it's based on reality. It's a little more tangible and hopefully eye-opening. :)

I should probably see 'Juno' one of these days just to see what all the huff is about. :lol:
Great movie, also heartbreaking.
The life of the characters is supposed to be twisted due to a lie but I had the feeling, watching the movie, that the characters' lives were more twisted due to WWII. I guess it's more elaborated in the novel by Ian McEwan but I haven't read it.
The last movie that I watched was Bad Boys ll. Damn, I love that movie! :D The only bad thing about it is that there are too many characters imo. :p
Atonement: Didn't like. But it could be Keira Knightly. i can't see the attraction, I liked the beginning just fine but the rest is rushed in my opinion.

Juno: Awesome! Really funny and fabulous performances from all cast memebers.

Sweeney Todd: Amazing. Will definitely buy as soon as comes out on Dvd. Johnny Depp should win that oscar.

Assination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford: Name is tricky but the film is pretty good. Except for that damned voice over...Worth seeing

National Treasure 2: Surprising good for a sequel. I liked, just as good if not better than the first
I just saw A Death At A Funeral!!
In my opinion, this was the best comedy I have ever seen!!
The story line was extremely funny and the cast was fabulous. I am going to buy this movie on DVD as soon as it comes out. I am actually wanting to see this movie again it was that good.
Hormiga said:
I'd also watched a couple of Tim Burton's movies:

Corpse Bride.
Stunning animation, spooky but awesome. I really enjoyed it. I hope he'll make more animation films like this one and "The Nightmare before Christmas".

I've seen parts of it before and watched it fully on Xmas holiday and I loved it. Tim Burton movies are so great, those are so different.

The last movie I saw was Shoot 'Em Up.

Ok seriously, it's a comedy but still. I want to know how much money they used when they made that and how much they've got. Yes, it made you laugh and I assume there was a plot but srsly. Wouldn't buy dvd :p
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