There was just so much "spark."
I can only second that

The episode had all the spark I'd sometimes missed this season.
Sarah Goldfinger always writes such fantastic stories, and everything was fitting in. The mimics, the lines, the cameras - I even liked that awfully cheesy soft-focus, when they interrogated the guests. The actress who played the victim rather impressed me, I believed her every second, that she was evil :lol:
There were so many gestures and pictures to take in, i.e. what the CSIs saw when they went through the bow (why did they do that, actually? A hidden wish of finding the significant other?) or when the sheriff took a mint, or when Grissom eyed the bride, or when Brass did interrogate the broom - did you notice the waiter in the background, sipping all that leftover champaigne?
The entire episode got me ROTFL, and though it gave me a little sting here and there - it always was quite clear that it was about a murder case.
I'd almost say this episode was perfect.
lollipopsndumdums, I just saw your avatar. it's gorgeous. I envy you