Quotes you WON'T hear - Pt 2

I got the idea from the commercial with the 1 guy working with the chimps in the office. Of course, that's kind of how it is on CSI:! :lol:
LMAO. You guys are so great.

<Grissom has an ant on his sleeve>
Sara: What is it?! What?!
Grissom: EEEEWWWW! IT'S YUCKY! EWIE EWIE EWWWW! There's a bug on my sleeve. <fluttery hands gesture> Get it off, getitoffgetitoffgetitoff!
Sara: <flick>
Ant: <flying through the air> Wheee! ^.^
Grissom: Whew. That was a close one.

Greg: Hey Grissom?
Grissom: Yeah?
Greg: You're weird.
Grissom: Thanks.
Greg: No, really, I mean it. You're weird. It's cool. <walks off>
Grissom: <blink blink>

Ecklie: <evil laughter>
<lightning flashes, thunder>
Ecklie: At last, my creation is complete!!
Grissom: Funny, that doesn't look like one of mine...
Ecklie: Bwahahah! He will never suspect I have hidden a robotic camera ant in his office! <evil laughter> <more thunder>
Catherine: <backing away slowly> <freezes> <runs away>
grissomskat said:
I saw something like this on a commercial. It sounded better than it reads.

(Ecklie lecturing the entire Graveyard shift on their crime solve rate. Nick and Warrick are dozing off, Greg listening to his iPod, Catherine barely paying attention, Sara staring at Grissom as he gets this playful smirk on his face.)
Sara(whispering): What are you doing?
Grissom(while reaching into his pocket): You'll see... ;)
(Grissom pulls out a laser pointer and shines it on Ecklie's bald spot while he has his back turned to them)
Sara(suppressing a laugh):That's not right yet... not wrong at all!(She pulls out her own laser pointer and joins Grissom. Catherine sees this and nudges Nick and Warrick awake. All 3 start to laugh as they too pull out their own laser pointers and shine it on Ecklie's bald spot.)
Ecklie(turning around): Exagtly what is so funny about a hit-and-run? :confused:
All laser beams point to Ecklie's... lower region ;) as everyone but Ecklie starts to roll over with laughter.
(While passing by)Hodges: Well, at least now you can say you've got something down there, Conrad.

I know it sounds bad. Forgive me!! I'm new at this!!

Ha, Ha. I love that commercial. I would so LOVE to see that happen on CSI.

O.K. this is my first try sorry if it sucks:

Greg: Everyone has a waterbuffalo mine is fast but yours is slow everbody has a waterbufaloooooo!

If you havent seen veggie tales you wont understand that. It randomly popped into my head after youth group.
CSI Team to Ecklie (singing)

We love you Conrad
Oh yes we do
We love you Conrad
And will be true
When you're not near us
We're blue
Oh, Conrad, we love you
We love you Conrad!
We love you Conrad!
i've reading this laughing
my instuctor proably thinks I've lost my mind

CSI/ CSI newyork crossover
Danny: How ya doin'?
Greg: As Papa Olaf would say...
The rest of the CSI's: STOP HIM!!!!!
Danny: Who's Papa Olaf?
Gil: you don't want know

sorry if that ws dumb.....
labgeekluvr said:
We love you Conrad
Wow. I did not think anyone else remembered Bye Bye Birdie.

Catherine (singing): Kids! I don't know what's wrong with these kids today!
Kids! Who can understand anything they say?

Grissom (singing to Sara):Gray skies are gonna clear up,
Put on a happy face!
Brush off the clouds and cheer up,
Put on a happy face!
Take off that gloomy mask of tragedy,
It's not your style.
You'll look so good that you'll be glad ya decided to smile!
Here's MY TAKE on that:

CSI Dayshift & Hodges:

We love you Conrad
Oh yes we do
We don't love anyone
like we love you!
When you're not near us
We're blue
Oh, Conrad, we love you

CSI Night & Swing Shifts: in response

We hate you Conrad
oh yes we do!
We don't hate anyone
like we hate you!
We think your forensics stink
Oh Conrad WE HATE YOU!!!!
Love Hankster's and Dynamo's responses. Here's a different one--I heard this song on the radio today and i couldn't resist doctoring it up for this:

Greg to Wendy (singing)

"And WENDY has stormy eyes
That flash at the sound of lies
And WENDY has wings to fly
Above the clouds..."

CSI team: "Above the clouds..."
Greg: "Above the clouds..."
CSI team: "Above the clouds"

Greg and CSI team: "Who's trippin' down the streets of the city, smiling at everybody she sees?
Who's reaching out to capture a moment?
Everyone knows it's WENDY!"
chocolate_bunnys said:
Greg: Everyone has a waterbuffalo mine is fast but yours is slow everbody has a waterbufaloooooo!
continuing on from that....
Sara: where's my water buffalo greg. why don't i have a water buffalo...
CSI Night Shift: (To Ecklie as they're leaving the building)
You ain't got no alibi
you Ugly!
Hey-hey! You UGLY!

Who is it
we don't wanna be
drummergurll said:
chocolate_bunnys said:
Greg: Everyone has a waterbuffalo mine is fast but yours is slow everbody has a waterbufaloooooo!
continuing on from that....
Sara: where's my water buffalo greg. why don't i have a water buffalo...

Oh, it's Greggy-boy C'mon Greggy

Sorry, had to work Larry-Boy in there somewhere