Quotes you WON'T hear - Pt 2

hhunter said:
babygirl2667 , THAT IS HILARIOUS! I have two four year olds and I used to teach preschool...
I am STILL laughing :lol:
Me too!!! What a good way to start my day at 6:10 a.m.!!! :lol: Thank you!!! :D
(Grissom is in his office, listening to an iPod, shaking his booty)

Grissom: (Singing) My hump! My hump! My hump! My hump! My studly manly lumps! Check 'em out!

(Greg steps in, sees this and starts snickering. He hand-signals to the others to come quietly and watch. Soon, Brass, Warrick, Sara, Catherine and Nick are all there watching and trying not to laugh too loud. Grissom is still oblivious!)
lol...can we add in "Shake shake shake...shake shake shake....shake your booty...."

*the team is singing* "shake shake shake..shake shake shake...shake your booty..."
*Ecklie peeks in, sees them, slips in*
Warrick: Ewww, gross...
Nick: I think I'm gonna be sick
*they all run away*
Ecklie: What'd I do?
Cath: Trust me, Conrad, some bootys just don't need to be shook.
Got another one (I let my friend read my last quote and she gave me one). :D
Griss and Ecklie are walking down the hall.
"I don't know why you rag on my team all the time, Conrad. I know you hate that they're better than your team but they are also more mature and professional than your guys."
They round the corner and see Warrick and Greg in the lab....playing patty cake. :lol:
"Yeah, Gil. They're really mature," Ecklie says and walks away. Grissom watches him and sticks his tongue out Ecklie. :devil:
This is for all you SNL (Saturday Night Live) fans...
Grissom and Warrick are talking after finding Nick buried alive. They are sitting on a bench in the locker room.

Warrick: I don't know man, it just scares me sometimes.
He takes a huge bite out of a head of lettuce.

Warrick: We flipped. It could have been me...
Grissom and Warrick take a chunk of lettuce and chow down.

Grissom: It wasn't your fault. munch I want you to take some time off. You need to let this go...
Grissom takes a huge bite, leaving strings of lettuce hanging off his chin.

Grissom: Do you want the rest of this? Holds the head of lettuce towards Warrick

Warrick: No thanks.

Grissom: Okay, I'll see you around, Rick.
He walks out and tosses the head in the trash.

Lettuce: For the good times and the bad

:) That was random
Got another one (I let my friend read my last quote and she gave me one).
Griss and Ecklie are walking down the hall.
"I don't know why you rag on my team all the time, Conrad. I know you hate that they're better than your team but they are also more mature and professional than your guys."
They round the corner and see Warrick and Greg in the lab....playing patty cake.
"Yeah, Gil. They're really mature," Ecklie says and walks away. Grissom watches him and sticks his tongue out Ecklie.
I love patty cake!!! Well not anymore but it was fun when I was four...

This is for all you SNL fans...
Grissom and Warrick are talking after finding Nick buried alive. They are sitting on a bench in the locker room.

Warrick: I don't know man, it just scares me sometimes.
He takes a huge bite out of a head of lettuce.

Warrick: We flipped. It could have been me...
Grissom and Warrick take a chunk of lettuce and chow down.

Grissom: It wasn't your fault. munch I want you to take some time off. You need to let this go...
Grissom takes a huge bite, leaving strings of lettuce hanging off his chin.

Grissom: Do you want the rest of this? Holds the head of lettuce towards Warrick

Warrick: No thanks.

Grissom: Okay, I'll see you around, Rick.
He walks out and tosses the head in the trash.

Lettuce: For the good times and the bad

That was random
SNL??? ha ha! I love lettuce.
SNL is Saturday Night Live. It's a sketch comedy show.
I actually had to do the lettuce skit this summer. You have to take obnoxiously big bites, and once you hit your second bite, you want to hurl. I was discusting, eating it like a flippin apple. ugh.
grissom: focus on things that cannot lie ... ecklie ecklie is always right.
sara: grissom do you want to sleep with me
grissom: did you just say what i think you said? *grins
sara:yea why hot stuff?
grissom: because i want you now over this desk!!!!
Destiny said: and be mindful of the minors on the board which is why we have the adult content rule. Thank you.
Everyone, I asked this a couple times before and will not ask this again.
Greg: (Singing and dancing) POOOOOO ON YOU! POO-POO! POO-POO! I really gotta go POOOOOO ON YOU! POO-POO! POO-POO!

(Grissom walks in, sees this, hears Greg's singing, makes an ugly face)


Greg: WHAT? WHY!!!!???

Grissom: Making fun of our show's themesong... that's ground for dismissal. First Bruckheimer 3:16, punk! Now GET THE HELL OUTTA MY LAB!!!

(Greg hangs his head over and slumps out of the lab, dejectedly.)