Quotes you WON'T hear - Pt 2

Haha, thanks. See what happens when I get time off... :)

Walks into breakroom from Grissom's office
Sara: Watch out, he's pmsing
Everyone looks disappointed
*Ecklie goes to talk to Cath, turns around and walks out*
Brass: Lose your nerve?
Ecklie: Heck, when she's PMSing, she's too scary even for me.
Brass *nods*
Catherine: Hey, guys? Have you seen Hodges?
Hodges: <has a towel tied around his shoulders like a cape> <on the roof> I CAN FLY, I CAN FLY! <goes to make a running jump>
Catherine: <grabs him by the cape>
Hodges: <jerked back by the cape, does a 720 and lands on his face>

Nick: Hey, what's three plus one?
Ecklie: 243.
Grissom: What's wrong with you?
Grissom: You lose your brain along the way, Einstein?
Greg: <sway> Well, obviously. <vague gesticulation> Then again, it's not like he had one to begin with, sevvy?...
I think if I'd have been Cath, I wouldn't have stopped him... ;)

Your quotes always crack me up, Crysthala! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Greg, Catherine, and Grissom are walking onto a scene in the desert. Low and behold, Grissom is sporting the infamous straw hat...
Catherine pulls Greg aside before walking into the desert.
Catherine: Greg, we need to do something about that hat, seriously.
Greg: Do You want me to do something about it?
Catherine: Do it quietly, okay.
Greg: You got it.
Greg sneaks up behind Grissom as he is examining a body, grabs the straw hat... (dun dun dun)
Grissom: WTF?? Greg!?!
Greg runs away as Grissom chases him into the desert.
Catherine: FINALLY!!! Catherine goes to the crime scene
Sara, Nick, and Warrick pull up to the scene in the black tahoe, and walk out in slow motion, all wearing the darn straw hats.
Catherine: What are the guys in wardrobe smoking now?!? What the hell!?!
Robbins: *while doing autopsy* Head and shoulders knees and toes...
"Let's see...the foot bone's connected to the leg bone, the leg bone's connected to the hip bone, the hip bone's connected to the backbone...."
I have one I just thought of courtesy of my 4 year old niece. :D

Grissom is standing in the breakroom and his team is sitting on the floor in a circle in front of him. Grissom sits on his stool, face deadly serious then puts his hands behind his back. Then, looking at the eager, shiny faces of his team he starts to sing:

Where is thumbkin? Where is thumbkin? *pulls hand from behind his back* Here I am! Here I am! *talks to the thumb* How are you this morning? Very well, thank you. Run away! Run away! *hides his hand behind his back again. His team members clap and squeal in glee. :lol:

Silly I know, but the visual is adorable! :D
babygirl2667 , THAT IS HILARIOUS! I have two four year olds and I used to teach preschool...
I am STILL laughing :lol: