Quotes you WON'T hear - Pt 2

Grissom: DIE, INSECTS, DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Catherine: He's finally lost it.
Sara: Yep.
Greg: Yeah.
Nick: Sad sight.
Warrich: Mmm hmm.
Sara: Let's have breakfast.
Catherine: Okay.
Greg: Where should we eat?
Nick: I don't know.
Catherine: Somewhere with a pole. I feel like goin' back to the college days.
Sara: Maybe you could teach me a thing or two. I always wanted to learn.
Catherine: Sure, buddy! *hugs Sara*
Nick/Greg/Warrick: Wtf?!

Random person: It's a bird, it's a plane, it's-
Grissom: Ecklie
Sara: Ecklie, why are you wearing *cringes* tights and a cape?
Ecklie: Shut up, Sidle! I'm SUPER ECKLIE!!!
Nick: Wtf
Sara: You can't tell me to shut up!
Greg: *vomits* Ecklie, get rid of those tights NOW.
Ecklie: *takes off tights* There! Happy now?
All: *vomit* ECKLIE!!!
Jim: Ecklie, you're under arrest for indecent exposure.
All: *hug each other* YAY!
Ecklie: But, but you can't arrest me! I'm SUPER ECKLIE!!!
All: Ecklie, SHUT UP!
Ecklie: But, but I'm too SEXY to be arrested!!!

yeah, i know they're stupid, but i had ot get it off my chest.
Greg: <sway>
Sara: <swears> Greeeeeg...
Greg: <whirls around, stares at Sara> MISS ELIZABETH! <turns to Hodges> Hide the rum. <sway>
Hodges: <hides bottle under desk>
Greg: <sway> Oh no, it's Grissom. And Ecklie! <sway>
Grissom: <backing away> EEP! :eek:
Archie: Holy crap, Ecklie's a Borg! Dude, this is JUST LIKE First Contact! <takes picture> ^.^ The guys at the convention are totally going to love this.
Greg: <tosses Grissom a sword> <sway> It's the honest ones you've got to watch out for, mate...
Sara: Hey, has anybody noticed that this is basically one big allusion?

Grissom: Damn you, George. DAMN YOU. I HATE YOU, GEORGE W. BUSH.
Sara: <giggles> That was random. I bet he'd laugh if he heard you say that.
Grissom: We'll see who's laughing when I unleash my vampire bug army on him.
Sara: I hear that.
Catherine: Vampire bugs? What, mosquitos?
Greg: No, they're little five-legged spider things. They're the reason I can't sit down for a week.
Grissom: Figured out how to pee next door, Greg?
Greg: I'm not sure I can pee at all at the moment. You need to teach your bugs how to aim.
Sara: <wince> Ow.
Grissom: Yeah, sorry about that. Let me know if you get a rash, some people are allergic...
Ecklie: <walking by, sneezes>
Oh Crysthala, these are soooo funny! :lol: And I love the CSI/ST crossover! Live Long and Prosper! :)
Thanks much. :lol: Scenarioness is a subdivision of my muse.

<intercom> Dr. Grissom, someone is here to see you.
Grissom: Duuuude, it's been FOR-EV-ER!
Picard: What's up, my home-bug?
Grissom: Not much, man. Oh, hey, did you hear? My boss's a Borg.
Picard: Really? Can I kill him?
Grissom: Only if I can help.
Sara: I'm in too! Only, I can't actually kill him, because I have psychological issues. Speaking of psychological issues, where's Catherine? I think Greg might have sucked her into his Pirates of the Caribbean fantasy.

Sara: This is a modified fully automatic 45-caliber Glock. <tosses it to Grissom>
Picard: Fire at will, Number One.
Grissom: <kills Ecklie> Adjust to that frequency, bitch. <to Picard> Hey, since when am I your Number One?
Picard: I fired Riker. He kept putting his leg up on the furniture and seducing alien princesses.
Grissom: His "manly" poses make me laugh.
Sara: His beard pales in comparison to yours.
Picard: Oh, yes, yes, definitely.
Sara: We are better than him.
Grissom: Absolutely. We are better than Riker. Smarter. We don't have a collection of interstellar STDs, do we?

Catherine: Men are good.
Oh Crysthala, it's so funny I nearly choked!!! If you don't hear from me for 3 days, I'll be dead and it'll be because of you! :lol: Just kidding... ;) Engage! :lol: :lol: :lol:
These are sooo funny. There's no way I could even come close to being as funny as you guys... but I'll try. Sorry in advance for the crap-ness you are about to recieve...

The team are all driving along in an SUV when an orange suddenly slams into the windscreen.
Grissom: (who was driving) What the...?
He gets out the van to inspect and sees Ecklie on the side of the road, quivering and armed with more oranges.
Grissom: Ecklie, why the hell did you throw and orange at my SUV?!
Ecklie trembles and then lifts up one of the oranges.
Ecklie: Come no further, I'm armed!
Grissom rolls his eyes and reaches out to grab Ecklie. Ecklie screams, drops the oranges and runs away into the distance. He reaches a fence and attempts to clinb over but his trousers get caught and he falls on his face with a THUD. Grissom watches on, slowly shaking his head.

(Inspired by Napoleon Dynamite)

Warrick: Tina! Come get some ham! Tina you fat lard! Come get some ham!

(Sorry, that was seriously crap but if you've seen Napoleon Dynamite you'll know that Tina is the llama and Napoloen ends up throwing the ham at her...funny scene...)

Ecklie: (Teasingly) Hey Archie, d'ya wet the bed last night?
Archie: (Slightly upset but mostly angry) Hey Ecklie, did you take a dump in your bed last night!?
Ecklie looks angry.
Ecklie: I could kick your butt Archie so I'd shut up.
Archie: Why don't you tell your mom to shut up!
Ecklie: What did you just say?
Archie: Whatever I feel like I wanna say!
Ecklie: Did you say something about my mother?
Archie: Maybe I did... (noticing how angry Ecklie looks) Maybe I didn't!
Ecklie: (Turning red) Do you want to die Archie?!
Archie: (Smiles smugly) Pfft! Yeah right! Who's the only one here who knows the illegal ninja moves from the government?!