Prison Break

I totally agree with you, CSI_Ali :D this season is so good! Im sooo stoked for Michael and Sara to meet up. And Bellick is gonna get his butt totally kicked if he ends up having to go back to GenPop!! And hopefully Mahone is exposed soon for the rat that he is. And does anyone else think that Bill Kim needs to die?! :mad:
Good to see Haywire back, I love his character, shame he is not a regular,

Well, there went the idea of adding him as a series regular. :rolleyes:

Bill Kim is one SOB.

And the ending? Whoa.

No PB next week.. but

The Pope is back to help Michael and the group! :D and a whole bunch of goodies were shown!
CSI_Ali said:
...but I think they need to either write off at least one more character, or integrate them back into the main plot. Just my feelings. :)

Well, it looks like I got my wish. Sad to see Haywire go, he did give me a few laughs, but his sub-plot just really didn't add anything to the main storyline/s. No more deaths now, I'm fine with who we've got. :)

I'm not a huge shipper, in fact, their are only a few shows I watch where ship anybody at all. I never go out of my way looking for someone to ship, they just sort of have to jump out at me. I love Michael and Sara though, and I must admit my shippy little heart exploded at seeing them together and happy. And the kissing :eek:, they are definately one of the hottest couples on TV right now. I'm glad to see Kellerman didn't turn on them straight away, that would have been pointless, although get the feeling there will be another twist in his association with the brothers.

Oh, and finally an episode that doesn't end with a cliffhanger. I know it's a serial, so it's kind of what they do, but they have been killing me all season!

T-Bag still rocks in his unique, creepy asshole way, and Bill Kim needs to die like, right now. :mad:

Rambo!Sara made me laugh, looks like she's been taking lessons from Stella. :lol:
T-Bag still rocks in his unique, creepy asshole way, and Bill Kim needs to die like, right now.

Rambo!Sara made me laugh, looks like she's been taking lessons from Stella.

:lol: :lol:

I swear for a minute there I thought they might actually have some sex there in the train bathroom. (Man that bathroom on the train was big) But I was glad Sara at least tried to kill Kellerman its only fair.
Im glad I wasn't the only one who thought that :lol:

The music got softer and the scene was a going a bit in slo-mo, so I was sure they were going to get it on in the bathroom. Glad they didn't though.
Boy Belick has no idea what Mahone wants to do to these inmates cause he seemed surprised that Mahone was pissed to see all these people around. I was wondering how Mahone was going to pull off killing Haywire but there you go..have him kill himself.

The train scene, the whole time I was really hoping they wouldn't do it because it just is not the right time.

Kellerman finally figuring out that it is Kim behind the president. Boy I bet that makes him want to kill him all the more.

T-Bag...well what can you say, the guy is crazy.

Apparently PB is not on next week (as there is a two hour 24 on instead) but is on the following week.
Mahone is back on my list for having Haywire kill himself. That was so sad.

I'm just waiting for Bill to get his due. I can't stand that jerk.

T-Bag is one of those characters that you just love to hate.
The last scene was really disturbing. I think it was the music they used, it's just not the kind of music you'd expect for a suicide scene. I felt bad for Haywire in the end, the guy is crazy, and a murderer, but he was doing it for a justifiable cause.

Mahone was never off my list. He needs to get seriously injured, but right now I'd let him live. Bill Kim on the other hand, needs a slow, painful castration that ends in death. They can serve one of them up for Kellerman too while they're at it.

I miss Abruzzi. :(
I do miss some of the former inmates. And if you think kellerman was mad before now he is really going to hunt down bill and make him pay. But I am wondering what direction they are going to take T-Bag in next. I wonder if Bellick will go after him next.
Kellerman is going crazy. He wasn't a special character for me in season 1, but he turned into my favourite character season 2. I really don't know what will happen with him and what he's gonna do now, it can be everything.

Shame about Haywire yes, but predicatble. Abruzzi and Tweener were no regulars on the show, and also killed off. But the actor who played Haywire did it great. I hope to see him more often.
I'm disappointed about them killing off characters again,Haywire was funny and I had already pictured him in Holland on the season finale... :(

I thought that Mahone hired Bellick to do the dirty work,if he was gonna do it by himself I can't see the point of it.

Man that bathroom on the train was big
^^I was thinking the same :lol:,but I guess it was the mirror that makes it look bigger...

Btw,there are around only 8 eps left,right?Do you know if there's gonna be a big break or something?
I thought that Mahone hired Bellick to do the dirty work,if he was gonna do it by himself I can't see the point in hiring him.
That's what I was thinking. Seems kind of pointless.
Actually, I heard somewhere that Mahone is going to dispatch Bellick to Mexico in order to take care of Sucre. That could be the dirty work he was talking about.

Am I right in thinking there's no new episode tonight?
New episode guys! What did you think? All I can say is I'm glad I watched this after CSI:M and not before it, because I needed something to cheer me up after that abomination. :mad:

Anyway, I thought the episode was great!

Everything with Kellerman/Michael/Linc/Sara/Pope etc. was as intersting and intense as always. I'm glad Pope let Michael break their deal, and I'm glad Michael got a small chance to explain his actions to the Pope. I hope that's not the last we've seen of him, I really loved his and Michael's interaction in Season 1, I hope he returns and Michael gets to earn his forgiveness.

The Michael/Sara dinner date scene was perfection. This couple is one of the greatest pairings on TV at the moment. Unlike a lot of couples, they add to the show, rather than taking away from it. I enjoy their little moments, it's a nice respite from the mania of the rest of the episode. Here's to hoping that the last ever episode is just Sara and Michael going on a date (possible in Panama), eating filet mignon and going back to a hotel suite. I'm sure we could all live with that. :devil:

Was that another hint of Rambo!Sara I saw before me? Heh, Kellerman got done! I laughed my ass off. I'm glad she did that, after his little speech to Linc on the rooftop, I wouldn't trust him as far a Linc could punch him. :)

Thank God C-Note is coming back into the main storyline, I was getting tired of him and his families rubbish. I loved that even though, intellectually, C-Note isn't really a match for Michael, but his street smarts more than make up for it. Beside Mahone, he's the only one I've ever seen as a near equal for Michael, so, what's coming next should be interesting. :D

T-Bag's story has really gripped me. Whatever's going to happen from here on out is not going to be pretty. I actually felt a bit of sympathy towards T-Bag, which is something new. Unfortunately, I don't think he's ever going to get a happy ending in this life.

And the prize for best moment of Season 2 goes to: Lincoln beats the living snot out of Bill Kim! Hurrah! The fandom rejoices. It was about time somebody knocked the smug grin off of his face, although, I think Linc probably got closer to knocking it down his throat. Either way, I don't care. Mr. Burrows, you are my new hero and messiah. If I could, I'd kiss your feet and your ass at the same time.

I just read some very interesting spoilers. The rest of the season looks like it's going to be awesome! *does happy dance on Kim's bloody, fallen body* :D