Prison Break

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Actor Lane Garrison, who played an inmate on the hit TV show "Prison Break," was charged on Thursday with vehicular manslaughter in a car crash that killed a 17-year-old boy and injured two girls.
Garrison, who was charged with driving under the influence and giving alcohol to a minor, could face more than six years in prison if he is convicted.
The 26-year-old actor, whose character David "Tweener" Apolskis was killed on the popular Fox TV drama this season, was ordered to appear in court for an arraignment later on Thursday. Prosecutors say they will ask a judge to hold him on $200,000 bail.
Prosecutors say Garrison had a blood-alcohol level nearly twice California's legal limit when he crashed his sport utility vehicle into a tree in Beverly Hills, killing 17-year-old Vahagn Setian and injuring two 15-year-old girls.
Wonder how its going to work if the president steps down. Unless they pin more murders on Lic otherwise they are really screwed. They don't have anything to hold over the president's head anymore.
Basically they now have to disappear and go to Mexico or wherever. They are still wanted men and Mahone and Kim are still going to kill them. I wonder what is going to happen to Mahone as I think he is close to a nervous breakdown.
I don't watch the show, but I know enough about it, to know what happens each week, surprisingly. My mom and brothers are fans of the show, though.

One of the last three epps left of the season and yes there will be a third season.

Looking forward to the team up of T-Bag and Bellick.
Two episodes left.

Mondays episode was good and my heart sank when Sara lied to Michael about being on the ship to save him from getting caught. I wanted to jump ship but knew he couldn't.

Ok I am actually caring about what happens to Mahone. The guy cannot catch a break and that Kim ( I wish Mahone would have done him in). That Kim guy I hate, I swear he has no feelings.

C-Note--lets just say I was waiting for him to die everytime he moved. I don't know if he will actually be able to have a life or not.

T-Bag killing again. Will Michael stop him?
Only 2 ep left? :(

I liked that Michael felt guilty and confronted his brother,hey,many people died already !!!

I think it's good that evil Mr Kim sent Mahone to Panamá because this could mean that Mahone would be there next season. :)
I don't think it'll happen the same with Kellerman,Paul Adelstein signed for Grey's spinoff and if it'll succedd,he'll be definetely out.

I have no clue what the brothers have to do with "the conspiracy","sona" and all that stuff but it's better not to look for much sense and just enjoy the show.
I wonder what they are going to do for next season. I remember when they started that they had only planned the first 2 seasons out not knowing how long the show would last. And it looks like the finale is going to be a huge cliffhanger.
Great episode and next weeks in going to be huge.

Yeah Michael stabbing T-Bags other arm--very wise and T-Bag trying to reach the knife with the fake arm.

Kellerman trying to shoot himself but gun jams. So now he is trying to make things right by helping Sara.

Bellick has his hands full now that the cops got him and that dead body that was a trap from T-Bag. Do you really think that Bellick has Sucre's girl?? I was begining to wonder if he did or if he is just playing them?

Who do you think is going to get shot by Kim next week?? It looks like Linc but knowing this show it could be anyone. And of course that will be part of the cliffhanger I suppose.
I have a feeling it might be Kim himself who gets shot. American promo's are often misleading and I wouldn't be suprised that someone who's not shown might shoot Kim (Mahone? Sara? Pad Man?). But this is pure speculation, this can go either way.

Kellerman rocked this episode, I loved the scene with his sister. From a no nonse killer to a broken man who feels betrade by his country. I love they way the writers developed his character and I will certanly miss him if he doesn't survive the season finale.
The only one I won't mind if he gets shot is Kim,I want the rest of them alive.

I think Kellerman's character is going to end in a cliffhanger so if Grey's spinoff is successful they would kill him off and if not he could stay on pb.

I have no idea of what is going to happen next season because everything is becoming a nonsense but I guess it'll be about the conspiracy and maybe some characters end up in prison in Panamá.
I've never been so nervous about a season finale. I know they probably kill off some people, I just hope it are not T-Bag, Mahone and especcialy Kellerman, because they are the reason (for me) the show is so good. The odds for the last person are not that good

especially when you know Paul Adelstein has signed for the Grey's Anatomy spin off

but I hope they all will survive this finale. If they have to kill off someone, please let it be Kim, good actor, but useless character.