Post something you can't say out loud.

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to my elbow:hey elbow guess friggen suck! yea thats right i said it and i effin mean it! why the heck do you have to hurt so much i mean all i did was bash you extremely hard on the railing! and didnt even mean to do it! and now you ,you stupid elbow are all mad at me and you like refuse to get better...grrrrrrrr

to my friends (hahah pretty much every person on talk csi)

ahh i love all of you guys...even the ones i havent yet talked to...but still!!! on bad days you guys make me smile and some times you guys make me laugh uncontrolably!!!


and a special thanks to a couple below
dutchie(i just added you!)

for the like bazillion people who are not on this list..i want you to be!! so pm me and i will love you forever!
To the people in my Class and school: Why do you ignore me? I'm right THERE, and you see right through me, I admit to something I've done, and noone saw me put my hand up when I was STANDING up in the MIDDLE of the blimmin' classroom, and NOONE saw me, and said, "Oh it was probably *****"! Why does it keep happening to me? Am I being seen-off for a reason? What the hell have I done? Sure you see me when you want something, but what if I want something? NOPE, because I'm not seen, I'm a ghost, sure it's all right when I'm going for the espionage chic :D but 75% of the time, I do like SOME company. Next time you want something, you can shove it up your ********!
to song: aww there is one so great moment in you.... :D

to birds on my balcony: QUIET!! shhh... i am trying to listen song.. :p
to my teeth: I HATE YOU! STOP HURTING MY GUMS! I DONT WANT YOU TO COME IN NOW! I HATE PAIN IN MY MOUTH! IM IN FRIGGEN AGONY!!!! STOP IT! (wisdom teeth starting to show its ugly side)

to my girl: I love you. You know that I will love you till the end of time. Dont forget it.
To a friend, who I know for 11 years, you hurt me so much today by not giving me an invitation at school for your big party, but it was a great when you invited me through MSN.

I shouldn't have doubted about how you see our friendship.
To Hollands fans: Why can't you have a beer with me? I know there was no fair play in the game, but why can we have fair play after the game? When Greece beat Portugal, I had a beer with Greek people and celebrated their wining...
obsession_360, if you keep on saying this things to me, I'll fall in love with you! :rolleyes: :lol:
Thanks for making me laugh again.
To Chelsea:
No prob, girl! We're all here for each other.

To Dolphin:
You're telling me, I'll be the first Dutch who's going to have a 'virtual' beer with you :eek: I do not believe this!! Normally we're always in to drink with opponents, even when we lost :( *hits fellow-dutchmen sitting next to Jayne* that's for being Dutch! :p

To my favourite couple:
Please, I'm begging you, do not break up! I was so sad when I heard the news yesterday.. and Jarn, please talk to you girl, let her tell you what's on her mind, because if you won't let her talk, she'll walk away from you at the end of the week, and that just can't be happening, because you guys are my fave couple, you friggin' have been living together for over two years now.. Please, go and make up :(

To my thesis:
I'm happy and I don't give a sh!te about you! :p
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