Post something you can't say out loud.

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To my eyebrows: Jesus, I just got you threaded less then two weeks ago and now you're already growing back quick like weeds. I'm gonna go broke from threading you and if I don't I'm gonna have eyebrows like Brooke Shields and that does not look good on me!!!
To Werner: I wish you would get a clue. I have been flirting with you for a year and a half. I have done everything short of jacking you against the wall and frenching you. I even helped you when the pretty girl you wanted to go out with turned you down. Do you knOW how much that HURT me? I hoped you would get a clue. I hoped you weren't so shallow as to care if I wasn't rail-thin. I guess I was wrong.
Kitties: I wish I weren't so allergic to you, it would make kittysitting you a lot easier...Even if you are running around and making messes. Oh but you're so cute! Kitties...KITTIES!
To a friend:
Just take it easy girl, don't rush into things. You want this to work, then grab yourself together and stop acting like a teenager. It won't be worth losing what you have gained now. Take your time.

To dad:
Look, I know it's only for another four days, but I'm not your friggin' coffee-maker-little-leprechaun. If you want coffee you can make it yourself. Don't ask me at night what time I will get up, for when I say 5am you answer back you'll be up at 5.30am and know that there'll be coffee for you. Now, wasn't that a shocker when I got up at 5.45 this morning.. I found you downstairs without coffee :p Just do it yourself next time. You know how to do it, you're just lazy sometimes when it comes to doing those domestic things.

To mum:
Right. If dad sends you a text at around 10pm with info about what we did that day: "curtains are done and can be picked up, went to David, Jayne is registered in Doetinchem, all well here"... and you already have the feeling that you're halfway drunk.. just do not reply immediately but wait til morning.. for getting a text back like: "did David have a party, at work? is Jayne registered in Doet?" just gives it all away :rolleyes: Oh and dad misses you like crazy, it's cute though.
to my brother

why are you going to leave me! you are supposed to stay with me forever...i love you and i cant possibly live without you.
you are the one that hugs me when no one else will and the one that has time for me when it seems like no one else does! i will miss you so much and will probably cry for at least a month i will not sleep and i will refuse to smile! i love you but i will hate you for leaving me! you say you will never come back but why i will be here waiting until the end i love you ...i know i ve said that already but i just cant say it enough! i will miss you terribly and will try to be strong but it will be hard you were always the one that helped
To Mum: can you stop bugging me all the time! specialy about clothes what i am's not you buisness! :mad: so what if i look like 'Rainbow', i like it! :D today is 'My' day so...
to the allergic reaction on my face: jeeze, bug off already, you´ve been harassing me for 2 weeks now, isn´t that enough? You are making me feel depressed! I don´t wanna leave the house because of you! GO AWAY

phew, hope that worked :p

To France: ()"&/$(%&=·/(/$?"/"($&"?·("/%/· Next time WE will kick you ass :p
To Dave: get your butt over to the hospital. March, now. Oh and also sign on skype when you get back.

To Lipka: Why do you have to be such a b*tch all the f*cking time. I mean do you honestly have nothing better to do than spread rumors about my friends? You are so pathetic, you know that? I mean now she is going out with Sourwine, is that what you wanted? Or are you now going to start some pathetic rumour that he is just going out with her to get her in bed but he really likes Janaye or something? God I hate you so much I wish you would die. Just drop dead right now. Go I am sick of you making my friends lives hell, I don't give a flying f*ck what you say abotu me but I swear give it up or you will be sorry. Oh and HAHA we got you suspended!
defiantDittohead said:
will you hold my hand ;)
As always, Dave ;)

To the woman I just talked to on the phone:
Uhm, I think you just misunderstood me. I asked if you're from Doet, you said "yes, but I need your mother to translate something for me, so I'm someone else".. :confused: what was that about?? :lol:
To the people that marked my maths SATs:

I LOVE <3 you SO much for giving me that result, it made my day, because I was expecting something totally lower.

To the people in my maths class:

Just because I jump up and down while screaming woohoo doesn't mean I got the highest level, it just means I'm VERY happy with the level I've got.

To the world: I LOVE you ALL!!!!!!!
To Sharon & family:
I can't believe he's gone! I'm crying my eyes out. Although I never met Les, I know what he means to you, Sharon and what he will always mean to you. I feel special that I was the first to know and that you didn't want to wait till you were back in Holland; there's a relationship of trust between us and I will cherish that always. I will see you in about 2,5 weeks and till then, I will look for a way of comforting you, because that is was good friends are for. Take care of yourself, your mother and Les's son. You're in my thoughts.

To someone: I need you right now :(
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