Post something you can't say out loud.

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i got something to post...since im in social class...which sucks! okay ready for it???

I HATE SOCIAL CLASS...WORLD WAR I IS NOT IMPORTANT TO LEARN!!! (well it is...but not when he;s teaching it :lol: )
I think World War I is very important to learn, no matter what teacher it is.

I hate vegetables. *spits out vegetables* I will never eat another brussel sprout as long as I live. *sigh* That felt better.
True true, World War is very important!..!!

Well, Ive been studying irons for my Technologuy exam tomorrow.

To an iron:

OH MY GOD! MY HOLY GOD, WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO FRIGGING COMPLICATED?! What's the deal with thermosetting plastics or thermoplastic plastics? Why couldnt you jsut be one TYPE OF PLASTIC! Oh just had to be complicated! Hmpff...
To teacher:

You REALLY need to stop playing favorites with students. I don't care if I'm one of them; it's not fair to other students. And the ONLY reason I'm one of your favorites is because you're scared I'll find something else to use against you to get you in trouble again! And I'm tired of the "you look lonely... is there a reason why?" Because I feel like looking lonely lady! Like yeesh, stay out of my business, and plan a proper lesson for once! You also can't teach anything either! "Sorry, I didn't plan a lesson today, how about you look up these words in a dictionary!" Now how does looking up words in dictionaries give us skills?
To my old friend:

It's been 10 years since I last saw you and we still kept in contact. You're a great friend :)
To a friend:
I'm just sorry that I'm acting like this. Full stop.

To my nice neighbours:
Sorry about the loud music.. I'm just venting at the moment.. hope you're members of TalkCSI too so you can read this :rolleyes: I just need to get used to the idea that you guys are actually nice.. I never had nice neighbours before, so I never cared about the loud music and totally ignored them.. but in your case I'll make a difference and switch it off.. in about an hour :lol:
To my History teacher:
BLACK. Not African American. Not everyone in Africa is black, and not all black people are Americans. OSDHGLSDK.
And the guy who killed slave owners? I guess you could say he's a martyr, but don't imply what he did was good just because he went to extremes to show his opinions. Didn't Hitler go to extremes to get rid of the Jews? What about the KKK? And what about all those serial killers who kill certain types of men or women because they think they're doing the world a favor? I don't see any parades for them.

BLARGH. Stupid teacher. Nice person, but. akjsghklsd.

Oh, and
To my science teacher:
Hypothesis: If Mr. Dill would explain static electricity better, then maybe this would be an easier lab report to type, because I wouldn't be trying to talk about stuff I don't know anything about. I don't even know what the point of the lab was, wtf.
Honest to God, I learn more watching a 45 minute episode of CSI than I do in an hour and a half in your freaking class. By the way. Antigens and antibodies? Different things. Stop interchanging them.
to the owner of the business where I work...

Are you really that stupid or do you just fake it so the rest of us will do the work for you?
To Brother:

Making you supper is NOT my way of trying to kill you. Seriously. If I wanted to kill you, I would have done it already. ACCEPT ME TRYING TO MAKE AN EFFORT TO BE NICE!
And clean your 'effin' room.
No one, and I mean NO ONE wants to see your flippin' dirty magazines all over the floor. You idiot.
Dear coffee,
Could you for once stay a bit longer warm..

Dear Delivery guy,
Next time, make sure you don't appear at my doorstep with something that isn't actually for me and make me leave my coffee unattended and don't start talking to me cuz really I'm not interested (don't you see my headache throbbing through my skull!!) and you made my coffee go cold :( It's just a reminder.. you were rather cute though.. just bad timing.
To ****:

How can you give such lame excuses for turning up late at work for the zillionth time!!! I can't believe you said you're late coz you slept late. Duhhh!!! And you told that to your boss?!! WTF! You're my good friend but you're being overly sensitive. I can't talk to you honestly because you'd always justify your actions and ignore me when you're pissed with what I say. The customer already called 6 times and you still weren't at the office. You're gonna ruin the business you know that? And STOP messing with my computer and don't touch it at all!
To person:

Stop harassing me on the phone. I need sleep and I can't help that your bf dumps you every 5 seconds and decide to patch up after another 5 seconds and then dump you again after another 5 seconds. Not 5 seconds? Well, it felt that way to me since you called me at 4 IN THE MORNING!!

To another one:

You are so weird. Maybe that is why I like you so much. Heh. I guess that's it.

To yet another one:

I don't want to be the middleman but you always think I'm trying to be the middleman when I'm not. And yes, she's a nice girl but I'm really not trying to get in the way. And I understand your frustration but the fault is not mine. Ever considered asking her if she enjoys going to the cinema? Heh, ask her and you'll know. She hates it. Stop bringing her there. Peace.
To another person:
I'm sorry, did you call me a CHICKEN? What the hell makes me a CHICKEN? I only asked if you'd seen my friends, that gives you NO license to INSULT me. :mad:
To my big bro:
Did I tell you how much you mean to me? I love to you death! For me you're the ideal brother on this planet, never want to lose you, never want another best mate in my life. And you're the best in coming over tonight to keep me company.. bring in the beer and crisps.. I've got the DVD ready and we'll have an old-fashioned "mum and dad are away for the weekend elite party of our own" :D
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