To the girl who lives in my house:
It would be nice if you helped a little around the house, I don't like working all day, and then get home and have to pick-up after your lazy butt!!!

I have a daughter to take care of also. And clean up your pig sty of a room, Pigs are probaly cleaner then that place you call a bedroom!!!! It would help if you did your own dishes, and maybe take the trash out instead of shoving it in the bag til it breaks!!!!

. I don't ask you to pay rent, you moved in to help me with my daughter in the morning, and half the time you can't even do that, how hard is it to get her up and ready for school, instead I wake you up and you go back to sleep as soon as I leave the house!!!!. I feel I'm being taken advantage of. Your 18, So it's time to GROW UP!!!!
Sounds like I should really talk to her, but everytime I do, she calls her mommy and says I'm being a %&^#$!!!!. Her mom is a friend of mine and does nothing to help with the situation, just says she has always been that way.
I feel a little better now, not for long tho, she will be back tommorrow and it will start all over again, (think I need some prozac or something} :lol: