Post something you can't say out loud.

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to a girl i know:yea im not trying to make it seem is! why dont you try walking a mile in my shoes!! i guess you do understand but stop saying that im making everything seem hurts me..more than you will ever know.

on a happier note!

to my friend alie(who sadly isnt on talk csi):wow im so excited to hang out with you on monday! lol we are gonna have so much funn!!!!!!!!!!im really gonna miss you!
hahahah now i have to explain why im gonna miss her!

well,ok. in about two weeks im moving out of my apartment and into a dorm room(in another city) in my new school! exept my friend is moving out of the province! she is going to some school in alberta! im gonna miss her so much!
to mh - it was cool hanging out with you after work...i had no idea you were such a gentleman, opening the door to the taxi for me and then running out to open the door for me again, looking out for me when we crossed the street... :) your woman doesn't know how good she has it...too bad she treats you like sh*t! you're too nice to be with someone so mean!

i hope you don't move to the "darkside". i'll miss having you in my meetings... :(
To someone: Oh my god. You NEED to get out of the realtionship you're in right now! I don't want you to get hurt! You're part of my family and I love you! Please, get yourself out of this realtionship...because you're physically not stronger...and he might do something to you, and I really don't want to see that happen.
I just wanna say just get away from me and dont dare to hurt me again on that way, if already lost enough and i hate me life and myself already... Dawmm ashole. stop hurting me and go away from your girlfriend and give her a normal life whit someone she can trust and some who doesnt hurt there best friends on what kind of way.. So thats of my cheast im just sad and angry... so sorry.. :(
to a friend of many years:
I've had total crush on you since day one. That was like, six years ago. And even though the feelings subsided for a while, they're really coming back full force. Sure, you might be cynical ass to most people, but when we're together you set that aside for interesting and meaningful conversation. And to me, that's better than chocolate and roses ;)
To a friendy friend of mine: I do not understand, how have I changed? The only way I feel I've changed is 1. I'm happier and 2. I'm actually doing more stuff other then sitting around on the computer! So like...I just don't get it. And don't tell me I'm "rushing things" it's not like I got down on my knees and asked her to marry me! Like yeesh, I'm sorry, but this is me, and it's the way I wanna live my life, and you just gotta let me.

To my friend/roommate: If you call me a fag one more time I're gonna be living somewhere else. Best friends DO NOT call their friends fags! Okay, I have to go through that everyday, I do not need one of my friends calling me it! And I am sorry I broke the keybaord that ISN'T yours. Like yeesh, do not freak out at me for something that isn't even yours. I'm sorry I spilt juice all over the keyboard! But you're "so smart" that you took out all the keys! Like gawd, I know computer people, YOU SHOULD'VE WAITED! Besides, most of the keys are working again!

To my girlfriend: I'm sorry I spilt juice all over YOUR keyboard! Or rather, I'm sorry I through a book at our roommate and it knocked over the cup and spilt juice all over the keyboard! I know computer people! I'll make them fix it! But on the upside only a couple of the keys don't work...
Why did you have to go and die like that? It left me with such an empty feeling. I know they say, "Bad things happen to good people," BUT WHY DID I DESERVE THIS? WHY DID YOU DESERVE THIS? An anuerism, too. I mean, OF ALL THINGS. You were so healthy. And I never got to spend ANY time with you. It was only the Chritsmas party we last saw each other.

You remember that rock I painted for my mom that you so dearly wanted? I made you one, and I'll put it on your grave. Soon.

It's been almost 7 months, well, it will have been on the 24th of September. I cry every time that day comes around. Once a month, I break down and cry for just no reason. And sometimes, in school. I mean, there was so much we had left to do together, and you're gone now. I've talked to you daughter, and dad's doing good..

You weren't even my actual step-mother, but that's what I called you, my step-mom. You ment so much to me.. Just so you know, I love you more than ever. I know you're watching me, now, as I write this, and I hope you feel good up there where you are..

I remember when I first found out you died *starts to cry* I ran outside to the snow, and I kicked it as hard as I could, and I screamed, "SHE'LL NEVER GET TO SEE THE SNOW MELT!!" and then I fell into the snow and sobbed.

You died while I was in school, and they told me when I got home. I just couldn't take it all in. "No, no, no, no, no.." and i repeated that and then I just.. I sobbed, and it WASN'T FAIR! IT JUST WASN'T FAIR, AND IT STILL ISN'T AND I WANT YOU BACK. I WANT YOU BACK MORE THAN ANYTHING AND I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY IT HAD TO BE YOU! *goes to find QTR for a hug and continues to cry*

that's all I have to write. Thanks.

Showtime said:
Most nights I hate going to sleep, because I wake up feeling insignificant.

This is why I like sleeping, because I'm not conscious of my insignificance. Waking up, on the other hand :p

In general: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I'm self - defeating :( I care way too much about what other people think of me :rolleyes:
To someone: Talk to me, will you? I spend hours waiting for you, spend hours around you, then when I want & get the opportunity to talk you just blow past me like nothing? What the hell, man? I realize you have other things to do, but uh, hello? I give you six to seven hours of my day and you can't give me five extra minutes? The next time I see you, you had better stop and say something when I attempt to start a conversation. I'm nice, really :)
Mini_Catherine, I'm so sorry about your stepmother. *hugs, but only if you want one*

(can't say any of this outloud because it would prove that I'm slightly crazy)

To myself: Why are you so stupid? Your homework should not take that long to complete! You really are dumb.

To... someone: I still love you, even after everything you did. Too bad you don't care. :(
^ You do eh? Very well! *big bear hug for Mini Catherine*

Hope you are feeling much better. Hope everyone is coping well with the coming anniversary. Hope this post had made you smile. :)

Hmm..To "D" again: Today is the day.... The day that I'm gonna see you. I don't care if you're somewhere far. I'm gonna search for you all over school. This separation anxiety is killing me. So you better be there when I get there or else....I'll take the hint. See ya.
To my bubba (half grandma or something like that) and grandpa: Oh my god. Why do you 2 always have to do this? You call like seriously last minute to let me know that guess what? "You're coming to town and want to go out to dinner!" Like I made plans, so guess what? As much as you hate it when I bring friends out to family dinners and crap, you getta meet my girlfriend! Because that's what you get when you decide to call me last minute...yeesh, try calling like a week in advance please!

To two of my friends: I do not appreciate it when you guys make me message things back and forth. I find it EXTREMLY annoying, I do not need to do the "she said this" and "she said this" I find it quite annoying...I HAVE BETTER THINGS TO DO!
For MH
I miss you.
Saying goodbye to you has been the hardest thing for me to do.
It doesn't matter that I knew. Knew it was temporary. Knew it wouldn't last.
That you had to go, leave me. When I have no right to even feel that way about you.
But how could I have helped it? Falling against all odds. Trusting. Connecting. So soon.
I've never believed in these feelings. Sure, I've loved -or thought I had.
But never, never have I belonged. Felt at home. Felt family. After only a day, that turned into a week, then three. And now?
Four cold month. Of letters, dreams and tears. Of missing a part of myself. Because you miss. Your laughter. Your spirit. Just you.
In my heart, in my life.
I know, you cannot understand, comprehend. You do not feel it yet, maybe you never will. And still, you gave so much. Let me love you. Like a sister. Like a best friend.
Growing up with love, you will never know what it meant to me just to meet someone like you, experience this journey with you. To be amazed by you. To be proud of you. Just to be in love with you.
We are so many worlds apart, we were bound to fail. Yet we've managed somehow to connect. Found our links and bonds.
You and me, we were one, so alike at times, so perfect. And now, I am and you are and we are just a memory, because you're gone.
And I miss you.
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