Post something you can't say out loud.

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To weird friend: YOU NEED TO GET A LIFE AND STOP COPYING ME! First you don't like CSI, then you do, then you don't, then you do, then you don't...and soon as I say something about it you're all obsession with CSI again. GRRRRR...I've got you all figured out! and you're not the person I thought you were.

To the friends I have that aren't backstabbers, big mouths, copy cats etc.: You guys I no, you don't realize. You guys are like my friends and you arn't completely weirdo like a lot of people are towards me.

To my girlfriend: Oh my god, you don't even realize how special you make me feel! I finally feel loved, because I finally know what it feels like to be truly loved! You totally healed my whole're the sunshine in my day! I love you sooo much! <3
To a Girl who Likes me: Look, Please stop saying you love me. I know you like me, But I only like you as a friend. Plus I have a boyfriend. I don't know why you dumped your boyfriend for me, Because I've told you a Million times that I don't like you more then a friend. So Please stop telling me that you love me. I don't love you, I love my Boyfriend.
To A Friend: Stop being so naïve. First you didn't like a friend of mine because her music taste, and now when she likes your kind of music, you're her best friend. She won tickets for an event, she promised me to go with her, and now she has invited you. I see you have big fun at that event, and that's cool, I'm not jealous or something, but you just kiss-ass. You don't have to tell me you didn't like her before, cause now I even know you're more naïve. You look like you're lesbian with her (and that's NO offense to lesbians).
to all the guys in my class: You don't have to say I'm ugly everytime or make a stupid remark about me cause I KNOW I'm ugly and don't need to here that everytime!!!
To my girlfriend: I like you so much that I forget about myself sometimes. I know you want to take it slow, and so do I, but my feelings sometimes don't seem to want to work along. I'm scared that I'll push you away because I'm going too fast, which really isn't my intention.
to a certain someone: it really cute that you want me to help you figure out the confusing thing the heck am i supposed to know! and spending time wiht you isnt exactly the funnest thing when that is all you talk about!!
but whatever...i still love you...bffae!
to my someone: Im worry about tomorrow. Im sad, worried, confuse. I really wanted to be there for you but its okay thay your bf is going to be there. Everything is going to be okay and you're going to be fine and we're going to party like we always do! luv u
To a guy that hurt me really bad:
Who do you think you are!? you really hurt me. I thought you were my friend. I thought we could have been more. Do you alway fuc*ing do this? Gosh, what did I ever see in you? You're a liar, you're a cheater, you're an ass. I hate you, you know that? I hate you. I'm glad you're leaving, I never wanna see your face again.

*cries to myself...* just need a little time to get over what i just said *grabbs kleenex*
To "D" : Oh you know, I've never really realized how much you meant in my life until I saw someone who looked an aweful lot like you that day. How could I? I was supposed to be lost in the rows and rows of books. Nothing separating me from the books and yet when she walked past me, I froze. Gosh, it was like staring at your back. I don't know what feeling came over me so I just rested my forehead on the cold, steel bookshelf. I don't care. The next time we meet, the first thing you'll get from me is a hug. *crosses arms*
To a person: Please stop swearing your mout of at me, putting words in my mouth and thoughts in my head. I do care about you, you just have got the wrong idea. I never said your life was easy, but I never knew that you could exaturate it to seem this hard. I know what you've seen and beeen through, I've been through a lot of it too. So you can't go telling me to eff off and that I don't understand anything. I so just don't see the whole story I guess.
To a friend: Stop acting you are too good to go out with us on the weekends. So what you study medicine. so what you study out of town, so do I. But I still come back every weekend to hang out with our friends, you know, those people who support you unconditionally whenever you need it? So just get you head out of your ass and stop thinking you are God's gift to mankind.
To A Friend Also: Please stop with the drugs, drinking, & all the other gross habits you have. You're ruining ur future. You had excellent friends , and now you have druggies and you think they care about you? If they cared about you they wouldnt be giving you all those chemicals. (I am not one of her bad friends)
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